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Thread: Dynamic OptionButton Validation

  1. #1
    VBAX Regular
    Nov 2007

    Dynamic OptionButton Validation


    I have created some optionButtons on the fly by extracting some data from my database query. If I run through my dataset and output some of the optionButtons as controls they all appear but I am having some trouble trying to find a solution as to how I can validate them. As they have been created at runtime it is difficult to set up an Onclick event.

    Here is my original code:

    Do While Not rst.EOF
            If n = 0 Then
                questionsTop = 25
                questionsTop = questionsTop + 65
            End If
            'set the controls here
            Set cFrame = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.Frame.1", "MyFrame", True)
            With cFrame
                .Width = 560
                .Top = questionsTop
                .Left = 20
                .ZOrder (1)
                .Caption = "Question " & (n + 1)
            End With
            Set qLab = cFrame.Controls.Add("Forms.label.1", "lab", True)
            With qLab
                .Width = 450
                .Height = 10
                .Top = 5
                .Left = 10
                .ZOrder (0)
                .Caption = CStr(rst(2))
            End With
            Set cControl2 = cFrame.Controls.Add("Forms.OptionButton.1", "opt1", True)
            With cControl2
                .GroupName = "q_" + CStr(rst(0))
                .Width = 150
                .Height = 20
                .Top = 0
                .Left = 475
                .ZOrder (0)
                .Value = 1
            End With
            Set cControl2 = cFrame.Controls.Add("Forms.OptionButton.1", "opt2", True)
            With cControl2
                .GroupName = "q_" + CStr(rst(0))
                .Width = 150
                .Height = 20
                .Top = 0
                .Left = 500
                .ZOrder (0)
                .Value = 0
            End With
          questionsTop = questionsTop      
        n = n + 1
    This code creates my options buttons in my db loop.

    I found some code on the web that seemed to work for dynamic controls but would only work on one instance of a new created optionButton and not within the loop. I think it is because it doesnt know the difference between each of the optionButtons created in the loop.

    Code created on my UserForm1:
    Dim OB_Coll As Collection
      Dim Pos As Integer
      Private Sub cmdEvent_Click()
           'this works but need to apply to a my code
           Dim o As MSForms.OptionButton
           Dim OBE As New OptionButtonEvents
           If OB_Coll Is Nothing Then Set OB_Coll = New Collection
            Set o = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.OptionButton.1", , True)
           o.Caption = "Dynamically Added Option Button" & CStr(Me.Controls.Count) - 2
           o.AutoSize = True
            o.Top = Pos
           OB_Coll.Add OBE
           Call OBE.WatchControl(o, Me)
           Pos = Pos + o.Height + 4
      End Sub
    Friend Sub OptionButtonDblClick(o As MSForms.OptionButton)
           MsgBox o.Name & " was just double-clicked..."
      End Sub
    Code created as Class Module OptionButtonEvents:

    Option Explicit

     Private WithEvents ob As MSForms.OptionButton
      Private CallBackParent As UserForm1
      Private Sub ob_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
           Call CallBackParent.OptionButtonDblClick(ob)
      End Sub
      Friend Sub WatchControl(oControl As MSForms.OptionButton, oParent As UserForm1)
           Set ob = oControl
           Set CallBackParent = oParent
      End Sub

    Is there an easier way to do this or should I try to modify this method to get it to work for me?

  2. #2
    Distinguished Lord of VBAX VBAX Grand Master Bob Phillips's Avatar
    Apr 2005
    Don't create them on the fly, create them at design time, and hide/unhide as and when required.
    Nihil simul inventum est et perfectum

    Abusus non tollit usum

    Last night I dreamed of a small consolation enjoyed only by the blind: Nobody knows the trouble I've not seen!
    James Thurber

  3. #3
    VBAX Regular
    Nov 2007
    Thanks but not really an option I think as I have a to download the latest version of questionnaire but synching with my database.

    Can anybody else help?

  4. #4
    VBAX Tutor
    Aug 2007
    what type of varible is cControl2? i have some ideas but i need to experiment befor i post them.

  5. #5
    Distinguished Lord of VBAX VBAX Grand Master Bob Phillips's Avatar
    Apr 2005
    Then you will need to link your new optionbuttons to the event handler class. Never tried that myself, but should be easy to test.
    Nihil simul inventum est et perfectum

    Abusus non tollit usum

    Last night I dreamed of a small consolation enjoyed only by the blind: Nobody knows the trouble I've not seen!
    James Thurber

  6. #6
    VBAX Regular
    Nov 2007
    My cControl variable is decelared as

    Dim cControl2 As Control[/VBA]

  7. #7
    VBAX Regular
    Nov 2007
    Hi XLD,

    Anychance you can give me more of a clue how I would do that? The code is a bit beyond me at VBA and need to catch up quick.

