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Thread: Permutations in a class modules

  1. #1
    VBAX Regular
    Sep 2006

    Permutations in a class modules

    Dear experts!

    I have to make a very large number of permutations in a class-module, but before the permutation is made the benefits of it is evaluated. In order to evaluate the move, I've made a temporary copy of the module in which the move is made and then evaluated, if the move pays off the original module is overwritten by the copy.

    In pseudo code it looks something like this:

    set ClassOrg as class1
    set ClassCopy as class2

    for i = lbound(ClassOrg) to ubound(ClassOrg)
    with classorg(i)
    end with
    next i

    'A function who makes a permutation is called

    'A function named evaluate() is called, it evaluates the move
    EvaluateMove = Evalutate(classcopy())

    If EvalutateMove < EvaluateOld then
    for i = lbound(ClassOrg) to ubound(ClassOrg)
    with classorg(i)
    end with
    next i
    end if


    The above method works, however, since the classes contains nearly 200 entryes, it seems rather time-consumeing to cycle the classes every time a permutation has to be made.
    Is there a faster way to do this?


  2. #2
    Mac Moderator VBAX Guru mikerickson's Avatar
    May 2007
    Davis CA
    It may depend on how the class is written, but if a ByRef copy is sufficiant
    [VBA]Set ClassCopy = ClassOrg[/VBA] should work.

  3. #3
    VBAX Regular
    Sep 2006
    I'm sorry but I don't know what you mean. I'm no expert on classes.
    The solution you provided doesn't seem to work. Perhaps I should mention that my class is an array of arrays.

    This is how I make the copy:

    For i = 1 To 8
    If ordrerind(i) > 0 Then
    x = linienrlok(i)
    ReDim xg(ordrerind(i))
    For j = LBound(x) To UBound(x)
    Set xg(j) = New xt
    With xg(j)
    .varenr = x(j).varenr
    .recept = x(j).recept
    .Tid = x(j).Tid
    .linie = x(j).linie
    .AkumTid = x(j).AkumTid
    .ProdTid = x(j).ProdTid
    .mangde = x(j).mangde
    .RMangde = x(j).RMangde
    End With
    LinieGam(i) = xg
    next j
    end if
    next i

    Liniegam() is a copy of linienrlok.
    xg() is a copy of x()
    ordrerind(i) is the number entryes in x(), so ubound(x) equals ordrerind(i).

  4. #4
    Mac Moderator VBAX Guru mikerickson's Avatar
    May 2007
    Davis CA
    It would help to see the class module. Could you post it or attach a workbook?

  5. #5
    VBAX Regular
    Sep 2006
    I figured that I might as well post most of the code.
    Here is the class modules and two sub-routines that are part of a larger project.
    It's a bit of a mess, I apologize for that. It works as it is, but I would like it to be faster.

    'A Class Module named xt
    Private mVarenr As String
    Private mRecept As String
    Private mTid As Variant
    Private mLinie As Integer
    Private mAkumTid As Single
    Private mProdTid As Single
    Private mMangde As Single
    Private mRMangde As Single

    Public Property Get varenr() As String
    varenr = mVarenr
    End Property
    Public Property Let varenr(ByVal vNewValue As String)
    mVarenr = vNewValue
    End Property
    Public Property Get recept() As String
    recept = mRecept
    End Property
    Public Property Let recept(ByVal vNewValue As String)
    mRecept = vNewValue
    End Property
    Public Property Get Tid() As Variant
    Tid = mTid
    End Property
    Public Property Let Tid(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)
    mTid = vNewValue
    End Property

    Public Property Get linie() As Integer
    linie = mLinie
    End Property
    Public Property Let linie(ByVal vNewValue As Integer)
    mLinie = vNewValue
    End Property
    Public Property Get AkumTid() As Single
    AkumTid = mAkumTid
    End Property
    Public Property Let AkumTid(ByVal vNewValue As Single)
    mAkumTid = vNewValue
    End Property
    Public Property Get ProdTid() As Single
    ProdTid = mProdTid
    End Property
    Public Property Let ProdTid(ByVal vNewValue As Single)
    mProdTid = vNewValue
    End Property
    Public Property Get mangde() As Single
    mangde = mMangde
    End Property
    Public Property Let mangde(ByVal vNewValue As Single)
    mMangde = vNewValue
    End Property
    Public Property Get RMangde() As Single
    RMangde = mRMangde
    End Property
    Public Property Let RMangde(ByVal vNewValue As Single)
    mRMangde = vNewValue
    End Property

    'A Class Module named xbyt
    Private mbVarenr As String
    Private mbRecept As String
    Private mbTid As Variant
    Private mbLinie As Integer
    Private mbAkumTid As Single
    Private mbProdTid As Single
    Private mbMangde As Single
    Private mbRMangde As Single

    Public Property Get varenr() As String
    varenr = mbVarenr
    End Property
    Public Property Let varenr(ByVal vNewValue As String)
    mbVarenr = vNewValue
    End Property
    Public Property Get recept() As String
    recept = mbRecept
    End Property
    Public Property Let recept(ByVal vNewValue As String)
    mbRecept = vNewValue
    End Property
    Public Property Get Tid() As Variant
    Tid = mbTid
    End Property
    Public Property Let Tid(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)
    mbTid = vNewValue
    End Property

