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Thread: delete umatched items from two seperate worksheets

  1. #1
    VBAX Contributor
    Aug 2007

    delete umatched items from two seperate worksheets

    Hi Everyone

    I have the follwing VBA, i need to match two worksheet and delete items (rows) in work sheet 2 that DO NOT match with worksheet 1 "must be and exact match" - then delete unmatched - rows

    And also i want to say which two col'n i want to match in the spreadsheet.

    I will attched the excel spread sheet for you to look at.

    Any questio, message me back......

    here is the vab code:

    Sub DeleteunmatchedData()
    Col1 = Application.InputBox("Please enter column for sheet 1")
    If Col1 = False Then: Exit Sub
    Loop Until IsNumeric(Col1) And Col1 <> vbNullString
    Col2 = Application.InputBox("Please enter 2nd column for sheet 2")
    If Col2 = False Then: Exit Sub
    Loop Until IsNumeric(Col1) And Col1 <> vbNullString
    For r = 1 To Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
    If Sheets(1).Cells(r, Col1).Value <> Sheets(2).Cells(r, Col2).Value Then
    Sheets(2).Cells(r, Col2).EnitreRow.Delete
    End If
    Next r
    End Sub

  2. #2
    please answer these questions

    Let's say I find data "xyz" in cell A24 of sheet1.
    Does it have to be in cell A24 of sheet2, or it can be anywhere in the sheet.

    Is it possible that there are more than one matches in sheet2 for any item in sheet1?

    I think this problem is best solved with helper columns, so that you mark the rows that should remain before actually deleting the rest. The question is, is this the whole data? Can you use e.g. column B for markers? Or will this overwrite data that is not in the example workbook?

    The more details you give, the easier it is to understand your question. Don't save the effort, tell us twice rather than not at all. The amount of info you give strongly influences the quality of answer, and also how fast you get it.

  3. #3
    VBAX Contributor
    Aug 2007
    Hi thanks for the reply firstly,

    Q1. It can be anywhere in that column.....A24, A150 etc....

    Q2. NO........not possible at all. Unless you have found some?

    Q3. Just need to compare the two columns i tell it to....the data in sheet 2 can change if updated......the data in sheet 1 can change. Hence, that is why i want to take only the relevant rows of sheet 2 "that match sheet 1" and delete the rest.

    Kindly example what you mean by marker?........

  4. #4

    No, I haven't found anything, just asked because if there could be more than one instances of the same item, it would require a totally different approach.

    By markers I meant that I put a "+" sign next to any items that have a pair in the other sheet. Try the following code for visual impression. This is a modified version of a macro I posted yesterday, in another thread.

    [vba]Sub Compare()
    Dim Head1 As Range, Head2 As Range
    Dim Original_List As Range, Compare_List As Range
    Dim c As Range, Hit As Range

    Set Head1 = Sheets(1).Range("A1")
    Set Head2 = Sheets(2).Range("A1")

    Set Original_List = Range(Head1.Offset(1), Head1.End(xlDown))
    Set Compare_List = Range(Head2.Offset(1), Head2.End(xlDown))

    For Each c In Original_List.Cells
    Set Hit = Compare_List.Find(c.Value, , xlValues, xlWhole, , , False)
    If Not Hit Is Nothing Then
    c.Offset(, 1) = "+"
    Hit.Offset(, 1) = "+"
    End If

    MsgBox "Markers added. Click OK to delete unmarked rows.", vbOKOnly

    'delete unmarked items
    On Error Resume Next
    Original_List.Offset(, 1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).EntireRow.Delete
    Compare_List.Offset(, 1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).EntireRow.Delete

    'delete markers
    Original_List.Offset(, 1).ClearContents
    Compare_List.Offset(, 1).ClearContents
    End Sub
    The more details you give, the easier it is to understand your question. Don't save the effort, tell us twice rather than not at all. The amount of info you give strongly influences the quality of answer, and also how fast you get it.

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