    If you could explain what you would do that would be great.

    Many thanks

  8. #8
    VBAX Tutor
    Aug 2007
    so are you runing into a problem where all the new buttons call the same code? or do they do nothing?

  9. #9
    Distinguished Lord of VBAX VBAX Grand Master Bob Phillips's Avatar
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by JimFl78
    Anychance you can give me more of a clue how I would do that? The code is a bit beyond me at VBA and need to catch up quick.

    If you could explain what you would do that would be great.
    As I said, I haven't done it myself, but I see a way in conecpt at least.

    Do you have soome code to linke any buttons to that event handler class, because we would need to work on that.
    Nihil simul inventum est et perfectum

    Abusus non tollit usum

    Last night I dreamed of a small consolation enjoyed only by the blind: Nobody knows the trouble I've not seen!
    James Thurber

  10. #10
    VBAX Master Norie's Avatar
    Jan 2005
    Stirling, Scotland

    Could you please stick to the original thread?

  11. #11
    VBAX Regular
    Nov 2007
    Apologies Norie I thought this was an independant forum and really need to get this resolved. Please note I have not posted on this forum before only on Dbforum.

    Yes Figment - the problem occurs when I try to apply the cmdEvent_Click/OptionButtonDblClick event code and OptionButtonEvents Class Module to my version.

    I think the problem occurs because the WatchControl command is referencing a single Object o rather than a set of objects set with a different name.

    Is there a way I can modify the existing code so that it refers to the OptionButtons name rather than the object (for example q1_1)??

    Dim cFrame As Control
    Dim cControl2 As Control
    Dim OBE As New OptionButtonEvents
    If OB_Coll Is Nothing Then Set OB_Coll = New Collection

    'missing connect and call to db etc here

    Do While Not rst.EOF

    If n = 0 Then
    questionsTop = 25
    questionsTop = questionsTop + 65
    End If

    'set the controls here
    Set cFrame = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.Frame.1", "MyFrame", True)

    With cFrame
    .Width = 560
    .Top = questionsTop
    .Left = 20
    .ZOrder (1)
    .Caption = "Question " & (n + 1)
    End With

    Set cControl2 = cFrame.Controls.Add("Forms.OptionButton.1", "q1_" + CStr(rst(0)), True)
    With cControl2
    .GroupName = "q_" + CStr(rst(0))
    .Width = 150
    .Height = 20
    .Top = 0
    .Left = 475
    .ZOrder (0)
    End With

    OB_Coll.Add OBE
    Call OBE.WatchControl(cControl2, Me)


    Friend Sub OptionButtonDblClick(o As MSForms.OptionButton)
    MsgBox o.Name & " was just double-clicked..."
    End Sub

    Please note the original OptionButtonEvents Class module still exists.

  12. #12
    Distinguished Lord of VBAX VBAX Grand Master Bob Phillips's Avatar
    Apr 2005
    This is all getting confusing, how this code fits in with the other.

    Just post a workbook, and expalin what steps we need to follow, what we can expect to see, and what you want to see.
    Nihil simul inventum est et perfectum

    Abusus non tollit usum

    Last night I dreamed of a small consolation enjoyed only by the blind: Nobody knows the trouble I've not seen!
    James Thurber

  13. #13
    VBAX Master Norie's Avatar
    Jan 2005
    Stirling, Scotland

    I'm not sure what you mean by an 'independent' forum.

    All I was trying to say was that if you already have a thread stick to it.

    Having multiple threads for the same thing just confuses people and if you stick to the original thread then they can see what's been suggested so far.

    Also if what's been suggested doesn't work it's best to post in the original thread explaining why.

  14. #14
    VBAX Regular
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by figment
    so are you runing into a problem where all the new buttons call the same code? or do they do nothing?
    Yes nothing happens when I place the OBE.WatchControl into my code above and it calls the same code. I was hoping that I would be able to ammend the class procedure so that it could work each of the instance names for example.

    Sorry if my code doesnt work directly for you - I have simplified the example so that it works from just a single form ("UserForm1") and the class Module ("OptionButtonEvents").

