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Thread: Excel Lock-Up on VBA script

  1. #1
    VBAX Newbie
    Jun 2007

    Excel Lock-Up on VBA script

    Hello everyone,
    I am having an issue that hopefully will not be to difficult to figure out. I am having a bear of a time with it. I will post the code below.

    I am using Excel 2003, and connecting to a remote Access 2003 database.

    Ok here is my issue, If I place a break point in where I have shown here in my code example, and step through the for loop one at a time, everything works just fine. As soon as I try to remove the break point and let it run on its own, it gets locked up. I have tried Application wait times up to 5 seconds, and still the same issue. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

    I Had to remove a few lines because they contained a linking method to the access database through h t t p protocol and since im new here I have less than 5 posts. I am also not a troller or speed poster so I am not going to cheat the system to get them.

    [vba]Option Explicit
    Sub RunReport_Button()
    End Sub
    Sub ClearReport_Button()
    ClearReport (True)
    End Sub
    Private Sub Results()
    'Error handling, used to trap and take action on specific types of errors.
    On Error GoTo Exception

    Dim Configuration As Worksheet
    Dim ServerRange As Range
    Dim Status As Range
    Dim OverrideEvent As Range
    Dim DurationEvent As Range
    Dim RateMin As Range
    Dim TotalAmt As Range
    Dim EndOverrideEvent As Range
    Dim EventStartTime As Range
    Dim EventEndTime As Range
    Dim EventDuration As Range
    Dim EventTotal As Range
    Dim TotalField As Currency
    Dim DurationTime As Integer
    Dim ReportTotal As Integer
    Dim DurationStart As Date
    Dim TotalEventDuration As Date
    Dim TrendStartDate, TrendEndDate, Tempdate As Date
    Dim Server As String
    Dim Username As String
    Dim Password As String
    Dim ResultsTrend() As String
    Dim ResultsTrend2() As String
    Dim OverrideTemp(50) As Worksheet
    Dim RefreshResults As String
    Dim Value As Range
    Dim NewRow As Integer
    Dim Expression As Range
    Dim Description As Range
    Dim Config_Electric As Worksheet
    Dim Error_Page As Worksheet
    Dim Error As Range
    Dim Unprotect As Integer
    Dim Protect As Integer
    Dim k As Integer
    Dim test1 As String
    Dim test2 As String
    Dim DateMult As Integer
    Dim DateTest As Date
    Dim ValDate As Date

    Set Configuration = Worksheets("Configuration")
    Set OverrideTemp(0) = Worksheets("Meter_1")
    Set OverrideTemp(1) = Worksheets("Meter_2")
    Set OverrideTemp(2) = Worksheets("Meter_3")
    Set OverrideTemp(3) = Worksheets("Meter_4")
    Set OverrideTemp(4) = Worksheets("Meter_5")
    Set OverrideTemp(5) = Worksheets("Meter_6")
    Set OverrideTemp(6) = Worksheets("Meter_7")
    Set OverrideTemp(7) = Worksheets("Meter_8")
    Set OverrideTemp(8) = Worksheets("Meter_9")
    Set OverrideTemp(9) = Worksheets("Meter_10")
    Set OverrideTemp(10) = Worksheets("Meter_11")
    Set OverrideTemp(11) = Worksheets("Meter_12")
    Set OverrideTemp(12) = Worksheets("Meter_13")
    Set OverrideTemp(13) = Worksheets("Meter_14")
    Set OverrideTemp(14) = Worksheets("Meter_15")
    Set Config_Electric = Worksheets("Configuration_Electric")
    Set Expression = Config_Electric.Range("GeoRefStart")
    Set Description = Config_Electric.Range("DescriptionStart")
    Set Value = Config_Electric.Range("ValueStart")
    Set Error_Page = Worksheets("Error_Page")
    Set Error = Configuration.Range("ErrorStatus")
    Server = Configuration.Range("Host").Value
    Set ServerRange = Configuration.Range("Host")
    test1 = 100
    test2 = 200
    DateTest = "11/2/2006"

    ClearReport (True)

    '//This section unprotecs all the sheets in the workbook//'


    For Unprotect = 0 To 14


    Username = Configuration.Range("Username").Value
    Password = Configuration.Range("Password").Value

    'Get the start and end date.
    TrendStartDate = Configuration.Range("StartDate").Value
    TrendEndDate = Configuration.Range("EndDate").Value

    ' Advance the time on the end date to the last second of the day.
    TrendEndDate = DateAdd("h", 23, TrendEndDate)
    TrendEndDate = DateAdd("n", 59, TrendEndDate)
    TrendEndDate = DateAdd("s", 59, TrendEndDate)

    Set Status = Error_Page.Range("StatusStart")

    For k = 0 To 14
    Dim i, j, index, index2, size, size2, value1, value2, holder, indexholder As Integer
    index = 0

    'Get the trend data.
    '/Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 1)

