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Thread: Excel Workbook & Tabs List

  1. #1
    VBAX Regular
    Jul 2007

    Excel Workbook & Tabs List

    Does anyone know of any code out there that you could run over a selected folder structure that would give you a list of all the excel spreadsheets within that folder and a list of all teh tabs (worksheets within).


  2. #2
    Distinguished Lord of VBAX VBAX Grand Master Bob Phillips's Avatar
    Apr 2005
    This gives you a hyperlinked list of files, you will need to extend for sheets


    Option Explicit

    Private cnt As Long
    Private arfiles
    Private level As Long

    Sub Folders()
    Dim i As Long
    Dim sFolder As String
    Dim iStart As Long
    Dim iEnd As Long
    Dim fOutline As Boolean

    arfiles = Array()
    cnt = -1
    level = 1

    sFolder = "E:\"
    ReDim arfiles(2, 0)
    If sFolder <> "" Then
    SelectFiles sFolder
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    On Error Resume Next
    On Error GoTo 0
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    Worksheets.Add.Name = "Files"
    With ActiveSheet
    For i = LBound(arfiles, 2) To UBound(arfiles, 2)
    If arfiles(0, i) = "" Then
    If fOutline Then
    Rows(iStart + 1 & ":" & iEnd).Rows.Group
    End If
    With .Cells(i + 1, arfiles(2, i))
    .Value = arfiles(1, i)
    .Font.Bold = True
    End With
    iStart = i + 1
    iEnd = iStart
    fOutline = False
    .Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=.Cells(i + 1, arfiles(2, i)), _
    Address:=arfiles(0, i), _
    TextToDisplay:=arfiles(1, i)
    iEnd = iEnd + 1
    fOutline = True
    End If
    .Columns("A:Z").ColumnWidth = 5
    End With
    End If
    'just in case there is another set to group
    If fOutline Then
    Rows(iStart + 1 & ":" & iEnd).Rows.Group
    End If

    Columns("A:Z").ColumnWidth = 5
    ActiveSheet.Outline.ShowLevels RowLevels:=1
    ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines = False

    End Sub

    Sub SelectFiles(Optional sPath As String)
    Static FSO As Object
    Dim oSubFolder As Object
    Dim oFolder As Object
    Dim oFile As Object
    Dim oFiles As Object
    Dim arPath

    If FSO Is Nothing Then
    Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    End If

    If sPath = "" Then
    sPath = CurDir
    End If

    arPath = Split(sPath, "\")
    cnt = cnt + 1
    ReDim Preserve arfiles(2, cnt)
    arfiles(0, cnt) = ""
    arfiles(1, cnt) = arPath(level - 1)
    arfiles(2, cnt) = level

    Set oFolder = FSO.GetFolder(sPath)
    Set oFiles = oFolder.Files
    For Each oFile In oFiles
    cnt = cnt + 1
    ReDim Preserve arfiles(2, cnt)
    arfiles(0, cnt) = oFolder.Path & "\" & oFile.Name
    arfiles(1, cnt) = oFile.Name
    arfiles(2, cnt) = level + 1
    Next oFile

    level = level + 1
    For Each oSubFolder In oFolder.Subfolders
    SelectFiles oSubFolder.Path
    level = level - 1

    End Sub
    Nihil simul inventum est et perfectum

    Abusus non tollit usum

    Last night I dreamed of a small consolation enjoyed only by the blind: Nobody knows the trouble I've not seen!
    James Thurber

  3. #3
    VBAX Master
    Jun 2007
    East Sussex
    This is a list of files and sheets (not hyperlinked though):
    [vba]Sub ListFilesAndSheets()
    Dim FS As FileSearch
    Dim lngCounter As Long, lngRow As Long, lngOutputrow As Long, lngSheetCount As Long
    Dim wbk As Workbook, wks As Worksheet
    Dim rngData As Range
    Dim strParentFolder As String
    Dim varSheets
    strParentFolder = GetFolder()
    If Len(strParentFolder) = 0 Then Exit Sub
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    lngOutputrow = 1
    Set FS = Application.FileSearch
    With FS
    .LookIn = strParentFolder
    .SearchSubFolders = True
    .Filename = "*.xls"
    .MatchTextExactly = True
    .FileType = msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks
    ' Loop through all the found files
    For lngCounter = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
    varSheets = ListSheetsInFile(.FoundFiles(lngCounter))
    lngSheetCount = UBound(varSheets)
    Cells(lngOutputrow, 1).Value = .FoundFiles(lngCounter)
    Range(Cells(lngOutputrow, 2), Cells(lngOutputrow + lngSheetCount - 1, 2)).Value = Application.Transpose(varSheets)
    lngOutputrow = lngOutputrow + lngSheetCount
    Next lngCounter
    End With
    Set FS = Nothing
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub
    Function ListSheetsInFile(ByVal strFile As String) As String()
    Dim xlConn As Object 'ADODB.Connection
    Dim xlSheets As Object 'ADODB.Recordset
    Dim astrSheets() As String, strSheet As String
    Dim lngSheetCounter As Long
    ' On Error GoTo err_handler
    'connect to the file
    Set xlConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    With xlConn
    .Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
    .Properties("Extended Properties") = "Excel 8.0;IMEX=1"
    .Open strFile
    End With
    lngSheetCounter = 1
    'see sheet names in the immediate window
    Set xlSheets = xlConn.OpenSchema(20) '20=adSchemaTables
    With xlSheets
    Do While Not .EOF
    strSheet = .Fields("TABLE_NAME").Value
    If InStr(1, strSheet, "$") > 0 Then
    If Right$(Replace$(strSheet, "'", ""), 1) = "$" Then
    ReDim Preserve astrSheets(1 To lngSheetCounter)
    astrSheets(lngSheetCounter) = Replace$(Left$(strSheet, InStr(1, strSheet, "$") - 1), "'", "")
    lngSheetCounter = lngSheetCounter + 1
    End If
    End If
    End With
    On Error Resume Next
    ListSheetsInFile = astrSheets()
    Set xlSheets = Nothing
    Set xlConn = Nothing
    Exit Function

    MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
    Resume clean_up
    End Function
    Function GetFolder() As String
    Dim dlg As FileDialog
    Set dlg = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
    If dlg.Show = -1 Then
    GetFolder = dlg.SelectedItems(1)
    End If
    End Function

    Microsoft MVP - Excel

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