    Public Property Get linie() As Integer
    linie = mbLinie
    End Property
    Public Property Let linie(ByVal vNewValue As Integer)
    mbLinie = vNewValue
    End Property
    Public Property Get AkumTid() As Single
    AkumTid = mbAkumTid
    End Property
    Public Property Let AkumTid(ByVal vNewValue As Single)
    mbAkumTid = vNewValue
    End Property
    Public Property Get ProdTid() As Single
    ProdTid = mbProdTid
    End Property
    Public Property Let ProdTid(ByVal vNewValue As Single)
    mbProdTid = vNewValue
    End Property
    Public Property Get mangde() As Single
    mangde = mbMangde
    End Property
    Public Property Let mangde(ByVal vNewValue As Single)
    mbMangde = vNewValue
    End Property
    Public Property Get RMangde() As Single
    RMangde = mbRMangde
    End Property
    Public Property Let RMangde(ByVal vNewValue As Single)
    mbRMangde = vNewValue
    End Property

    Sub tilfaldig(linienrlok() As Variant, ordrerind() As Integer)
    'Linienrlok() is transfered from the master module, it's originally a class xt, similar to liniegam() below
    Dim start As Double
    start = timer
    Dim i, j, linie As Integer
    Dim tal1 As Single
    ReDim BytFra(1)
    ReDim BytTil(1)
    Dim AntByt As Integer
    Dim LinieGam(), xg() As xt
    Dim LinieByt(), xb() As xByt
    Dim BytTilKand() As Integer
    Dim tempint As Integer
    Dim foretagbyt As Boolean
    ReDim LinieGam(1 To 8)
    ReDim LinieByt(1 To 8)
    'There is 8 productionlines and here it's decided, at which productionline the permutations should be made
    If evalgl < 10000 Then
    tal1 = Rnd
    For i = 1 To 8
    If i = 1 Then
    If tal1 <= interval(i) Then
    linie = i
    Exit For
    End If
    ElseIf tal1 <= interval(i) And tal1 > interval(i - 1) Then
    linie = i
    Exit For
    End If
    Next i
    linie = 1
    End If
    'The first candidate that should be involved in a move is determined
    BytFra(1) = Int((ordrerind(linie) - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1)
    ' Two copies of the class xt is being made
    For i = 1 To 8
    Set LinieGam(i) = New xt
    Set LinieByt(i) = New xByt
    If ordrerind(i) > 0 Then
    x = linienrlok(i)
    ReDim xg(ordrerind(i))
    ReDim xb(ordrerind(i))
    For j = LBound(x) To UBound(x)
    Set xg(j) = New xt
    With xg(j)
    .varenr = x(j).varenr
    .recept = x(j).recept
    .Tid = x(j).Tid
    .linie = x(j).linie
    .AkumTid = x(j).AkumTid
    .ProdTid = x(j).ProdTid
    .mangde = x(j).mangde
    .RMangde = x(j).RMangde
    End With
    LinieGam(i) = xg
    Set xb(j) = New xByt
    With xb(j)
    .varenr = x(j).varenr
    .recept = x(j).recept
    .Tid = x(j).Tid
    .linie = x(j).linie
    .AkumTid = x(j).AkumTid
    .ProdTid = x(j).ProdTid
    .mangde = x(j).mangde
    .RMangde = x(j).RMangde
    End With
    LinieByt(i) = xb
    Next j
    End If
    Next i
    'tempint is the number of moves that should be evaluated, and it depends on the number of producitonruns at a given line
    tempint = Int((ordrerind(linie)) * 0.05) + 1
    ReDim BytTilKand(tempint)
    ReDim eval(tempint)
    For i = 1 To tempint
    ReDim BytTil(1)
    If ordrerind(linie) > 0 Then
    x = LinieGam(linie)
    xb = LinieByt(linie)
    For j = LBound(x) To UBound(x)
    With xb(j)
    .varenr = x(j).varenr
    .recept = x(j).recept
    .Tid = x(j).Tid
    .linie = x(j).linie
    .AkumTid = x(j).AkumTid
    .ProdTid = x(j).ProdTid
    .mangde = x(j).mangde
    .RMangde = x(j).RMangde
    End With
    LinieByt(linie) = xb
    Next j
    End If

    'Linienrlok() is the "class" that is being used
    For j = 1 To 8
    If ordrerind(j) > 0 Then
    linienrlok(j) = LinieByt(j)
    End If
    Next j

    'The rest of the candidates for a move is determined
    x = linienrlok(linie)
    If Int((ordrerind(linie) - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1) <> BytFra(1) Then
    If x(BytFra(1)).varenr <> x(Int((ordrerind(linie) - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1)).varenr Then
    BytTil(1) = Int((ordrerind(linie) - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1)
    BytTilKand(i) = BytTil(1)
    AntByt = AntByt + 1
    End If
    End If

