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Thread: create a directory then save the workbook into it

  1. #1
    VBAX Expert
    Jan 2005

    create a directory then save the workbook into it

    I was wondering if it was possible to create a folder first and then save the workbook into that folder so I had a play and came up with the code below

    Having received a lot of help lately from this forum ( Especially Jake cheers DrJ) I thought it only fair I return the favour

    There is no real error handling here and the code may need tidying up but it does work as follows, hope it proves useful to you all

    Private Const BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS As Long = &H1
    Private Const BIF_DONTGOBELOWDOMAIN As Long = &H2
    Private Const BIF_RETURNFSANCESTORS As Long = &H8
    Private Const BIF_BROWSEFORCOMPUTER As Long = &H1000
    Private Const BIF_BROWSEFORPRINTER As Long = &H2000
    Private Const BIF_BROWSEINCLUDEFILES As Long = &H4000
    Private Const MAX_PATH As Long = 260
    Type BrowseInfo
        hOwner As Long
        pidlRoot As Long
        pszDisplayName As String
        lpszINSTRUCTIONS As String
        ulFlags As Long
        lpfn As Long
        lParam As Long
        iImage As Long
    End Type
        hwnd As Long
        wFunc As Long
        pFrom As String
        pTo As String
        fFlags As Integer
        fAnyOperationsAborted As Boolean
        hNameMappings As Long
        lpszProgressTitle As String
    End Type
    Declare Function SHGetPathFromIDListA Lib "shell32.dll" ( _
        ByVal pidl As Long, _
        ByVal pszBuffer As String) As Long
    Declare Function SHBrowseForFolderA Lib "shell32.dll" ( _
        lpBrowseInfo As BrowseInfo) As Long
    Function BrowseFolder(Optional Caption As String = "") As String
        Dim BrowseInfo As BrowseInfo
        Dim FolderName As String
        Dim ID As Long
        Dim Res As Long
        With BrowseInfo
            .hOwner = 0
            .pidlRoot = 0
            .pszDisplayName = String$(MAX_PATH, vbNullChar)
            .lpszINSTRUCTIONS = Caption
            .ulFlags = BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS
            .lpfn = 0
        End With
        FolderName = String$(MAX_PATH, vbNullChar)
        ID = SHBrowseForFolderA(BrowseInfo)
        If ID Then
            Res = SHGetPathFromIDListA(ID, FolderName)
            If Res Then
                BrowseFolder = Left$(FolderName, InStr(FolderName, _
                    vbNullChar) - 1)
            End If
            End If
    End Function
    Sub Test()
        Dim FName As String
        Dim WbName As String
        Dim Search As String
        Dim Prompt As String
        Dim Title As String
    On Error GoTo Err:
    FName = BrowseFolder("Select A Folder")
        If FName = "" Then
            MsgBox "You didn't select a folder"
        FName = FName & "\TestDirectory"
        MkDir FName
        MsgBox FName & " created"
        End If
    Prompt = "What do you want to search for?"
        Title = "Search Criteria"
        Search = InputBox(Prompt, Title)
    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FName & "\" & Search & ".xls"
    MsgBox " There has been an error, Please ensure the directory does not already exist"
    End Sub

  2. #2
    Knowledge Base Approver
    The King of Overkill!
    VBAX Master
    Jul 2004
    Rochester, NY
    Hi Gibbo,

    Just a couple quick additions, you may want to check to see if Search is blank before saving, like

    Prompt = "What do you want to search for?"
    Title = "Search Criteria"
    Search = InputBox(Prompt, Title)
    If Search = "" Then Exit Sub
    Also, if you want the ability to create a new directory in the same pop-up window (and you have windows 2000 or greater), then add the following line to your declarations at the top:
    Private Const BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE     As Long = &H64
    and change the following lines in your BrowseFolder function
    You may want to add this as a KB entry! Select KBase from the top menu, then create an entry!

  3. #3
    VBAX Expert
    Jan 2005
    Thanks Matt

    I ve added the ability to create a couple of sub folders as well as that was something I needed and may be useful and have done a KB Entry for the code as below

    Private Const BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS As Long = &H1
    Private Const BIF_DONTGOBELOWDOMAIN As Long = &H2
    Private Const BIF_RETURNFSANCESTORS As Long = &H8
    Private Const BIF_BROWSEFORCOMPUTER As Long = &H1000
    Private Const BIF_BROWSEFORPRINTER As Long = &H2000
    Private Const BIF_BROWSEINCLUDEFILES As Long = &H4000
    Private Const MAX_PATH As Long = 260
    'if you want the ability to create a new directory in the same pop-up window
    '(and you have windows 2000 or greater), then add the following line
    'Private Const BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE     As Long = &H64
    Type BrowseInfo
        hOwner As Long
        pidlRoot As Long
        pszDisplayName As String
        lpszINSTRUCTIONS As String
        ulFlags As Long
        lpfn As Long
        lParam As Long
        iImage As Long
    End Type
        hwnd As Long
        wFunc As Long
        pFrom As String
        pTo As String
        fFlags As Integer
        fAnyOperationsAborted As Boolean
        hNameMappings As Long
        lpszProgressTitle As String
    End Type
    Declare Function SHGetPathFromIDListA Lib "shell32.dll" ( _
        ByVal pidl As Long, _
        ByVal pszBuffer As String) As Long
    Declare Function SHBrowseForFolderA Lib "shell32.dll" ( _
        lpBrowseInfo As BrowseInfo) As Long
    Function BrowseFolder(Optional Caption As String = "") As String
        Dim BrowseInfo As BrowseInfo
        Dim FolderName As String
        Dim ID As Long
        Dim Res As Long
        With BrowseInfo
            .hOwner = 0
            .pidlRoot = 0
            .pszDisplayName = String$(MAX_PATH, vbNullChar)
            .lpszINSTRUCTIONS = Caption
            .ulFlags = BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS
    'If win 2000 or above
            .lpfn = 0
        End With
        FolderName = String$(MAX_PATH, vbNullChar)
        ID = SHBrowseForFolderA(BrowseInfo)
        If ID Then
            Res = SHGetPathFromIDListA(ID, FolderName)
            If Res Then
                BrowseFolder = Left$(FolderName, InStr(FolderName, _
                    vbNullChar) - 1)
            End If
            End If
    End Function
    Sub Test()
        Dim FName As String
        Dim WbName As String
        Dim Search As String
        Dim Prompt As String
        Dim Title As String
    On Error GoTo Err:
    FName = BrowseFolder("Select A Folder")
        If FName = "" Then
            MsgBox "You didn't select a folder"
        Prompt = "Please Select a name for your enquiry?"
        Title = "Enquiry Name"
        Search = InputBox(Prompt, Title)
        If Search = "" Then Exit Sub
        End If
        FName = FName & "\" & Search
        MkDir FName
        MsgBox FName & " created"
        End If
        Sheets("Hidden").Range("B1").Value = Search
        ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FName & "\" & Search & ".xls"
    MkDir ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\TestDir1"
        MkDir ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\TestDir2"
    MsgBox " There has been an error, Please ensure the directory does not already exist"
    End Sub

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