I'm looking for an explanation on this. I run a process that visits several URLS and translates Cold Fusion grids into .csv, concatenates the csv and saves it as XLS.

The next step [importing to Access] was done manually, with the import Wizard and works w/out error.

Seeking to automate that step I attempted: (pseudo-code; oConn is a Connection Object)

oConn.Execute 'INSERT INTO [temp] SELECT * FROM [UPLOAD$] IN "" [Excel 8.0;IMEX=2;HDR=YES;DATABASE=' & cXLS & '];'

which gives an error, "field is too small to accept data...."

The workaround is to perform a SELECT on the data and then do a row x row insert, but that takes longer as I am dealing w/thousands of rows.

So, why the error from ADO but no error from the import wizard - same workbook, same table????? Stan