Is there anyway to get SQlyog for Mac???
Is there anyway to get SQlyog for Mac???
I haven't tried, but I would start with the windows plugin for mac that lets you run windows programs , also you might wanna try an sql rpm from a linux site (I have never tried this but having looked at the command line for mac (which looks like Bsd = berckly software developent (OS) command line, I would guess it would work
I'm just throughin Idea's there for you I'd like to know now too :-)
Howdy. Take a look at this discussion SQlyog for Mac.
Wine or Crossover seem to be the best approach until the true Mac version is ready.
Software: LibreOffice 3.3 on Mac OS X 10.6.5
(retired Excel 2003 user, 3.28.2008)
Humanware: Older than dirt
old, slow, and confused
but at least I'm inconsistent!
Shades, your are correct , I forgot about running emulators on Mac