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Thread: Module not seeing functions in ThisWorkbook

  1. #1

    Module not seeing functions in ThisWorkbook

    I may have accidently sent my query before I was done - sorry if I did.

    The code below is in MyWorkbook, in module 2. It calls several functions (Fileopen, SummarySheetMan, Copy_Paste_to_PowerPoint) which are located in the "ThisWorksheet" code section of the same MyWorkbook. Last week this all ran fine but now it stops at the first function and says it cannot find the function (I am assuming it will not find any of the funtions). If I copy all the functions into module 2 then it works fine (all functions work). Is there some code I need to put in module 2 or in ThisWorksheet to make these functions visible / available? I would prefer to not have to copy and paste all the functions into module 2 if it can be avoided.

    Sub RunThisMacro()
    'Modular form of the SummarySheet macro.
    Dim isheet
    Dim start
    Dim pvalue
    Dim rvalue
    Dim svalue
    Dim iplace
    Dim ispot
    Dim irow
    Dim i As Integer
    On Error GoTo Errhandler
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    'turn off screen updates
    'Code here uses FileOpen Subroutine to automatically populate each bond
    'spreadsheet with latest electrical data
    isheet = Worksheets.Count
    'MsgBox isheet
    For i = 2 To isheet
    ' Open the subfiles and copy data into subworksheets of this workbook
    Next i
    ' Run the manual Summary Sheet macro
    'copy the bar chart (chart 2) to Powerpoint
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Exit Sub
          Select Case Err
             Case 1004:     'File open or path error
                MsgBox "Error" & Err & " : " & Error(Err)
             Case Else:      ' An error other than 68, 75 or 76 has occurred.
                ' Display the error number and the error text.
                MsgBox "Error # " & Err & " : " & Error(Err)
          End Select
    End Sub
    Below is the code in that calls the RunThisMacro which is in MyWorkbook above. This is in a different workbook (MyStartingWorkbook) and is using the Application.Run command to open MyWorkbook above and have the RunThisMacro start its work.

    Sub RunMacro_NoArgs()
         'Macro purpose:  Use the method to execute
         'a macro without arguments from another workbook
        Dim PathToFile As String, _
        NameOfFile As String, _
        wbTarget As Workbook, _
        CloseIt As Boolean
        Dim namelength As Integer
        Dim rng As Range
        Dim irow As Integer
        Dim iLastRow As Integer
        Dim iLastCol As Integer
        Dim filetoOpen As String
        Dim action As Integer
    'Set file name and location. You will need to update this info!
    'NameOfFile = "Book-1.xls"
    ' PathToFile = "C:\Documents and Settings\us265779\My Documents\My Code"
    ' Determine the last row in the open file
        Set rng = Range("A1").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell)
        iLastRow = rng.Row
        iLastCol = rng.Column
    ' MsgBox iLastRow
    ' First row to read is 10, last is iLastRow
        irow = 10
       Do While irow < iLastRow + 1
    '   Do While irow < 15
    ' Select the row with a filename contained and action to perform
        action = Range("A" & irow)
        filetoOpen = Range("B" & irow)
    ' Read in the action to perform from irow, column A
    ' Read in the file name from irow, column B
    ' If filetoOpen = "" Then GoTo Line1
    'Attempt to set the target workbook to a variable.  If an error is
    'generated, then the workbook is not open, so open it
        On Error Resume Next
        'Set wbTarget = Workbooks(NameOfFile)
        Set wbTarget = Workbooks(filetoOpen)
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
             'Open the workbook
            'Set wbTarget = Workbooks.Open(PathToFile & "\" & NameOfFile)
            Set wbTarget = Workbooks.Open(filetoOpen)
            CloseIt = True
        End If
         'Check and make sure workbook was opened
        If Err.Number = 1004 Then
            MsgBox "Sorry, but the file you specified does not exist!" _
            & vbNewLine & PathToFile & "\" & NameOfFile
            Exit Sub
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0
    ' Application.Run "'" & wbTarget.Name & "'!ThisWorkbook.Opening"
        If action = 1 Then
            Application.Run "'" & wbTarget.Name & "'!RunThisMacro"
            'MsgBox "RunThisMacro"
             Sheets("Summary Sheet").Select
            Application.Run "'" & wbTarget.Name & "'!ThisWorkbook.Copy_Paste_to_PowerPoint"
            'MsgBox "Copy_Paste_to_Powerpoint"
        End If
    'special use of single quotes to make the work with files containing dashes in
    'their names. Bug in Excel with the standard form of command.
        If CloseIt = True Then
             'If the target workbook was opened by the macro, close it
            wbTarget.Close savechanges:=False
             'If the target workbook was already open, reactivate this workbook
        End If
            irow = irow + 1
    End Sub
    Not sure why this ran fine last week. I might have initiated MyStartingWorkbook from a different location. I might have had some other Excel workbooks open at the time that contained this same function. Today I only have MyStartingWorkbook open.

  2. #2
    Mac Moderator VBAX Guru mikerickson's Avatar
    May 2007
    Davis CA
    If they are being called from multiple locations, put your functions in a normal module rather than an object's code module. Take the function out of ThisWorkbook and put it in Module1 (or which ever.)

  3. #3
    Moving macros to module 2 worked. I had 42 workbooks where I imported the code as module 2. Thanks for the suggestion.

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