    Here is the code - you will need to create two buttons on UserForm1

    but everything else works dynamically.

    Code for UserForm1

    Option Explicit
      Dim OB_Coll As Collection
      Dim Pos As Integer
      Private Sub cmdEvent_Click()
           'this works but need to apply to a my code
           Dim o As MSForms.OptionButton
           Dim OBE As New OptionButtonEvents
           If OB_Coll Is Nothing Then Set OB_Coll = New Collection
            Set o = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.OptionButton.1", , True)
           o.Caption = "Dynamically Added Option Button" & CStr(Me.Controls.Count) - 2
           o.AutoSize = True
            o.Top = Pos
           OB_Coll.Add OBE
           Call OBE.WatchControl(o, Me)
           Pos = Pos + o.Height + 4
      End Sub
    Private Sub cmdGetQuestions_Click()
        Dim n As Integer
        Dim r As Integer
        Dim cControl As Control
        Dim OBE As New OptionButtonEvents
        If OB_Coll Is Nothing Then Set OB_Coll = New Collection
        r = 1
        For n = 0 To 5
            Set cControl = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.OptionButton.1", "q1_" + CStr(n), True)
            With cControl
                .GroupName = "q_" + CStr(n)
                .Width = 20
                .Height = 20
                .Top = Pos
                .Left = 10
                .ZOrder (0)
            End With
            Pos = Pos + cControl.Height + 4
            OB_Coll.Add OBE
            Call OBE.WatchControl(cControl, Me)
        n = n + 1
        Next n
    End Sub
    Friend Sub OptionButtonDblClick(o As MSForms.OptionButton)
           MsgBox o.Name & " was just double-clicked..."
      End Sub
    Code for class Module OptionButtonEvents:

    Option Explicit
      Private WithEvents ob As MSForms.OptionButton
      Private CallBackParent As UserForm1
      Private Sub ob_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
           Call CallBackParent.OptionButtonDblClick(ob)
      End Sub
      Friend Sub WatchControl(oControl As MSForms.OptionButton, oParent As UserForm1)
           Set ob = oControl
           Set CallBackParent = oParent
      End Sub
    This code will hopefully show you what I am struggling with. The cmdEvent_Click event works correctly but I need to get it to work for my loop example in the cmdGetQuestions_Click event.

    Many thanks for your help on this issue.

  15. #15
    VBAX Master
    Jun 2007
    East Sussex
    Something like:
    [VBA] Dim cControl2 As MSForms.OptionButton
    Dim OBE As OptionButtonEvents
    If OB_Coll Is Nothing Then Set OB_Coll = New Collection

    '... other code here

    Do While Not rst.EOF

    If n = 0 Then
    questionsTop = 25
    questionsTop = questionsTop + 65
    End If

    'set the controls here
    Set cFrame = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.Frame.1", "MyFrame", True)

    With cFrame
    .Width = 560
    .Top = questionsTop
    .Left = 20
    .ZOrder (1)
    .Caption = "Question " & (n + 1)
    End With

    For i = 1 To 2
    Set OBE = New OptionButtonEvents
    Set cControl2 = cFrame.Controls.Add("Forms.OptionButton.1", "opt" & n, True)
    With cControl2
    .GroupName = "q_" + CStr(rst(0))
    .Width = 150
    .Height = 20
    .Top = 0
    .Left = 450 + i * 25
    .ZOrder (0)
    .Value = 2 - n
    End With
    OB_Coll.Add OBE
    Call OBE.WatchControl(cControl2, Me)
    Next n
    questionsTop = questionsTop
    n = n + 1

    should work, I think.

    Microsoft MVP - Excel

  16. #16
    VBAX Regular
    Nov 2007
    Thanks alot Rory - thats seems to have done the trick..

    So it seems to be just the

    Set OBE = New OptionButtonEvents


    inside my loop that has resolved this.

    When I am using optionButtons as a group of 2 and looping. I need to set up three OptionButtonEvents objects for each of them to call the function.
    Is this best practise?

