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Thread: Sorting a Selection Set

  1. #1
    VBAX Newbie
    Sep 2007

    Question Sorting a Selection Set

    Hi all. I have (below) a VBA program which takes a group of selected text objects and re-numbers them automatically based on a user input starting number (or letter). The problem is when I window in a group of objects, the resulting auto-numbering is not in any recognizable order (left to right or top to bottom). I need to be able to sort the output by object position (X and then Y). If I select individually it works fine because I am building the array order myself but if I window in a group weird things happen.

    EX: Need this . . . 1 2 3 . . . but get this . . . 5 6 8
    4 5 6 9 2 1
    7 8 9 3 7 4

    I am no expert in handling arrays and would appreciate any insight even if it is a total overhaul of the current code.

    Here is what I am using now:

    Option Explicit
    Private Sub cmdRenumber_Click()
    Dim varUserInput As Variant
    Dim varPrefix As String
    Dim varSuffix As String
    Dim objACAD As AcadApplication
    Dim objDOC As AcadDocument
    Dim objNEWSS As AcadSelectionSet
    Dim varPT1 As Variant
    Dim intGroupCode(0 To 4) As Integer
    Dim varGroupValue(0 To 4) As Variant
    Dim entTypeConstant As String
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim attribs As Variant
    intGroupCode(0) = -4
    varGroupValue(0) = "<OR"
    intGroupCode(1) = 0
    varGroupValue(1) = "insert"
    intGroupCode(2) = 0
    varGroupValue(2) = "text"
    intGroupCode(3) = 0
    varGroupValue(3) = "mtext"
    intGroupCode(4) = "-4"
    varGroupValue(4) = "OR>"
    varUserInput = frmReNumber.txtStartNumber.Text
    varPrefix = frmReNumber.txtPrefix.Text
    varSuffix = frmReNumber.txtSuffix.Text
    Set objACAD = ThisDrawing.Application
    Set objDOC = objACAD.ActiveDocument
    On Error Resume Next
    Set objNEWSS = objDOC.SelectionSets.Add("VBA")
    objNEWSS.SelectOnScreen intGroupCode, varGroupValue
    If objNEWSS.Count = 0 Then GoTo PickOnScreeN
    For i = 0 To objNEWSS.Count - 1
    entTypeConstant = objNEWSS.Item(i).EntityType
    If entTypeConstant = acText Or entTypeConstant = acMtext Then
    objNEWSS.Item(i).TextString = varPrefix & varUserInput & varSuffix
    End If
    If entTypeConstant = acBlockReference Then
    attribs = objNEWSS.Item(i).GetAttributes
    attribs(0).TextString = varUserInput
    End If
    frmReNumber.txtStartNumber.Text = AddtoCharacter(varUserInput, 1)
    varUserInput = frmReNumber.txtStartNumber.Text
    If Not objNEWSS Is Nothing Then objNEWSS.Delete
    End Sub
    Function AddtoCharacter(varUseramount As Variant, intUserAmountToADD As Integer) As Variant
    Dim intValue As Variant
    Select Case Asc(varUseramount)
    Case 65 To 89
    If Chr(Asc(varUseramount)) = varUseramount Then
    intValue = Asc(varUseramount) + intUserAmountToADD
    intValue = Chr(intValue)
    End If
    Case Else
    intValue = varUseramount + intUserAmountToADD
    End Select
    AddtoCharacter = intValue
    End Function


    Thanks, Jhomamah

    EDIT: Added VBA code tags - Tommy

  2. #2
    VBAX Master Tommy's Avatar
    May 2004
    Houston, TX
    Hi Jhomamah,

    Welcome to VBAexpress!

    In the code posted I do not see where you are sorting the insertion points.

    You also don't have to make the user select the objects, you can select all of the objects and filter them out the ones you don't want.
    One of the problems with sorting mtext insertion points is the alignment, top right, lower left, ....and then to make it really hairy the "bounding box" of mtext does not always match the text location.
    It would also be best to post a sample, with the macro and form so we can have the same information you have. After removing all personal information.

  3. #3
    VBAX Regular fixo's Avatar
    Jul 2006
    Hi Jhomamah
    Sorry for the late
    Attached is the way that may helps
    This was written for my own needs but
    you can use TableSort function


  4. #4
    VBAX Newbie
    Sep 2007

    Very interresting.

    Fatty. Thanks so much! I'll add it to my code and let you know how I make out.

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