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Thread: Solved: Excel to access cell for cell import

  1. #41
    Thanks, and once the queries are ready in Access how do i bring the specific ones through to Excel?

  2. #42
    Alright, i have read through the website provided, very interesting...

    Below is the code im tring to use to pull the info back to Excel...
    Its very basic cause im not too sure...

    [VBA]Dim oConn As Object
    Dim oRS As Object
    Dim sSQL As String

    Set oConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    oConn.Open = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
    "Data Source= C:\Documents and Settings\Desktop\Database Info\Sales Telly Store.mdb"

    SQL SELECT * from Query.Bookings

    SELECT Data.TellyTeam, Count(Data.TellyTeam) AS CountOfTellyTeam
    from Data
    GROUP BY Data.TellyTeam;
    SELECT Data.TellyTeam, Count(Data.ConfCode) AS CountOfConfCode
    from Data
    GROUP BY Data.TellyTeam;
    SELECT Data.TellyTeam, Count(Data.Sale) AS CountOfSale
    from Data
    WHERE ((([Data]![Sale]) = "Y"))
    GROUP BY Data.TellyTeam;
    SELECT Data.TellyTeam, Count(Data.AgtCode) AS CountOfAgtCode
    from Data
    GROUP BY Data.TellyTeam;

    oConn.Execute sSQL
    Set oConn = Nothing[/VBA]

  3. #43
    VBAX Master
    Jul 2006
    A wild guess that it's not doing what you want it to do. Take a look at my post where you were able to pull back all the data from a table. Along those lines (in green) is a small example of a where clause when mydate = 08/11/2007. If you want to see the bookings that are confirmed you'll have to query the database for the field confirmed to Y (if it's the field confirmed).

    Group By is used to group by a field. So if you got some salespersons you can group by the field salesperson.

    And every sql query that's doing something different has to be executed on his own (Deals ??? what's that)

    If you explain in plain english what you want, cause I'm afraid that this coding will not work (I could be wrong off course).

  4. #44
    We have a telemarketing department that phones people and they come in for a presentation, they then get allocated to a salesperson who does or does not write a sale (Deal) from that person...

    Tried the old VBA you sent

    [VBA]Sub GetData()
    'You have to set a reference to
    'microsoft dao 3.6 object library
    'Tested under excel 2003
    Dim Db As Database
    Dim Rs As Recordset
    Dim Ws As Object
    Dim i As Long
    Dim MyPath As String

    Set Ws = Worksheets(2)
    'Set the Path to the database. This line is useful because
    'if your database is in another location, you just need to change
    'it here and the Path Variable will be used throughout the code
    MyPath = "C:\Documents and Settings\Russell\Desktop\Database Info\Sales Telly Store.mdb"
    'This set of code will activate Sheet3 and clear any existing data
    'After clearing the data it will select cell A1
    'Set the Database, and RecordSet This Table exists in the database
    Set Db = Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase(MyPath, ReadOnly:=True)
    'This will set the RecordSet to all records in the Store table
    Set Rs = Db.OpenRecordset("Bookings")
    'Set Rs = _
    'Db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM Store WHERE Mydate = '08/11/2007';")
    'This loop will collect the field names and place them in the first
    'row starting at "A1"
    For i = 0 To Rs.Fields.Count - 1
    Ws.Cells(1, i + 1).Value = Rs.Fields(i).Name
    Next i
    'The next line simply formats the headers to bold font
    Ws.Range(Ws.Cells(1, 1), Ws.Cells(1, Rs.Fields.Count)).Font.Bold = True
    'The next line will get the data from the recordset and copy it
    'into the Worksheet (Sheet1).
    Ws.Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset Rs
    'This next code set will just select the data region and
    'auto-fit the columns
    End Sub[/VBA]

    But is come up with a missmatch error.

    I have created quesries in Access that already answer the template i have, i would just like to bring them back to excel...

    Make sense???

  5. #45
    Hey there

    I have ammeneded the code and think it will work but it gives me an error Run Time Error 13 a data type mismatch...