    [vba]Private Sub cmdGetQuestions_Click()
    Dim n As Integer
    Dim r As Integer
    Dim OBE As New OptionButtonEvents
    Dim OBE2 As New OptionButtonEvents
    Dim OBE3 As New OptionButtonEvents

    Dim cControl As MSForms.OptionButton

    If OB_Coll Is Nothing Then Set OB_Coll = New Collection
    r = 1

    For n = 0 To 5

    Set cControl = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.OptionButton.1", "q1_" + CStr(n), True)
    With cControl
    .GroupName = "q_1" + CStr(n)
    .Width = 50
    .Height = 20
    .Top = Pos
    .Left = 10
    .Caption = "Option 1"
    .ZOrder (0)
    End With

    Set OBE = New OptionButtonEvents
    OB_Coll.Add OBE
    Call OBE.WatchControl(cControl, Me)

    Pos = Pos + cControl.Height + 15

    Set cControl = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.OptionButton.1", "q2_" + CStr(n), True)
    With cControl
    .GroupName = "q_1" + CStr(n)
    .Width = 50
    .Height = 30
    .Top = Pos + 2
    .Left = 10
    .Caption = "Option 2"
    .ZOrder (0)
    End With

    Set OBE2 = New OptionButtonEvents
    OB_Coll.Add OBE2
    Call OBE2.WatchControl(cControl, Me)

    Pos = Pos + cControl.Height + 15

    n = n + 1
    Next n

    End Sub


    Many thanks for help on this.

  17. #17
    VBAX Master
    Jun 2007
    East Sussex
    You can just re-use the OBE variable each time as long as you instantiate it as a New OptionButtonEvents object each time you use it and add it to the collection; there is no need for OBE, OBE2 and OBE3.

    Microsoft MVP - Excel

  18. #18
    VBAX Regular
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by JimFl78
    Here is the code - you will need to create two buttons on UserForm1

    but everything else works dynamically.

    Code for UserForm1

    Option Explicit
      Dim OB_Coll As Collection
      Dim Pos As Integer
      Private Sub cmdEvent_Click()
           'this works but need to apply to a my code
           Dim o As MSForms.OptionButton
           Dim OBE As New OptionButtonEvents
           If OB_Coll Is Nothing Then Set OB_Coll = New Collection
            Set o = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.OptionButton.1", , True)
           o.Caption = "Dynamically Added Option Button" & CStr(Me.Controls.Count) - 2
           o.AutoSize = True
            o.Top = Pos
           OB_Coll.Add OBE
           Call OBE.WatchControl(o, Me)
           Pos = Pos + o.Height + 4
      End Sub
    Private Sub cmdGetQuestions_Click()
        Dim n As Integer
        Dim r As Integer
        Dim cControl As Control
        Dim OBE As New OptionButtonEvents
        If OB_Coll Is Nothing Then Set OB_Coll = New Collection
        r = 1
        For n = 0 To 5
            Set cControl = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.OptionButton.1", "q1_" + CStr(n), True)
            With cControl
                .GroupName = "q_" + CStr(n)
                .Width = 20
                .Height = 20
                .Top = Pos
                .Left = 10
                .ZOrder (0)
            End With
            Pos = Pos + cControl.Height + 4
             Set OBE = New OptionButtonEvents 
            OB_Coll.Add OBE
            Call OBE.WatchControl(cControl, Me)
        n = n + 1
        Next n
    End Sub
    Friend Sub OptionButtonDblClick(o As MSForms.OptionButton)
           MsgBox o.Name & " was just double-clicked..."
      End Sub
    Code for class Module OptionButtonEvents:

    Option Explicit
      Private WithEvents ob As MSForms.OptionButton
      Private CallBackParent As UserForm1
      Private Sub ob_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
           Call CallBackParent.OptionButtonDblClick(ob)
      End Sub
      Friend Sub WatchControl(oControl As MSForms.OptionButton, oParent As UserForm1)
           Set ob = oControl
           Set CallBackParent = oParent
      End Sub

    Looking back at this simple example - we solved this by setting the OBE object. It works when you double click on the optionButton becuase it is calling the doubleclick event.

    Does anybody know how I would modify the code in the class module and the form to pass a single click event rather than double click? I have tried but have been unsuccessful so far.

  19. #19
    VBAX Master
    Jun 2007
    East Sussex
    Your class would need:
    [VBA] Private Sub ob_Click()
    Call CallBackParent.OptionButtonClick(ob)
    End Sub

    and your form needs:
    [VBA]Friend Sub OptionButtonClick(o As MSForms.OptionButton)
    MsgBox o.Name & " was just clicked..."
    End Sub

    Microsoft MVP - Excel

  20. #20
    VBAX Regular
    Nov 2007
    I tried something along those lines but left in the
    [VBA]ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean[/VBA]
    within my ob_click subroutine parentheses.

    Thanks again Rory

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