This is more a vba than an excel question, but I am running the sub below from Excel:

Sub googletrans()
Dim oHTTP As Object
f = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\gtran.htm"
Open f For Output As #1
cURL = ""
cPost = "langpair=en|zh-CN&ie=UTF8&text=apple"
Set oHTTP = CreateObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")
oHTTP.Open "POST", cURL & cPost, False
oHTTP.SetRequestHeader "UserAgent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98"
oHTTP.Send ""
Print #1, oHTTP.ResponseText
Close #1
End Sub

If you manually go to the google site and ask to translate 'apple' to traditional Chinese you will see 2 Chinese chars. If you open the gtans.htm created by the sub you will see ??

I tried a similar sun using xStandard's freeware xHTTP and got some funcky Unicode. Since responsetext is returned as Unicode, probably the Print statement renders it as ANSI. My question is: I would like to get the same rendering for the translated Chinese chars as I would by manually navigating the site. Anyone? Stan