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Thread: SQL in VBA

  1. #1
    VBAX Newbie
    Feb 2005

    SQL in VBA

    Hi Guys

    I am a newbie here so hopefully i have placed this post in the correct place!

    I am building a module in VBA to search for available rooms in a booking system.

    So far the logic goes like this:

    First draw up a list (call it list X) of all rooms that meet the capacity requirements

    Then draw up a list (call it list Y) of unavailable rooms for the required dates.

    If any room on list X equal one of list Y, remove the unavailable room from list X leaving only list X full of available rooms.

    Heres where i hit problems. I have an SQL statement that creates list Y but i cant get it to work in VBA, any ideas?

    Heres the code below for creating List Y:

    [vba]Public Sub sqlRoomBook()
    Dim db As Database
    Dim rec As Recordset
    Dim strSQL As String
    Dim strRoomID As String
    Dim datSDate As Date
    Dim datEDate As Date
    datSDate = InputBox("Enter Start Date", , Default)
    datEDate = InputBox("Enter End Date", , Default)

    Set db = CurrentDb()
    strSQL = "SELECT [RBroomID] FROM RoomBooking WHERE (datSDate >=RoomBooking.[RBstartDate] AND " _
    & "datSDate <= RoomBooking.[RBendDate])OR (datEDate >= RoomBooking.[RBstartDate] AND " _
    & "datEDate <= RoomBooking.[RBendDate])"

    Set rec = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
    Do Until rec.EOF
    strRoomID = strRoomID & Chr(13) & rec!RBbookingID

    MsgBox strRoomID

    end sub[/vba]

    If anyone knows of any good articles online regarding SQL in VBA it would be great if you could point me in the direction.

    Big thanks in advance for any help!

    Last edited by Ken Puls; 02-15-2005 at 02:06 PM. Reason: VBA tags and line continuations edited by Kpuls

  2. #2
    VBAX Regular zilpher's Avatar
    Nov 2004
    Swindon, UK

    I very rarely do work with Access so this might be a bum steer, but I suspect the issue is with the where clause and the way you are passing the dates in. I suspect the sql engine can't parse datSDate >=RoomBooking.[RBstartDate], but might be better at this:

    datSDate >= " & Format(RoomBooking.[RBstartDate],"YYYYMMDD" & " AND "

    etc etc (you'd need to change all occurences of this and pass a date format suitable.

    This *might* be the answer, but like I say, not great at Access.


  3. #3
    VBAX Regular
    Jul 2004
    London, UK
    If RBstartDate is stored as a date field in your datebase then you need to wrap your values in #

    like this

    WHERE (RoomBooking.[RBstartDate] <= #" & datSDate & "# and .......

    I generally put the field first before the value, but that's just me.


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