    'It's eaxminded if the moves are tabu-listed
    For j = 1 To 10
    If TabuTilf(linie, j).fra = BytFra(1) And TabuTilf(linie, j).til = BytTil(1) Then ' OR/AND
    If i = tempint Then
    TimeTilf = TimeTilf + timer - start
    Exit Sub
    GoTo nyti
    End If
    End If
    Next j

    'If there none or only one candidate then try again
    If BytTil(1) = 0 Then
    If i = tempint Then
    TimeTilf = TimeTilf + timer - start
    Exit Sub
    GoTo nyti
    End If
    End If

    'A sub-routine that actually makes the move is called
    TimeTilf = TimeTilf + timer - start
    Call bytter(linienrlok, linie)
    start = timer
    'A functions that evaluates the move is called
    TimeTilf = TimeTilf + timer - start
    eval(i) = evaluerings(linienrlok())
    start = timer
    Next i
    'The best move is chosen
    For i = 1 To tempint
    If eval(i) < evalgl And eval(i) > 0 Then
    evalgl = eval(i)
    BytTil(1) = BytTilKand(i)
    foretagbyt = True
    End If
    Next i
    'Linienrlok is reset to the original
    For j = 1 To 8
    If ordrerind(j) > 0 Then
    linienrlok(j) = LinieGam(j)
    End If
    Next j
    x = linienrlok(linie)
    'If there exist a move that improves that leads to a better sollution that move is being made in linienrlok - the original class
    If foretagbyt = True Then
    If IndTabuTilf = 10 Then
    IndTabuTilf = 1
    IndTabuTilf = IndTabuTilf + 1
    End If
    With TabuTilf(linie, IndTabuTilf)
    .fra = BytFra(1)
    .til = BytTil(1)
    End With
    TimeTilf = TimeTilf + timer - start
    Call bytter(linienrlok, linie)
    start = timer
    End If
    TimeTilf = TimeTilf + timer - start
    End Sub

    Sub bytter(linienrlok() As Variant, i As Integer)
    Dim xb As Variant
    xb = linienrlok(i)
    Dim TempVar As Variant
    For m = 1 To (UBound(BytFra))
    TempVar = xb(BytFra(m)).varenr
    xb(BytFra(m)).varenr = xb(BytTil(m)).varenr
    xb(BytTil(m)).varenr = TempVar

    TempVar = xb(BytFra(m)).recept
    xb(BytFra(m)).recept = xb(BytTil(m)).recept
    xb(BytTil(m)).recept = TempVar

    TempVar = xb(BytFra(m)).Tid
    xb(BytFra(m)).Tid = xb(BytTil(m)).Tid
    xb(BytTil(m)).Tid = TempVar

    TempVar = xb(BytFra(m)).linie
    xb(BytFra(m)).linie = xb(BytTil(m)).linie
    xb(BytTil(m)).linie = TempVar

    TempVar = xb(BytFra(m)).AkumTid
    xb(BytFra(m)).AkumTid = xb(BytTil(m)).AkumTid
    xb(BytTil(m)).AkumTid = TempVar

    TempVar = xb(BytFra(m)).ProdTid
    xb(BytFra(m)).ProdTid = xb(BytTil(m)).ProdTid
    xb(BytTil(m)).ProdTid = TempVar

    TempVar = xb(BytFra(m)).mangde
    xb(BytFra(m)).mangde = xb(BytTil(m)).mangde
    xb(BytTil(m)).mangde = TempVar

    TempVar = xb(BytFra(m)).RMangde
    xb(BytFra(m)).RMangde = xb(BytTil(m)).RMangde
    xb(BytTil(m)).RMangde = TempVar

    Next m
    End Sub


    Any suggestions on how to make the code faster is greatly appreciated.


  6. #6
    Mac Moderator VBAX Guru mikerickson's Avatar
    May 2007
    Davis CA
    The class modules look like all of the properties could be expressed as public properties in the Declaration section.

    E.G. replace
    Private mVarenr As String 
    Public Property Get varenr() As String 
        varenr = mVarenr 
        End Property 
    Public Property Let varenr(ByVal vNewValue As String) 
        mVarenr = vNewValue 
        End Property
    [VBA]Public varenr As String[/VBA]

  7. #7
    VBAX Regular
    Sep 2006
    Thanks for your answer mikerickson.

    But what would that do?

    Would that allow me to:

    set xg =x

    I'm sorry but I don't know much about classes.


  8. #8
    Distinguished Lord of VBAX VBAX Grand Master Bob Phillips's Avatar
    Apr 2005
    It would do nothing that your code doesn't do, it just means less typing. Personally, I think your way is better coding discipline within class modules.
    Nihil simul inventum est et perfectum

    Abusus non tollit usum

    Last night I dreamed of a small consolation enjoyed only by the blind: Nobody knows the trouble I've not seen!
    James Thurber

  9. #9
    VBAX Regular
    Sep 2006
    Thanks XLD.

    Do you have any suggestions on how to improve my code?
    To be more specific, how to make a temporary copy of the module? As of now I cycle through the entire module to make a copy of it.
    Or is there no better way?


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