    [VBA]Sub GetData()
    'You have to set a reference to
    'microsoft dao 3.6 object library
    'Tested under excel 2003
    Dim Db As Database
    Dim Rs As Recordset
    Dim Ws As Object
    Dim i As Long
    Dim MyPath As String

    Set Ws = Worksheets(2)
    'Set the Path to the database. This line is useful because
    'if your database is in another location, you just need to change
    'it here and the Path Variable will be used throughout the code
    MyPath = "C:\Documents and Settings\Russell\Desktop\Database Info\Sales Telly Store.mdb"
    'This set of code will activate Sheet3 and clear any existing data
    'After clearing the data it will select cell A1
    'Set the Database, and RecordSet This Table exists in the database
    Set Db = Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase(MyPath, ReadOnly:=True)

    sSQL = "SELECT" * "Data.TellyTeam, Count(Data.AgtCode) AS CountOfAgtCode FROM Data GROUP BY Data.TellyTeam;"
    sSQL = "SELECT Data.TellyTeam, Count(Data.[NQ/Cat]) AS [CountOfNQ/Cat] FROM Data WHERE (([Data]![NQ/Cat] = Qual Or (Data.[NQ/Cat]) = QWOS Or (Data.[NQ/Cat]) = OF))GROUP BY Data.TellyTeam ORDER BY Data.TellyTeam;"
    sSQL = "SELECT Data.TellyTeam, Count(Data.AgtCode) AS CountOfAgtCode FROM Data GROUP BY Data.TellyTeam;"
    sSQL = "SELECT Data.TellyTeam, Count(Data.Sale) AS CountOfSale FROM Data WHERE ((([Data]![Sale]) = Y)) GROUP BY Data.TellyTeam;"
    sSQL = "SELECT Data.TellyTeam, Count(Data.ConfCode) AS CountOfConfCode FROM Data GROUP BY Data.TellyTeam;"
    sSQL = "SELECT Data.TellyTeam, Count(Data.TellyTeam) AS CountOfTellyTeam FROM Data GROUP BY Data.TellyTeam;"

    'This next code set will just select the data region and
    'auto-fit the columns
    End Sub

    Please help....

  6. #46
    VBAX Master
    Jul 2006
    Give a sanitized version of your acces database and a layout of the result you wish to achieve.

    - Even if you use 100 sql = statements, only the last one will be executed if you give the command

    and you better use [VBA]Db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM Data WHERE Sale = 'Y';")[/VBA]and Data is the name of your table in the .mdb database.

    By the way, your name is Russell ??? If not, it will not work for the path.

  7. #47
    Arent you on MSN so i can send you the database so you can see what im looking for?
    Could speed things up just a little...

    FYI - found this code which seems to do the trick

    [VBA]Dim SQL As String
    Dim filenm As String
    SQL = "Select * From Bookings"
    ' "C:\Documents and Settings\Bruce\My Documents\Databases\All Of Access\Ians Way.mdb"
    filenm = (ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\Sales Telly Store.mdb")
    Call GetCn(adoconn, adors, SQL, filenm, "", "")

    Dim xlSht As Excel.Worksheet
    Set xlSht = Sheets("Sheet2")
    xlSht.range("B2").CopyFromRecordset adors
    Set adors = Nothing
    Set adoconn = Nothing
    Set xlSht = Nothing

    SQL = "Select * From Confirmations"
    ' "C:\Documents and Settings\Bruce\My Documents\Databases\All Of Access\Ians Way.mdb"
    filenm = (ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\Sales Telly Store.mdb")
    Call GetCn(adoconn, adors, SQL, filenm, "", "")

    Set xlSht = Sheets("Sheet2")
    xlSht.range("D2").CopyFromRecordset adors
    Set adors = Nothing
    Set adoconn = Nothing
    Set xlSht = Nothing
    SQL = "Select * From Shows"
    ' "C:\Documents and Settings\Bruce\My Documents\Databases\All Of Access\Ians Way.mdb"
    filenm = (ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\Sales Telly Store.mdb")
    Call GetCn(adoconn, adors, SQL, filenm, "", "")

    Set xlSht = Sheets("Sheet2")
    xlSht.range("F2").CopyFromRecordset adors
    Set adors = Nothing
    Set adoconn = Nothing
    Set xlSht = Nothing
    End Sub[/VBA]

