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Thread: Solved: ping a cell value which is an IP address

  1. #21
    xlt, yes:
    I have one static IP assigned by my ISP that all the users share.
    So when I am using this VBA code it is to ping only the users that are on my network.

    Now if a user calls and says they can't get on the internet I can quickly determine if:
    I am able to reach them via my network
    IF yes THEN the problem is in their location
    ELSE I need to run down my backhauls and APs to see they are up
    OR I need to verify my internet connection is up

    My spreedsheet has the IP for every CPE, Backhaul, & AP on my network, and the static IP we use to surf.

    I should be in pretty good shape now.

    As you have pointed out on so many occassions...
    nothing is perfect... and I'm sure managment will ask for more.

  2. #22
    NAT - Network Address Translation, converts private class B / A network address's to a common public address.
    Not all address's are split on the octet, it's just lazy humans who assume they are (cos it's easier for us) any point on the 32 bit (until we all go IPv6 and then it'll be a hell of a lot more !) segment can be used as a sub-net identifier, though it would be kinda pointless if it were the last the firewall / router bit is irrelevant, it may just be that his 'smoothwall' contains a dhcp server and a NAT device, why buy three bricks when you can buy the one ?
    2+2=9 ... (My Arithmetic Is Mental)

  3. #23
    Distinguished Lord of VBAX VBAX Grand Master Bob Phillips's Avatar
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by charlesa920
    xlt, yes:
    I have one static IP assigned by my ISP that all the users share.
    So when I am using this VBA code it is to ping only the users that are on my network.

    Now if a user calls and says they can't get on the internet I can quickly determine if:
    I am able to reach them via my network
    IF yes THEN the problem is in their location
    ELSE I need to run down my backhauls and APs to see they are up
    OR I need to verify my internet connection is up

    My spreedsheet has the IP for every CPE, Backhaul, & AP on my network, and the static IP we use to surf.

    I should be in pretty good shape now.

    As you have pointed out on so many occassions...
    nothing is perfect... and I'm sure managment will ask for more.
    Maybe not perfect, but a nice practicval application. Good luck with it.
    Nihil simul inventum est et perfectum

    Abusus non tollit usum

    Last night I dreamed of a small consolation enjoyed only by the blind: Nobody knows the trouble I've not seen!
    James Thurber

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