    '/BREAK =======>
    ResultsTrend = GetTrendData(Server, Username, Password, TrendStartDate, TrendEndDate, 0, 0, OverrideTemp(k).Range("F1").Value, Status)
    holder = Val(ResultsTrend(index + 1))
    indexholder = index
    DateMult = OverrideTemp(k).Range("X1").Value

    ' Results is time/value string pairs
    ' Compute size: result is 0 based, so add one to UBound to get size
    size = (UBound(ResultsTrend) + 1) / 2
    size2 = (UBound(ResultsTrend) + 1) / 2
    TotalField = 0

    Set EventStartTime = OverrideTemp(k).Range("B16")
    Set EventDuration = OverrideTemp(k).Range("C16")

    For i = 1 To size
    j = i + 14

    If (((size * 2) - 1) >= (index + 2)) Then

    test2 = DateValue(ResultsTrend(index + 2))

    test2 = DateValue(ResultsTrend(index))
    test2 = DateAdd("d", -1, test2)
    End If
    test1 = DateValue(ResultsTrend(index))

    If (test1 = test2) Then
    value1 = Val(ResultsTrend(index + 1))
    value2 = Val(ResultsTrend(index + 3))
    If (value1 <= value2) Then
    holder = value2
    indexholder = index + 2
    End If

    'Insert the date from the extracted trend info.
    OverrideTemp(k).Cells(EventStartTime.Row, EventStartTime.Column).Value = ResultsTrend(indexholder)
    'OverrideTemp(k).Cells(EventStartTime.Row, EventStartTime.Column).Value = DateAdd("d", -1, OverrideTemp(k).Cells(EventStartTime.Row, EventStartTime.Column).Value)
    OverrideTemp(k).Cells(EventStartTime.Row, EventStartTime.Column).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

    ValDate = test1
    If (ValDate < DateTest) Then
    'Insert the value from the extracted trend info.
    OverrideTemp(k).Cells(EventDuration.Row, EventDuration.Column).Value = holder * DateMult
    OverrideTemp(k).Cells(EventDuration.Row, EventDuration.Column).NumberFormat = "0.0"
    OverrideTemp(k).Cells(EventDuration.Row, EventDuration.Column).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

    'Insert the value from the extracted trend info.
    OverrideTemp(k).Cells(EventDuration.Row, EventDuration.Column).Value = holder
    OverrideTemp(k).Cells(EventDuration.Row, EventDuration.Column).NumberFormat = "0.0"
    OverrideTemp(k).Cells(EventDuration.Row, EventDuration.Column).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    End If

    test1 = ResultsTrend(index)

    Set EventStartTime = OverrideTemp(k).Cells(EventStartTime.Row + 1, EventStartTime.Column)
    Set EventDuration = OverrideTemp(k).Cells(EventDuration.Row + 1, EventDuration.Column)

    End If

    index = index + 2

    Erase ResultsTrend
    ReDim ResultsTrend(0)

    '/ RefreshResults = GetValue(Server, Username, Password, Expression.Value, Status)

    '/ Value.Value = RefreshResults
    '/NewRow = Expression.Row + 1

    '/Set Expression = Config_Electric.Cells(NewRow, Expression.Column)
    '/Set Description = Config_Electric.Cells(NewRow, Expression.Column - 1)
    '/Set Value = Config_Electric.Cells(NewRow, Expression.Column + 1)
    '/Loop Until (Expression.Value = "")
    '///This section protects all the sheets in the workbook///'
    'Configuration.Protect , _
    DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True
    For Protect = 0 To 14
    OverrideTemp(Protect).Protect , _
    DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True
    Config_Electric.Protect , _
    DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True

    Exit Sub
    Error.Value = "Errors were found, please see error page."
    Error.Font.ColorIndex = 3
    Status.Value = "Error: " & OverrideTemp(k).Range("F1").Value & " " & Err.Description
    Set Status = Error_Page.Cells(Status.Row + 1, Status.Column)
    Status.Font.ColorIndex = 3
    'Debug.Print "Error: " & Err.Description
    Resume Next
    End Sub
    Sub ClearReport(ByVal DisplayMsg As Boolean)
    Dim Configuration As Worksheet
    Dim SEvent As Range
    Dim SEvent2 As Range
    Dim Error_Page As Worksheet
    Dim Status As Range
    Dim Error As Range
    Dim OverrideTemp(50) As Worksheet

