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Thread: Excel range into word bookmark range

  1. #1
    VBAX Newbie
    Feb 2008

    Excel range into word bookmark range

    Hi All,

    I'm trying to write a script that will take the named ranges from an excel spreadsheet and insert the values into similarlly named bookmarks in word. I have found that I can set the word.bookmarks(n).range.text value to an excel range that is a single cell with no problem. The problem that I'm having is trying to get an excel range that is larger than a single cell (a table) into the word.bookmarks(n).range.text property.

    I would rather work with the range collection in word because the bookmarks have to be preserved.

    Any ideas, the code is below?


    [vba]Attribute VB_Name = "inserterValue"


    ' Proof of concept code that will take all the named values in

    ' the worsheek ResultTables and insert them into the document

    ' defined at the top of the sheet with using the vlaues for

    ' Target Word File, and Target Word Doc.


    Option Explicit

    Sub exportToWord()

    ' define error handler

    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler


    ' resltValues is a collection of the names from the ResultTables

    ' worksheet

    Dim resultValues As Collection

    Set resultValues = New Collection

    Dim xl As Object

    Set xl = ActiveWorkbook


    ' declaire and set the variable nms a the active workbooks

    ' names collection. The workbooks names collection contains

    ' all the workbook's named cell rangesthese will be used to

    ' insert the target word document.

    Dim nms As Object

    Set nms = ActiveWorkbook.names


    ' When a bookmarkd is updated in Word the bookmark's

    ' position is lost and we have to reset it after updating

    ' for this we need to store the start and end positions.

    Dim bookMarkStart As Long

    Dim bookMarkEnd As Long


    ' loop incrementer

    Dim i As Integer


    ' create and set the word application object

    Dim appWord As Object

    Set appWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")


    ' create the word target document, the document is set later it the script

    Dim targetWord As Object

    ' create the bookmark rand

    Dim bms As Word.Range

    ' loop through excel named ranges and get the ones we want from a specific
    ' work sheet.

    For i = 1 To nms.Count

    'copy range value

    If nms(i).RefersToRange.Parent.Name = "ResultTables" Then

    resultValues.Add Item:=nms(i)

    End If

    Next i


    ' open word doc

    ' Dim pathToWord As String

    ' pathToWord = resultValues("targetWordDir").RefersToRange.Text & "\" & resultValues("targetWordFile").RefersToRange.Text

    'Set targetWord = appWord.Documents.Add("pathToWord")

    Set targetWord = appWord.documents.Add("C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Target Doc.doc")


    ' loop through our results and paste into word

    For i = 1 To resultValues.Count


    ' check that the bookmark exists in both excel and word

    If targetWord.Bookmarks.Exists(resultValues(i).Name) Then


    ' activate the word doucment, got and update the current bookmark

    Set bms = targetWord.Bookmarks(resultValues(i).Name).Range

    With bms


    ' redefine the text value of the range

    ' .Text = resultValues(i).Value 'this works fine for a single cell excel range
    ' here be problems '

    .Text = resultValues(i).RefersToRange.Value2 ' thows type mismatch


    ' redefine the bookmark because it is destroyed when the value

    ' is changed.

    .Bookmarks.Add Name:=resultValues(i).Name

    End With

    End If

    Next i


    ' activate word document

    With appWord

    .Visible = True

    .ActiveWindow.WindowState = 1


    End With


    ' clean up memory

    Set appWord = Nothing

    Set targetWord = Nothing


    Set appWord = Nothing

    Set targetWord = Nothing

    Exit Sub

    'Error Handling routine


    If Err Then

    MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & ". " & Err.Description

    If Not appWord Is Nothing Then

    appWord.Quit False

    End If

    Resume ErrorExit

    End If

    End Sub


  2. #2
    MS Excel MVP VBAX Tutor
    Mar 2005
    You have to insert the multi-cell range as a table. I don't recall the precise syntax, but the approach is like thie pseudocode:

    get the Excel name and the Word bookmark
    is it a single cell
    - insert cell contents as text into Word bookmark
    is it a multiple cell range
    - insert it as a table

    The steps may involve copying the range and using one of the paste special options in Word.
    - Jon
    Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
    Peltier Technical Services
    Tutorials and Custom Solutions

  3. #3
    VBAX Newbie
    Feb 2008
    Hi Jon,

    Thanks for the advice, what you suggest is the path I ended up taking. The code below works, though it needs a little clean up


    ' Proof of concept code that will take all the named values in
    ' the worsheet ResultTalbes and insert them into the document
    ' defined at the top of the sheet with using the vlaues for
    ' Target Word File, and Target Word Doc.
    Option Explicit

    Sub insertIntoWordBookmark()
    ' define error handler
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
    ' resltValues is a collection of the names from the ResultTables
    ' worksheet
    Dim resultValues As Collection
    Set resultValues = New Collection
    ' resultValues is an excel name object as a member of the resultValues collection
    Dim resultValue As Excel.Name
    ' declare and set the variable nms a the active workbooks
    ' names collection. The workbooks names collection contains
    ' all the workbook's named cell rangesthese will be used to
    ' insert the target word document.
    Dim nms As Excel.names
    Set nms = ActiveWorkbook.names

