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Thread: Solved: auto copy and sort on change 2 columns

  1. #1
    VBAX Expert mperrah's Avatar
    Mar 2005

    Solved: auto copy and sort on change 2 columns

    I'm trying to auto update a list of tech names and ID numbers (2 columns)
    when ever a new tech is added to a source sheet, I need to copy and past it to a techlist sheet and sort (name and ID) keeping the name and id linked

    I found a code to paste 1 column and sort,
    I modified the code to sort both columns,
    I'm having trouble seeing how to update both columns (paste 2 columns for sorting).

    Also the source sheet has a datavalidation list as the target,
    I either need to make this dv copy all the way down the page for the code to work,
    or find a way to make the code work without the dataval cell.
    I'm not sure if the code can be altered so the dv is not necessary.
    The source sheet gives you the option of clicking a drop down list to change the value in the source cell, I don't need this option.
    I have a macro that pastes data to the source sheet and I will not change it after that.
    The pasted data just needs to be scanned for new unique values and add the unique values to the archive list and sort it by tech ID.

    This is the code on the source sheet (QCDetail):
    [vba]Option Explicit
    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim rngDV As Range
    Dim rng As Range
    If Target.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
    Set ws = Worksheets("wqc")
    If Target.Row > 1 Then

    On Error Resume Next
    Set rngDV = Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeAllValidation)
    On Error GoTo 0
    If rngDV Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    If Intersect(Target, rngDV) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    Set rng = ws.Range(Cells(1, Target.Column) & "List")
    If Application.WorksheetFunction _
    .CountIf(rng, Target.Value) Then
    Exit Sub
    i = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, rng.Column).End(xlUp).Row + 1
    ws.Cells(i, rng.Column).Value = Target.Value
    Set rng = ws.Range(Cells(1, Target.Column) & "List")
    End If
    End If
    End Sub[/vba]

    here is the archive sheet (wqc) that sorts the 2 columns:
    [vba]Option Explicit
    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("wqc").Sort.SortFields.Add _
    Key:=Range("techid"), _
    SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, _
    With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("wqc").Sort
    .SetRange Range("techarray")
    .Header = xlGuess
    .MatchCase = False
    .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
    .SortMethod = xlPinYin
    End With
    End Sub[/vba]

    the techID range is named :

    the tech name range is named:

    the techname and id array is named:

    I've attached the file.
    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    VBAX Expert mperrah's Avatar
    Mar 2005

    Trying Modified userform

    I found this file that makes a userform extracting unique values and sorting.
    I'm trying to get the additem to add to a cell range instead of the userform.
    Here is the origional code slightly modified (works on the form)
    [vba]Option Explicit
    ' This example is based on a tip by J.G. Hussey,
    ' published in "Visual Basic Programmer's Journal"
    Sub RemoveDuplicates()
    Dim AllCells As Range, Cell As Range, Cellb As Range
    Dim AllCellsb As Range
    Dim NoDupes As New Collection
    Dim NoDupesb As New Collection
    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
    Dim ib As Integer, jb As Integer
    Dim Swap1, Swap2, Item
    Dim Swap1b, Swap2b, Itemb

    ' The items are in a range named Countries
    Set AllCells = Range("TechName")
    Set AllCellsb = Range("TechID")

    ' The next statement ignores the error caused
    ' by attempting to add a duplicate key to the collection.
    ' The duplicate is not added - which is just what we want!
    On Error Resume Next
    For Each Cell In AllCells
    NoDupes.Add Cell.Value, CStr(Cell.Value)
    ' Note: the 2nd argument (key) for the Add method must be a string
    Next Cell

    For Each Cellb In AllCellsb
    NoDupesb.Add Cellb.Value, CStr(Cellb.Value)
    ' Note: the 2nd argument (key) for the Add method must be a string
    Next Cellb
    ' Resume normal error handling
    On Error GoTo 0
    ' Update the labels on UserForm1
    With UserForm1
    .Label1.Caption = "Total Techs: " & AllCells.Count
    .Label2.Caption = "Unique Techs: " & NoDupes.Count
    .Label3.Caption = "Total IDs: " & AllCellsb.Count
    .Label4.Caption = "Unique IDs: " & NoDupesb.Count
    End With

    ' Sort the collection (optional)
    For i = 1 To NoDupes.Count - 1
    For j = i + 1 To NoDupes.Count
    If NoDupes(i) > NoDupes(j) Then
    Swap1 = NoDupes(i)
    Swap2 = NoDupes(j)
    NoDupes.Add Swap1, before:=j
    NoDupes.Add Swap2, before:=i
    NoDupes.Remove i + 1
    NoDupes.Remove j + 1
    End If
    Next j
    Next i
    For ib = 1 To NoDupesb.Count - 1
    For jb = ib + 1 To NoDupesb.Count
    If NoDupesb(ib) > NoDupesb(jb) Then
    Swap1b = NoDupesb(ib)
    Swap2b = NoDupesb(jb)
    NoDupesb.Add Swap1b, before:=jb
    NoDupesb.Add Swap2b, before:=ib
    NoDupesb.Remove ib + 1
    NoDupesb.Remove jb + 1
    End If
    Next jb
    Next ib