  8. #48
    VBAX Master
    Jul 2006
    When you've got some queries defined in Access. Maybe try this one. Don't promise a thing but you could try.[VBA]Sub GetQueryDef()
    'This sub will get data from an Existing QueryDef in
    'database and place the data on sheet2.
    Dim Db As Database
    Dim Qd As QueryDef
    Dim Rs As Recordset
    Dim Ws As Worksheet
    Dim i As Long
    Dim Path As String
    'Set the Path to the database
    Path = "C:\yourfiledirectory\Sales and whatever.mdb"
    'Set Ws
    Set Ws = Sheets("Sheet2")

    'Set the Database and QueryDef. This QueryDef exists in the
    Set Db = Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase(Path, ReadOnly:=True, _
    'replace the name of your query with the real name
    Set Qd = Db.QueryDefs("The name of your query")
    'Create a new Recordset from the Query based on the stored
    Set Rs = Qd.OpenRecordset()
    'This loop will collect the field names and place them in the first
    'row starting at "A1."
    For i = 0 To Rs.Fields.Count - 1
    Ws.Cells(1, i + 1).Value = Rs.Fields(i).Name
    Next i
    'This line simply sets the font to bold for the headers.
    Ws.Range(Ws.Cells(1, 1), Ws.Cells(1, Rs.Fields.Count)).Font.Bold = True
    'The next line will get the data from the recordset and copy it
    'into the Worksheet (Sheet2).
    Ws.Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset Rs
    'This next code set will just select the data region and auto-fit
    'the columns
    End Sub[/VBA]

  9. #49
    sorted with that one thanks!!!!!

    I want to transfer a large amount of data back to my dtabase but i want to ammend the current data in there..

    Code im trying is below

    [VBA]Sub Transfer()

    Dim oConn As Object
    Dim oRS As Object
    Dim sSQL As String

    Set oConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    oConn.Open = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
    "Data Source= C:\Documents and Settings\Russell\Desktop\Database info\Sales Telly Store.mdb"

    sSQL = "INSERT INTO Store (Uni again, Uni, Agtname, AgtCode, Surname, SessDate, Day, Session,LeadNo, Timein, weeknum, Income, Suburb, Age, Race, M, Sale, SOLID, SUSPENSIVE, DSD, Uvongo, QVCFinite, Units, ContrNumber, ManName, ManCode, DoorName, DoorCode, SemName, SemCode, TellyOp, Telycode, ConfName, ConfCode, TellyTeam, Prize1, Prize2, Prize3, Chosennumber, Actualnumber, Timeout, Lead count, Income average, Average inc, AV, AV2, 30-35, 35-40, 40-45, 1, 12, 13, AV3, Door, Sem, Man Alloc, Qual, NQ/Cat)" & _
    "VALUES ('" & [A2].Text & "','" & [B2].Text & "','" & [C2].Text & _
    "','" & [D2].Text & "','" & [E2].Text & "','" & [F2].Text & _
    "','" & [G2].Text & "','" & [H2].Text & "','" & [I2].Text & _
    "','" & [J2].Text & "','" & [K2].Text & "','" & [L2].Text & _
    "','" & [M2].Text & "','" & [N2].Text & "','" & [O2].Text & _
    "','" & [P2].Text & "','" & [Q2].Text & "','" & [R2].Text & _
    "','" & [S2].Text & "','" & [T2].Text & "','" & [U2].Text & _
    "','" & [V2].Text & "','" & [W2].Text & "','" & [X2].Text & _
    "','" & [Y2].Text & "','" & [Z2].Text & "','" & [AA2].Text & _
    "','" & [AB2].Text & "','" & [AC2].Text & "','" & [AD2].Text & _
    "','" & [AE2].Text & "','" & [AF2].Text & "','" & [AG2].Text & _
    "','" & [AH2].Text & "','" & [AI2].Text & "','" & [AJ2].Text & _
    "','" & [AK2].Text & "','" & [AL2].Text & "','" & [AM2].Text & _
    "','" & [AN2].Text & "','" & [AO2].Text & "','" & [AP2].Text & _
    "','" & [AQ2].Text & "','" & [AR2].Text & "','" & [AS2].Text & _
    "','" & [AT2].Text & "','" & [AU2].Text & "','" & [AV2].Text & _
    "','" & [AW2].Text & "','" & [AX2].Text & "','" & [AY2].Text & _
    "','" & [AZ2].Text & "','" & [BA2].Text & "','" & [BB2].Text & _
    "','" & [BC2].Text & "','" & [BD2].Text & "','" & [BE2].Text & _
    "','" & [BF2].Text & "')"
    oConn.Execute sSQL
    Set oConn = Nothing
    End Sub[/VBA]

    Please help again!!!!
    Your an angel...

