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Thread: Problems setting data into charts with VBA

  1. #1
    VBAX Contributor
    May 2008

    Problems setting data into charts with VBA

    I found that when setting data into different charts, the values don't retain their changes when the PPT file is closed. (the charts look like they have the new data, but upon opening them, they revert to their state before the changes were made) A snippet of the code I'm using to set the data:
    With oPPTShape
    If .Type = 7 Then ' Chart
    If TypeName(.OLEFormat.Object) = "Chart" Then
    .OLEFormat.Object.Application.datasheet.Range(mColumn & mRow).Value = theValue
    ElseIf TypeName(.OLEFormat.Object) = "Workbook" Then
    .OLEFormat.Object.Sheets("Sheet1").Range(mColumn & mRow).Value = theValue
    End If
    End If
    End With[/vba]
    I found that opening and closing the charts will make the changes 'stick', so I run this code on each of the charts once the program is finished:[vba]
    With oPPTShape
    If .Type = 7 Then ' Chart
    .OLEFormat.DoVerb Index:=1
    End If
    End With

    Is there a better way of doing this? Is there something that can be done when the data is set into the chart to make it retain it's value automatically?

    My main reason for asking this, is that I have recently been getting a dialog when setting data into Excel charts in PowerPoint that says "The object is not responding because the source application may be busy". The dialog is from Excel. I have stored references to the objects that I am setting data into in the presentation (a combination of tables, charts, and text fields), but I don't see what is causing this dialog, because I am not setting any references to Excel specifically, and I am not sure what would be keeping Excel busy after running the code which sets the data.

    I tried the following:
    With oPPTShape
    If .Type = 7 Then ' Chart
    .OLEFormat.Object.Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    End If
    End With
    hoping that it would suppress this dialog, but it didn't work.

  2. #2
    VBAX Master
    Feb 2007
    Maybe try the Update method?

    John Wilson
    Microsoft PowerPoint MVP
    Amazing Free PowerPoint Tutorials

  3. #3
    VBAX Contributor
    May 2008
    Thanks for the response. Yes, I had tried to update (I had those lines commented out in my original code, but I don't recall if it was because they didn't suppress the dialog or if it didn't update the charts properly)

    Surprisingly, when I tested it just now with the update code included, it actually showed the Excel dialog even sooner than before (there are 6 different tabs setting data into about 8 different charts, and the dialog showed up before I even got to the last tab). Just now, after disabling that code again, it took several minutes to show the dialog (It actually started coming up while I was typing this, with the application in the background)

    I am stumped. I will look through my code again, but to my knowlege, those lines in the class which sets the data into the chart are the only area where I am accessing the Excel object. If anyone has any other suggestions, I'd be very appreciative to hear.

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