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Thread: Password protection with exceptions

  1. #1

    Password protection with exceptions

    I have been using the following code to protect all worksheets in a workbook:

    Public Sub ProtectAll() 
     Const PWORD As String = "mysecretword" 
     Dim wsSheet As Worksheet 
     For Each wsSheet In Worksheets 
     wsSheet.Protect Password:=PWORD 
     Next wsSheet 
     End Sub
    This password protects all sheets without exceptions.

    Is there any way to modify the code so that, while it protects all sheets, it universally allows editing of objects, autofilter, and Pivot reports?

  2. #2
    Site Admin
    Jedi Master
    VBAX Guru Jacob Hilderbrand's Avatar
    Jun 2004
    Roseville, CA
    Try this.

    Option Explicit
    Public Sub ProtectAll()
    Const PWORD As String = "mysecretword"
    Dim wsSheet As Worksheet
    For Each wsSheet In Worksheets
            wsSheet.Protect Password:=PWORD, DrawingObjects:=False, _
            Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True, AllowFiltering:=True, _
        Next wsSheet
    End Sub

  3. #3
    Thank you. I'll give it a try and will mark the post "SOLVED" if it works for me.

  4. #4
    Site Admin
    Jedi Master
    VBAX Guru Jacob Hilderbrand's Avatar
    Jun 2004
    Roseville, CA
    You're Welcome

    Let me know if there are any problems.

    Take Care

  5. #5
    thanks, DRJ. This works! I marked the thread "solved."

  6. #6
    to DRJ: as I said this works. However, I have a curiosity question regarding syntax: why is DrawingObjects marked "False", whereas all the other exceptions are marked "True?"

  7. #7
    Site Admin
    Jedi Master
    VBAX Guru Jacob Hilderbrand's Avatar
    Jun 2004
    Roseville, CA
    DrawingObjects is False so that they are not protected.
    AllowUsingPivotTables is True so that Using Pivot Tables is allowed.

  8. #8
    I got it. In the meantime, I encountered the following problem when using the code:

    On opening the file, I get an error which seems to be based on the fact that the Pivot Table is set to auto-refresh when opening the workbook (set at Table Properties). Therefore, I have to go to the worksheet that contains the Pivot Table and manually remove all worksheet protection. Is there a workaround for this?

  9. #9
    Site Admin
    Jedi Master
    VBAX Guru Jacob Hilderbrand's Avatar
    Jun 2004
    Roseville, CA
    Try this.

    Option Explicit
    Public Sub ProtectAll()
    Const PWORD As String = "mysecretword"
    Dim wsSheet As Worksheet
    For Each wsSheet In Worksheets
            wsSheet.Protect Password:=PWORD, DrawingObjects:=False, _
            Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True, AllowFiltering:=True, _
            AllowUsingPivotTables:=True, UserInterfaceOnly:=True
        Next wsSheet
    End Sub

    If that doesn't work can you post an attachment that shows the error?

  10. #10
    Unfortunately, it does not work unless I clear the "automatically refresh" option in the Pivot Table options. The file is 4 megs large, therefore attaching it is not an option. For now, I'll just go to the Pivot Table worksheet and clear the protection manually. At least, I don't have to protect manually the other 69 worksheets!

  11. #11
    Further to the above, I saw the following VBA code by Debra Dalgleish that supposedly unprotects the Pivot table, refreshes it, and protects it again (I said "supposedly" because I have not tried it myself). I'm wondering if there is a way to combine your code and hers in some fashion:

    Private Sub Workbook_Open()
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim pt As PivotTable
    On Error Resume Next
    For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
    ws.Unprotect Password:="MySecretWord"
    For Each pt In ws.PivotTables
    ws.Protect DrawingObjects:=True, _
    Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True, _
    End Sub

    I suppose this code would have to be placed in "This workbook?"

  12. #12
    Site Admin
    Jedi Master
    VBAX Guru Jacob Hilderbrand's Avatar
    Jun 2004
    Roseville, CA
    Yes, the Workbook_Open event code must be placed in the ThisWorkbook module.

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