  10. #50
    VBAX Master
    Jul 2006
    I'll give you a hint for this one. But you better use a sample database for trial and error. The general idea is this
    UPDATE table_name SET column_name = new_value WHERE column_name = some_value
    [vba]UPDATE Bookings SET Paid = "Y" WHERE Confirmed = "Y", Name = "White_Nova"[/vba]to replace data in a table. But you also need to check if there is more than one record that matches the where clausule.

    So first check your database with the where clausule and if the record set is one (count them in your excel sheet), you're in business. If not, you'll need an additional qualifier to get a unique (single) record.

  11. #51
    Hi Charlize

    Maybe getting carried away with the explination... lets try again...

    I have an access database with a "Data" table, off that i am running queries whic i then bring into Excel...

    The above is working 100%
    The part i need help with is just updating new data into the "Data" table in access from Excel (there are 58 colombs of data)

    Is this possible and if so how?

    Thanks agian for all your help...

  12. #52
    VBAX Master
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by White_Nova
    Hi Charlize

    Maybe getting carried away with the explination... lets try again...

    I have an access database with a "Data" table, off that i am running queries whic i then bring into Excel...

    The above is working 100%
    Off course it's working.

    The part i need help with is just updating new data into the "Data" table in access from Excel (there are 58 colombs of data)

    Is this possible and if so how?
    Yes it's possible. Have you read my answer regarding the UPDATE thing. You'll have to use that instead of INSERT INTO. You can use the same coding as the INSERT INTO coding but you'll have to change the sql string to a UPDATE coding.

    Try something, please. If you post your coding, I'll give you a working sample (yes, it's already coded and tested and it works like a charm. At least for my testdatabase - MyId, MyManager, MyDate, MySession).

  13. #53
    Hi Charlize

    Managed to fiddle with it a bt and its working - your a real life saver, thanks!!!!

    Say i have a database and a excel template front end and i wanted to bring back data to excel but accoring to a start and end date that i would specify in Excel... that possible???

  14. #54
    VBAX Master
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by White_Nova
    Hi Charlize

    Managed to fiddle with it a bt and its working - your a real life saver, thanks!!!!

    Say i have a database and a excel template front end and i wanted to bring back data to excel but accoring to a start and end date that i would specify in Excel... that possible???
    Yes, use this at the openrecordset thing [vba]Db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM Store WHERE Mydate >= '01/11/2007', Mydate <= '30/11/2007'")[/vba]Maybe someone else is interested in your coding for the update part ...

  15. #55
    True that would work but i need to specify the dates in Excel and have Acce pull the data back, the specified dates will change o i cant hard code them...

    Below please find my code for updating database in Access from Excel

    [VBA]Sub ADOFromExcelToAccess()
    Dim cn As ADODB.Connection, rs As ADODB.Recordset, r As Long
    Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
    cn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; " & _
    "Data Source=[location of database];"
    Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
    rs.Open "[Name of Table in Access]", cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable
    r = 5 'Starts at row specified
    Do While Len(Range("A" & r).Formula) > 0
    ' repeat until first empty cell in column A
    With rs
    .AddNew ' create a new record
    ' add values to each field in the record
    .Fields("Field1") = Range("A" & r).Value
    .Fields("Field2") = Range("B" & r).Value

    ' "Field1,Field2 - need to be replaced with th coloumb headings
    ' add more fields if necessary
    .Update ' stores the new record
    End With
    r = r + 1 ' next row
    Set rs = Nothing
    Set cn = Nothing

    Sheets("[Main Sheet Name]").Select
    MsgBox ("Data Transfered")

    End Sub[/VBA]

  16. #56
    VBAX Master
    Jul 2006
    This is my solution for the updating[VBA]Sub Update_Data()
    'This coding will update the active row
    'You could set this in a worksheet change event
    'to update your record when a change in the
    'targetcell has been made.
    Dim oConn As Object
    Dim oRS As Object
    Dim sSQL As String
    Dim vId As String, vManager As String
    Dim vDate As String, vSession As String

