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Thread: Cross tab query

  1. #1

    Cross tab query

    Dear All

    I have created report based on a cross tab query. the snap shot of that query is available at following address.

    I want to allow user that he pick required monthyear from a criteria form named "Reportmenu". but I couldn't. But if I manually entered e.g. 062007 in query criteria field then query run and gives required result.

    Have any one any idea?

    Thanks in advance for any type of help.


  2. #2
    VBAX Guru
    Mar 2005
    Wasim, for some obscure reason CrossTab Queries do not like Criteria Inputs form users.
    You could try moving the Criteria to a Pre Query, which just filters the records. You would then base your Crosstab Query on the Pre Query.
    That sometimes works.
    You can save your Form selections to a Table that holds Temporary data.
    You would then include that table in the Crosstab with the 2 tables Linked. Or you could try using the value held in that Temp table in a Criteria using the Dlookup Function.
    If you can post or email a zipped copy of the Database I can take a look for you.

  3. #3
    For form criteria to function correctly in a crosstab query, you must explicitly define them in the query parameters. Right-click in the table grid of the query, select parameters. Enter the reference to your form control, and set its data type.

    Matt Jones
    MS Access Certified Professional 2K/2003

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