Hi to all senior members,
below is the code which saves data in dat format.But the problem is it does not save data in incremental way. It changes only if there is a change in the sheet. Can anyone help me .
Here is the code:
[VBA] Dim fpath As String
Dim spath As String
Dim total_imported_text As String
Dim ilinecount As Long
Dim c
Const ForReading = 1
fpath = "D:\Temp\abdatabase\anil\mstfile.dat"
spath = "D:\Metastock\data1\"
'cmdImport.Enabled = False
If fpath = "" Then
MsgBox fpath & " does not have data"
Dim fso
Dim act
Dim total_split_text, total_num_imported
Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
'Set act = fso.OpenTextFile("D:\Temp\Abdatabase\anil\opfile.txt")
Set act = fso.OpenTextFile(fpath, 1, True) 'me.CommonDialog1.FileName)
total_imported_text = act.readall
total_imported_text = Replace(total_imported_text, Chr(13), "*")
total_imported_text = Replace(total_imported_text, Chr(10), "*")

total_imported_text = Replace(total_imported_text, "**", "*")
'Response.Write total_imported_text
total_imported_text = Replace(total_imported_text, Chr(34), "")

'Remove all the quotes (If your csv has quotes other than to seperate text
'You may want to remove this modifier to the imported text

total_split_text = Split(total_imported_text, "*")
'Split the file up by comma
total_num_imported = UBound(total_split_text)
'Start loop
For i = 0 To total_num_imported - 1 '0 To total_num_imported '

comma_split = Split(total_split_text(i), ",")
On Error Resume Next
If comma_split(0) <> "" Then
Debug.Print Fileld2OfExcel
Fileld2OfExcel = Trim(Mid(comma_split(0), 2))
'****************Existing Condition*******************************
'Check the column of the excel sheets if it is empty
'if not then print then Row
'****************As per Your Condition*******************************
'A new text file will be created for each row with the text file name as the first column
If Fileld2OfExcel <> "" Then
'Debug.Print total_split_text(i)
'Save Each Next Row that is Found
If Dir(spath & "Data1\" & "TAData" + comma_split(0) & ".dat") = "" Then

Open spath & "TAData" + comma_split(0) & ".dat" For Output As #1
Print #1, comma_split(2) & "," & comma_split(3) & "," & comma_split(4) _
& "," & comma_split(5) & "," & comma_split(6) & "," & comma_split(7) 'Mid(total_split_text(i), 2) & vbCrLf
Close #1
L_B_Found = False
Less_D_Found = False
Dim myData As String
Dim dt1 As Date
Dim dt2 As Date
myData = ""
myData1 = ""
Open fpath & "\Data\" & comma_split(0) & ".dat" For Input As #1
Do While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, myData

If myData <> "" Then
txt = Split(myData, ",")
dt1 = CDate(Format(Now(), "mm/dd/yyyy"))
dt2 = CDate(Format$(Now(), "hh:mm:ss"))
If dt1 = dt2 Then
L_B_Found = True
myData1 = myData1 & myData & vbCrLf
ElseIf dt1 < dt2 Then
If Less_D_Found = False Then
Less_D_Found = True
myData1 = myData1 & comma_split(2) & "," & comma_split(3) & "," & comma_split(4) _
& "," & comma_split(5) & "," & comma_split(6) & "," & comma_split(7) & vbCrLf & myData & vbCrLf
L_B_Found = False
myData1 = myData1 & myData & vbCrLf

End If
myData1 = myData1 & myData & vbCrLf & comma_split(2) & "," & comma_split(3) & "," & comma_split(4) _
& "," & comma_split(5) & "," & comma_split(6) & "," & comma_split(7) & vbCrLf
End If
End If


Close #1
If L_B_Found = False Then

Open spath & "\Data1\" & "TAData" + comma_split(0) & ".dat" For Output As #1
Print #1, myData1

Close #1
End If
End If
End If
End If
Next i

End If[/VBA]
Thanks in advance.