    Set oConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    oConn.Open = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
    "Data Source=" & ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\DataStore.mdb"

    vId = Range("A" & ActiveCell.Row)
    vManager = Range("B" & ActiveCell.Row)
    vDate = Range("C" & ActiveCell.Row)
    vSession = Range("D" & ActiveCell.Row)
    'MyId is a unique identifier that you can't (may not) change
    'Store is your database
    'MyManager, MyDate and MySession are your fieldnames
    'We update the record by using the unique MyId field
    sSQL = "UPDATE Store Set MyManager = '" & vManager & _
    "', MyDate = '" & vDate & _
    "', MySession = '" & vSession & "' WHERE MyId = '" & vId & "'"
    oConn.Execute sSQL
    Set oConn = Nothing
    End Sub[/VBA]Use variables instead of hard coded dates

  17. #57

    In Excel cell(A1) i manually insert a start date, in Cell(A2) i manually insert a end date.

    What i need is access to give me the data between these two dates???
    Or to have a query in Access understand the two dates inserted by the user into Excel cell(A1,A2) and give me the queried data in Excel...

    Is this possible and if so how?

  18. #58
    VBAX Master
    Jul 2006
    Again, another piece of coding to play with. Problem with this one is that someone can fill some parts in or not and based on that we need to build the sql query to get to the recordset we want. Anyway, have fun with this one (I think you've got to give something more than some flowers and a box of chocolate ...)[VBA]Sub GetData_From_Certain_Date()
    'You have to set a reference to
    'microsoft dao 3.6 object library
    'Tested under excel 2003
    Dim Db As Database
    Dim Rs As Recordset
    Dim Ws As Object
    Dim i As Long
    Dim MyPath As String
    Dim vStartDate As String
    Dim sSql As String
    'This is destination sheet if matching records found
    Set Ws = Worksheets(3)
    'Set the Path to the database. This line is useful because
    'if your database is in another location, you just need to change
    'it here and the Path Variable will be used throughout the code
    MyPath = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\DataStore.mdb"
    'This set of code will activate Sheet3 and clear any existing data
    'After clearing the data it will select cell A1
    'Set the Database, and RecordSet This Table exists in the database
    Set Db = Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase(MyPath, ReadOnly:=True)
    'Since we use the dd/mm/yyyy format, I need to rebuild the date
    'string to filter on the acces database
    If Worksheets(1).Range("F2").Text = vbNullString Then
    vStartDate = ""
    'Dates have to be in between # marks
    vStartDate = "WHERE MyDate = #" & _
    Format(Worksheets(1).Range("F2").Text, "yyyy/mm/dd") _
    & "#"
    End If
    sSql = "SELECT * FROM Store " & vStartDate
    Set Rs = Db.OpenRecordset(sSql)
    'This loop will collect the field names and place them in the first
    'row starting at "A1"
    For i = 0 To Rs.Fields.Count - 1
    Ws.Cells(1, i + 1).Value = Rs.Fields(i).Name
    Next i
    'The next line simply formats the headers to bold font
    Ws.Range(Ws.Cells(1, 1), Ws.Cells(1, Rs.Fields.Count)).Font.Bold = True
    'The next line will get the data from the recordset and copy it
    'into the Worksheet (Sheet1).
    Ws.Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset Rs
    'This next code set will just select the data region and
    'auto-fit the columns
    End Sub[/VBA]

  19. #59
    after all your help you just name what you want and ill see what i can do ;-)

    This works 100% and is exactly what i needed thank you so so so so much for your help... we will be chatting again, will be having a few more project similar to this one and will need your beautiful brain to assist me...

    Thanks again

  20. #60
    VBAX Master
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by White_Nova
    after all your help you just name what you want and ill see what i can do ;-)
    You already said several times thank you. Alltough I was tempted, I don't ask you a thing. My only hope is that you have learned something from my postings (at least that my postings were understandable for you).

    Quote Originally Posted by White_Nova
    This works 100% and is exactly what i needed thank you so so so so much for your help... we will be chatting again, will be having a few more project similar to this one and will need your beautiful brain to assist me...
    If I could, I would ... If I can't, I'll try ...

    Don't be mistaken about my brain, it's just as good as yours ...

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