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Thread: Solved: If Without Block If

  1. #1
    VBAX Contributor
    Aug 2007

    Solved: If Without Block If

    Hi All

    A few weeks ago I had tremendous help from Xld with the code below and everything worked perfectly until a couple of days ago - when I got a debug message -- I realised what had caused the message but I don't know how to solve it. In columns K to O there has to be at least 3 entries of different letters if there are only 2 letters are entered and this happens very rarely the debug kicks in coloured red on line below is there a way of solving this please.

    [VBA] Sub AddTheData_Click()
    If Me.Tb590.Text <> "" Then

    Call AddTB(Worksheets("InputData").Range("K6:K65"), _
    "A", _
    Range("K1"), _
    Me.Tb601, Me.Tb602, Me.Tb603)
    End If

    If Me.Tb591.Text <> "" Then

    Call AddTB(Worksheets("InputData").Range("L6:L65"), _
    "B", _
    Range("L1"), _
    Me.Tb605, Me.Tb606, Me.Tb607)
    End If

    If Me.Tb592.Text <> "" Then

    Call AddTB(Worksheets("InputData").Range("M6:M65"), _
    "C", _
    Range("M1"), _
    Me.Tb609, Me.Tb610, Me.Tb611)
    End If

    If Me.Tb593.Text <> "" Then

    Call AddTB(Worksheets("InputData").Range("N6:N65"), _
    "D", _
    Range("N1"), _
    Me.Tb613, Me.Tb614, Me.Tb615)
    End If

    If Me.Tb594.Text <> "" Then

    Call AddTB(Worksheets("InputData").Range("O6:O65"), _
    "E", _
    Range("Q1"), _
    Me.Tb617, Me.Tb618, Me.Tb619)
    End If

    If Me.Tb595.Text <> "" Then

    Call AddTB(Worksheets("InputData").Range("P6:P65"), _
    "F", _
    Range("P1"), _
    End If

    If Me.Tb596.Text <> "" Then

    Call AddTB(Worksheets("InputData").Range("Q6:Q65"), _
    "G", _
    Range("Q1"), _
    End If
    Call Module4.Macro29
    End Sub

    Sub AddTB(rng As Range, LookFor As String, NotFound As Range, ParamArray TB())
    Dim v(), rng1 As Range
    Dim sAddr As String, ii As Long
    Dim i As Long

    ReDim v(1 To UBound(TB) - LBound(TB) + 1)

    Set rng1 = rng.Find(What:=LookFor, _
    After:=rng(rng.Count), _
    LookIn:=xlValues, _
    LookAt:=xlWhole, _
    SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
    SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
    If Not rng1 Is Nothing Then
    For i = 1 To UBound(TB) - LBound(TB) + 1
    v(i) = Evaluate(TB(i + LBound(TB) - 1).Text)
    Next i
    ii = 1
    sAddr = rng1.Address
    rng1.Offset(0, 0).Value = Application.Large(v, ii)
    Set rng1 = rng.FindNext(rng1)
    ii = ii + 1
    Loop Until rng.Address = sAddr Or ii > UBound(TB) - LBound(TB) + 1
    MsgBox NotFound.Value & " was not found"
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Tb590_AfterUpDate()
    '5p Pools
    Tb600.Value = Format(Val(Trim(Tb590.Value * 0.05)), "###0.00")
    Tb601.Value = (Format(Val(Trim(Tb600.Value * 0.5)), "###0.00"))
    Tb602.Value = (Format(Val(Trim(Tb600.Value * 0.3)), "###0.00"))
    Tb603.Value = (Format(Val(Trim(Tb600.Value * 0.2)), "###0.00"))
    End Sub
    Private Sub Tb591_AfterUpDate()
    '10p Pools
    Tb604.Value = Format(Val(Trim(Tb591.Value * 0.1)), "###0.00")
    Tb605.Value = (Format(Val(Trim(Tb604.Value * 0.5)), "###0.00"))
    Tb606.Value = (Format(Val(Trim(Tb604.Value * 0.3)), "###0.00"))
    Tb607.Value = (Format(Val(Trim(Tb604.Value * 0.2)), "###0.00"))
    End Sub
    Private Sub Tb592_AfterUpdate()
    '20p Pools
    Tb608.Value = Format(Val(Trim(Tb592.Value * 0.2)), "###0.00")
    Tb609.Value = (Format(Val(Trim(Tb608.Value * 0.5)), "###0.00"))
    Tb610.Value = (Format(Val(Trim(Tb608.Value * 0.3)), "###0.00"))
    Tb611.Value = (Format(Val(Trim(Tb608.Value * 0.2)), "###0.00"))
    End Sub
    Private Sub Tb593_AfterUpdate()
    '50p Pools
    Tb612.Value = (Format(Val(Trim(Tb593.Value * 0.5)), "###0.00"))
    Tb613.Value = (Format(Val(Trim(Tb612.Value * 0.5)), "###0.00"))
    Tb614.Value = (Format(Val(Trim(Tb612.Value * 0.3)), "###0.00"))
    Tb615.Value = (Format(Val(Trim(Tb612.Value * 0.2)), "###0.00"))
    End Sub
    Private Sub Tb594_AfterUpdate()
    '1.00p Pools
    Tb616.Value = (Format(Val(Trim(Tb594.Value * 1#)), "###0.00"))
    Tb617.Value = (Format(Val(Trim(Tb616.Value * 0.5)), "###0.00"))
    Tb618.Value = (Format(Val(Trim(Tb616.Value * 0.3)), "###0.00"))
    Tb619.Value = (Format(Val(Trim(Tb616.Value * 0.2)), "###0.00"))
    End Sub
    Private Sub Tb595_AfterUpdate()
    '0.50p Single Bird Nom Pools
    Tb620.Value = (Format(Val(Trim(Tb595.Value * 0.5)), "###0.00"))
    End Sub
    Any help much appreciated



    Aussiebear: Edited to enable code to be wrapped by the vba tags

  2. #2
    VBAX Wizard lucas's Avatar
    Jun 2004
    Tulsa, Oklahoma
    I hesitate to suggest this without taking the time to look a little closer but you might try adding this right after the redim statement:

    On Error Resume Next
    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
    -Abraham Lincoln

  3. #3
    VBAX Contributor
    Aug 2007
    Hi Lucas

    Thanks for the help -- works just right now --- don't know why I didn't find the answer perhaps it's "Old Timers" disease -- kicking in



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