    ' Add the sorted, non-duplicated items to a ListBox
    For Each Item In NoDupes
    UserForm1.ListBox1.AddItem Item
    Next Item
    For Each Itemb In NoDupesb
    UserForm1.ListBox2.AddItem Itemb
    Next Itemb
    ' Show the UserForm
    End Sub

    This is what I have so far.
    It stops at this line
        Range("B:B").Value = NoDupes
    I think the entire collection could just be pasted to b1 and fill down,
    Not sure if it needs a loop because the values are allready arranged and sorted, so the entire collection should be able to be just pasted.
    I tried the range.value = collection idea, but no go...
    Any Ideas?
    [vba]Option Explicit
    Sub RemoveDuplicates()
    Dim AllCells As Range, Cell As Range, Cellb As Range
    Dim AllCellsb As Range
    Dim NoDupes As New Collection
    Dim NoDupesb As New Collection
    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
    Dim ib As Integer, jb As Integer
    Dim Swap1, Swap2, Item
    Dim Swap1b, Swap2b, Itemb
    Dim wsDest As Worksheet

    ' The items are in a range named TechName and Techs
    Set AllCells = Worksheets("QCDetail").Range("TechName") ' column A QCDetail
    Set AllCellsb = Worksheets("QCDetail").Range("Techs") ' column B QCDetail Sort this
    Set wsDest = Worksheets("WQC")

    ' The next statement ignores the error caused
    ' by attempting to add a duplicate key to the collection.
    ' The duplicate is not added - which is just what we want!
    On Error Resume Next
    For Each Cell In AllCells
    NoDupes.Add Cell.Value, CStr(Cell.Value)
    ' Note: the 2nd argument (key) for the Add method must be a string
    Next Cell

    For Each Cellb In AllCellsb
    NoDupesb.Add Cellb.Value, CStr(Cellb.Value)
    ' Note: the 2nd argument (key) for the Add method must be a string
    Next Cellb
    ' Resume normal error handling
    On Error GoTo 0
    ' Sort the collection (optional)
    For i = 1 To NoDupes.Count - 1
    For j = i + 1 To NoDupes.Count
    If NoDupes(i) > NoDupes(j) Then
    Swap1 = NoDupes(i)
    Swap2 = NoDupes(j)
    NoDupes.Add Swap1, before:=j
    NoDupes.Add Swap2, before:=i
    NoDupes.Remove i + 1
    NoDupes.Remove j + 1
    End If
    Next j
    Next i
    For ib = 1 To NoDupesb.Count - 1
    For jb = ib + 1 To NoDupesb.Count
    If NoDupesb(ib) > NoDupesb(jb) Then
    Swap1b = NoDupesb(ib)
    Swap2b = NoDupesb(jb)
    NoDupesb.Add Swap1b, before:=jb
    NoDupesb.Add Swap2b, before:=ib
    NoDupesb.Remove ib + 1
    NoDupesb.Remove jb + 1
    End If
    Next jb
    Next ib

    ' Add the sorted, non-duplicated items to a ListBox

    With Sheets("WQC")
    .Range("B1:B" & Rows.Count).ClearContents
    .Range("C1:C" & Rows.Count).ClearContents
    End With

    For Each Item In NoDupes ' Tech Name
    ' UserForm1.ListBox1.AddItem Item
    Range("B:B").Value = NoDupes
    Next Item

    For Each Itemb In NoDupesb ' Tech ID
    ' UserForm1.ListBox2.AddItem Itemb
    Range("C:C").Value = NoDupesb
    Next Itemb
    End Sub[/vba]

  3. #3
    VBAX Master
    Jul 2006
    Instead of the for each thing, try a loop from 1 to the number of items in NoDupes. Something like this (not tested).[VBA]For i = 1 To NoDupes.Count
    'or NoDupes(i-1) if you start with zero in the array
    Range("B" & i).Value = NoDupes(i)
    Next i[/VBA]

  4. #4
    VBAX Expert mperrah's Avatar
    Mar 2005
    Solved this from contextures. Recorded a Macro to copy values from a range of formulas, then sort.

  5. #5
    VBAX Expert mperrah's Avatar
    Mar 2005

    Posted Final


  6. #6
    VBAX Expert mperrah's Avatar
    Mar 2005
    Sorry Charlize,
    I posted while you posted.
    I'll test yours because mine is very slow...
    Good to see your input always!

  7. #7
    VBAX Expert mperrah's Avatar
    Mar 2005

    2000-2003 friendly version

    Previous works in 2007 only

    This one is 2000/2003 friendly

    The macro recorder used a srtfield vlaue not in previous versions even though I was in compatibility mode... Go figure.

    Hope this helps someone.


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