I'm trying to download pages. I'v written function using winHTTP.

[VBA]Function httpreq(url As String) As String
Dim whr As New WinHttp.WinHttpRequest
whr.Open "GET", url, False
whr.SetProxy 1, "", ""
httpreq = whr.responseText
End Function[/VBA]

But it can't comletely download any page. At the office it works fine, but at home - problems. When I'd replaced it with another function, that uses IE to download - everithing went fine. I can't say that the speed of my internet connection is too slow. whr.Send command lasts few seconds (>10). And all the files are 2-3 kB, instead of 30-50 kB.

At work I'm connected through the proxy server, at home - through the gateway.

Any thoughts what can be the reason of my problem?