    Set OverrideTemp(0) = Worksheets("Meter_1")
    Set OverrideTemp(1) = Worksheets("Meter_2")
    Set OverrideTemp(2) = Worksheets("Meter_3")
    Set OverrideTemp(3) = Worksheets("Meter_4")
    Set OverrideTemp(4) = Worksheets("Meter_5")
    Set OverrideTemp(5) = Worksheets("Meter_6")
    Set OverrideTemp(6) = Worksheets("Meter_7")
    Set OverrideTemp(7) = Worksheets("Meter_8")
    Set OverrideTemp(8) = Worksheets("Meter_9")
    Set OverrideTemp(9) = Worksheets("Meter_10")
    Set OverrideTemp(10) = Worksheets("Meter_11")
    Set OverrideTemp(11) = Worksheets("Meter_12")
    Set OverrideTemp(12) = Worksheets("Meter_13")
    Set OverrideTemp(13) = Worksheets("Meter_14")
    Set OverrideTemp(14) = Worksheets("Meter_15")
    Set Configuration = Worksheets("Configuration")
    Set Error_Page = Worksheets("Error_Page")
    Set Status = Error_Page.Range("StatusStart")
    Set Error = Configuration.Range("ErrorStatus")

    Dim k As Integer

    Error.Value = ""
    'Configuration.Protect , _
    DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True

    Status.Value = ""
    Set Status = Error_Page.Cells(Status.Row + 1, Status.Column)
    Loop While Not (Status.Value = "")

    For k = 0 To 14
    Set SEvent = OverrideTemp(k).Range("B16")



    Selection.Font.Bold = False
    Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone
    Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone
    Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlNone
    Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = xlNone
    Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlNone
    Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = xlNone
    Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical).LineStyle = xlNone
    Selection.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal).LineStyle = xlNone

    Set SEvent = OverrideTemp(k).Cells(SEvent.Row + 1, SEvent.Column)
    Set SEvent2 = OverrideTemp(k).Cells(SEvent.Row + 1, SEvent.Column)
    Loop While (SEvent.Value = Empty & SEvent2.Value = Empty)

    OverrideTemp(k).Protect , _
    DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True

    'Let the user know that the report is finished.
    If (DisplayMsg) Then
    'MsgBox "Report Data Cleared!"
    End If

    End Sub
    Private Function GetTrendData(ByVal Server As String, ByVal Username As String, ByVal Password As String, ByVal StartDate As Date, ByVal EndDate As Date, ByVal LimitFromStart As Boolean, ByVal MaxRecords As Integer, ByVal TrendExpression As String, ByRef Status As Range) As String()
    On Error GoTo Exception

    Dim RetrieveAllTrends As Boolean
    Dim URD As String
    Dim client As MSSOAPLib30.SoapClient30
    Dim Error_Page As Worksheet
    Set Error_Page = Worksheets("Error_Page")

    Set client = CreateObject("MSSOAP.SOAPClient30")

    client.mssoapinit (URD)
    client.ConnectorProperty("WinHTTPAuthScheme") = 1
    client.ConnectorProperty("AuthUser") = Username
    client.ConnectorProperty("AuthPassword") = Password
    ' ^^^^^^ New Authentication Method Supported with WC3.0 ^^^^^^

    '************************************************************************** ***************************
    'NOTE: To retieve ALL trend values from WebCTRL (for a given date range), set the following to True:
    '************************************************************************** ***************************
    'RetrieveAllTrends = False
    RetrieveAllTrends = True

    If (RetrieveAllTrends) Then
    ' vvvvvv New Authentication Method Supported with WC3.0 vvvvvv
    GetTrendData = client.GetTrendData(TrendExpression, Format(StartDate, "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss AMPM"), Format(EndDate, "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss AMPM"), LimitFromStart, 0)
    ' ^^^^^^ New Authentication Method Supported with WC3.0 ^^^^^^
    ' vvvvvv New Authentication Method Supported with WC3.0 vvvvvv
    GetTrendData = client.GetTrendData(TrendExpression, Format(StartDate, "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss AMPM"), Format(EndDate, "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss AMPM"), LimitFromStart, MaxRecords)
    ' ^^^^^^ New Authentication Method Supported with WC3.0 ^^^^^^
    End If

    Exit Function
    Status.Font.ColorIndex = 3
    'Debug.Print TrendExpression & " error: " & Err.Description
    End Function
    Public Function GetValue(ByVal Server As String, ByVal Username As String, ByVal Password As String, ByVal Expression As String, ByVal Status As Range) As String
    On Error GoTo Exception

    Dim client As MSSOAPLib30.SoapClient30
    Set client = CreateObject("MSSOAP.SOAPClient30")
    client.mssoapinit ("" & Server & "/_common/services/EvalService?wsdl")
    Dim Error_Page As Worksheet
    Set Error_Page = Worksheets("Error_Page")

    GetValue = client.GetValue(Username, Password, Expression)
    Exit Function
    Debug.Print "Error (GetValue): " & Err.Description
    Status.Value = Err.Description
    GetValue = ""
    End Function


    Here is my thought. I am not sure if this is possible, but its the only thing I could think of under this circumstance.

    Perhaps the call to the database is failing for some reason, and never finishing that procedure. Hence not allowing the rest of the code to continue? If this could possibly be the case would there be any way to set a time out period for the call to the database, and say if it doesnt complete the call within "X" seconds it will cancel it and try it again?
    Last edited by r1pt1de; 06-15-2007 at 06:13 AM.

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