    ' loop incrementer
    Dim i As Integer

    ' create the word target document, the document is set later it the script
    Dim targetWord As Word.Document
    ' loop through excel named ranges and set the name of the bookmarks that
    ' will be updated are only from the worksheet named Result Tables
    For i = 1 To nms.Count
    'copy range value
    ' If nms(i).RefersToRange.Parent.Name = "ResultTables" Then
    resultValues.add Item:=nms(i), Key:=nms(i).Name
    ' End If
    Next i
    ' create and set the word application object
    Dim appWord As Word.Application
    Set appWord = New Word.Application
    ' open word doc
    Dim pathToWord As String
    pathToWord = Range("targetWordDir") & Range("targetWordFile")
    Set targetWord = appWord.Documents.add(pathToWord)

    ' loop through the word document and create a temporary collection
    ' of the documents original bookmarks, the script will delete any
    ' new bookmarks that are introduce by the insertion process.
    Dim oBookmarks As Collection
    Dim oBookmark As Word.bookmark
    Dim delete As Boolean
    Set oBookmarks = New Collection
    For Each oBookmark In targetWord.Bookmarks
    oBookmarks.add Item:=oBookmark, Key:=oBookmark.Name
    Next oBookmark
    ' loop through our results and paste into word
    For Each resultValue In resultValues
    If targetWord.Bookmarks.Exists(resultValue.Name) Then
    ' determine if the source area in Excel is a single cell range, or a
    ' multiple cell range.
    If resultValue.RefersToRange.Count > 1 Then
    ' we have a table
    insertTable targetWord, resultValue
    ElseIf resultValue.RefersToRange.Count = 1 Then
    ' we have a value
    insertValue targetWord, resultValue
    End If
    End If
    Next resultValue

    ' clean up any introduced bookmarks
    Dim targetBookmark As Word.bookmark
    For Each targetBookmark In targetWord.Bookmarks
    delete = True
    For Each oBookmark In oBookmarks
    If UCase(oBookmark.Name) = UCase(targetBookmark.Name) Then
    delete = False
    ' found a match break out of loop
    Exit For
    End If
    Next oBookmark
    ' delete bad bookmark
    If delete Then
    End If
    Next targetBookmark
    ' activate word document
    With appWord
    .Visible = True
    .ActiveWindow.WindowState = 1
    End With

    Set appWord = Nothing
    Set targetWord = Nothing
    Exit Sub

    'Error Handling routine
    If Err Then
    MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & ". " & Err.Description
    If Not appWord Is Nothing Then
    appWord.Quit False
    End If
    Resume ErrorExit
    End If
    End Sub
    ' inserts a single cell range excel value into a word document "targetWord" at
    ' the insertion point bookmarkName
    Sub insertValue(targetWord As Word.Document, bookmarkName As Excel.Name)

    Dim myRange As Word.Range
    ' check that the bookmark exists in both excel and word
    If targetWord.Bookmarks.Exists(bookmarkName.Name) Then
    ' activate the word doucment, got and update the current bookmark
    Set myRange = targetWord.Bookmarks(bookmarkName.Name).Range
    ' redefine the text value of the range
    myRange.Text = bookmarkName.RefersToRange.Text
    ' redefine the bookmark because it is destroyed when the value
    ' is changed.
    myRange.Bookmarks.add Name:=bookmarkName.Name
    End If
    End Sub
    ' pastes a range of excel values into a word document "targetWord" at
    ' the insertion point bookmarkName
    Sub insertTable(targetWord As Word.Document, bookmarkName As Excel.Name)
    ' this is the range of the insertion point in the target document
    Dim myRange As Word.Range
    Dim newRange As Word.Range
    ' check that the bookmark exists in both excel and word
    If targetWord.Bookmarks.Exists(bookmarkName.Name) Then
    ' set target range, cordinates of the insertion point in the word document
    Set myRange = targetWord.Bookmarks(bookmarkName.Name).Range
    ' check if we are in a table
    If myRange.Information(wdWithInTable) Then
    ' if so, delete the table
    End If
    ' copy the result table from xl
    ' collapse range so our insertions don't overlap with ranges
    myRange.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseStart
    ' The myRangeStart variable is used to store the static location of the start
    ' position of the myRange. When the paste method is executed the start position
    ' changes and the original is needed to reset the bookmark.
    Set newRange = targetWord.Range(myRange.Start, myRange.Start)
    ' paste table
    myRange.PasteSpecial Link:=False, DataType:=wdPasteHTML
    ' reset target bookmark
    targetWord.Bookmarks.add Name:=bookmarkName.Name, Range:=newRange
    End If
    End Sub


  4. #4
    VBAX Newbie
    Dec 2011


    I know this has been an inactive thread for a while, but I just want to thank you, zaprat2, for this excellent piece of VB. Works splendidly!

    For my purposes, I made the following simple mods:

    [VBA]pathToWord = Range("targetWordDir") & Range("targetWordFile")[/VBA]
    [VBA]pathToWord = ThisWorkbook.Path & Range("targetWordFile")[/VBA]
    [VBA]myRange.PasteSpecial Link:=False, DataType:=wdPasteHTML[/VBA]
    [VBA]myRange.PasteSpecial Link:=False, DataType:=wdPasteBitmap[/VBA]

    But other than that, this was copy-and-paste brillance.

    Thank you!

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