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Thread: find for "OR" terms (code)

  1. #1
    VBAX Tutor TheAntiGates's Avatar
    Feb 2005

    find for "OR" terms (code)

    This is so you can in Word find, e.g., either Co. or company. Once you start using this you'll be hooked like I am - there are a million times it has paid off here. How about find for Bill or Billy or William?

    My VBA skills are weakest with Word, so I'll be grateful if true experts will proceed to lock and load at it. There's some narrative along those lines in the comments in the code.

    I have removed tons of whitespace below to shorten wide lines, which looks severe as I preview this. I have put in needless line continuation underscores for this too. It was fine in the VBA window (though my tabsize is 2)

    [VBA]'This is a nonwrapping FORWARD search for "OR" arguments, comma-separated.
    'It IGNORES current selection (except to change it when the search succeeds).
    'Notice that it uses the static variable sResp$, defined atop this module
    'Dim sResp$
    'Usage e.g.:
    'Type(without the quotes)"a,e,i,o,u" in InputBox & it goes to next vowel
    'Also beware that while debugging, CODE WINDOW is operated on, not
    'the "active document"? - I'd sure love to know how to get around that
    Sub CompoundFind() 'you're nuts not to keyboard accel. these two...
    CompoundFindCommonCode (True)
    End Sub
    Sub CompoundFindNext()
    CompoundFindCommonCode (False)
    End Sub
    Sub CompoundFindCommonCode(bPrompt As Boolean)
    Dim iInitSelStart&, iInitSelEnd&, iCommaPos&, _
    iSavPos&, iTrialPos&, iNewPos&, iNewPosLen&
    Dim sstr$, bFound As Boolean, bLoopForBkSlash As Boolean
    If bPrompt Then _
    sResp$=InputBox$("Type multiple ' Or ' Find items, comma separated " _
    & Chr(10) & "( Use \, for actual comma) ", "MultiFind", sResp$)
    If sResp$ = "" Then Exit Sub
    iInitSelStart=Selection.Start: iInitSelEnd=Selection.End 'for ensuing Finds
    iNewPos = iInitSelStart 'our target - where we will go when done
    iNewPosLen = iInitSelEnd - iInitSelStart + 1
    iCommaPos = 1: iSavPos = 1: bFound = False
    While iCommaPos > 0 'always do at least one Find
    'aha! The next line is the key to working properly.
    'Remove it, and you get bad results in Word97. It would be great
    'if someone could explain what happens when next line is commented
    Selection.Start = iInitSelStart + 1: Selection.End = iInitSelStart + 1
    'this or next Instr will decide the Wending
    If iSavPos<=Len(sResp$) Then sstr$=Mid$(sResp$,iSavPos)'provisional
    If iCommaPos>0 Then 'to restate sStr$(if iCommaPos reveals DELIMITING comma)
    If iCommaPos=1 Then bLoopForBkSlash=False Else bLoopForBkSlash=True
    'GRR! No exit while. Can't "while Mid$"; iCommaPos may be 1
    While bLoopForBkSlash
    If Not Mid$(sResp$,iCommaPos-1,1)="\" Then bLoopForBkSlash=False
    If bLoopForBkSlash Then 'i.e., the Mid$ found it
    sstr$=Mid$(sResp$,iSavPos) 'again provisionally in case no commas
    iCommaPos=InStr(iCommaPos,sResp$, ",") 'not (iCommaPos+1,
    If iCommaPos = 0 Then bLoopForBkSlash = False
    End If
    If iCommaPos>0 Then sstr$=Mid$(sResp$,iSavPos,iCommaPos-iSavPos)
    iSavPos = iCommaPos + 1
    End If
    If sstr$ <> "" Then
    With Selection.Find
    .Forward = True: .Wrap = wdFindStop: .Execute FindText:=sstr$
    End With
    End If
    ' MsgBox "<" + sStr$ + "> " + Str$(Selection.Find.Found)
    If Selection.Find.Found Then
    bFound = True: iTrialPos = Selection.Start
    If iNewPos = iInitSelStart Then 'trial's our very first hit - save it
    iNewPos = iTrialPos: iNewPosLen = Len(sstr$)
    Else 'else iNewPos DID have prior value; update if sooner in file
    If iTrialPos<iNewPos Then iNewPos=iTrialPos: iNewPosLen=Len(sstr$)
    End If
    End If
    Selection.Start = iInitSelStart: Selection.End = iInitSelEnd
    If bFound Then Selection.Start=iNewPos: _
    Selection.End=iNewPos+iNewPosLen _
    Else MsgBox "Solly, no, Cholly"
    End Sub[/VBA]
    I just found a cool semi-advanced VBA page - dictionary, queue, etc.

  2. #2
    Site Admin
    The Princess
    VBAX Guru Anne Troy's Avatar
    May 2004
    Arlington Heights, IL
    Did you need help with it? If not, perhaps you want to create a kb entry, dude. You'll need to log in the first time you use it (just like the forum), but it's the same name/pwd as the forum.
    ~Anne Troy

  3. #3
    VBAX Mentor
    Sep 2004
    Nashua, NH, USA
    The code below:

    1. Eliminates the While exiting issue.
    2. Eliminates the bLoopForBkSlash variable.
    3. Explicitly types, but not change the names of variables.
    4. Eliminates unnecessary object references.
    5. Adds other efficiences.

    Note that this code runs in the document, even when running the code line by line.

    I've not tried the code in Word 97.

    .Start = iInitSelStart + 1

    Moves the start of the selection, apparently causing the code to skip the first character in the selection.

    Is that so, I've not analyzed it carefully.

    Was that intended?

    Option Explicit
    ' Modified by Howard Kaikow ( on 28 February 2005

    'This is a nonwrapping FORWARD search for "OR" arguments, comma-separated.
    'It IGNORES current selection (except to change it when the search succeeds).

    'Usage e.g.:
    'Type(without the quotes)"a,e,i,o,u" in InputBox & it goes to next vowel

    Private sResp As String

    Sub CompoundFind()
    CompoundFindCommonCode (True)
    End Sub
    Sub CompoundFindNext()
    CompoundFindCommonCode (False)
    End Sub
    Sub CompoundFindCommonCode(bPrompt As Boolean)
    Dim bFound As Boolean
    Dim iCommaPos As Long
    Dim iInitSelEnd As Long
    Dim iInitSelStart As Long
    Dim iNewPos As Long
    Dim iNewPosLen As Long
    Dim iSavPos As Long
    Dim iTrialPos As Long
    Dim sstr As String

    If bPrompt Then
    sResp = InputBox$("Type multiple ' Or ' Find items, comma separated " _
    & vbCr & "( Use \, for actual comma) ", "MultiFind", sResp)
    End If
    If Len(sResp) = 0 Then
    Exit Sub
    End If
    With Selection
    iInitSelStart = .Start
    iInitSelEnd = .End 'for ensuing Finds
    iNewPos = iInitSelStart 'our target - where we will go when done
    iNewPosLen = iInitSelEnd - iInitSelStart + 1
    iCommaPos = 1
    iSavPos = 1
    bFound = False
    While iCommaPos > 0 'always do at least one Find
    'aha! The next line is the key to working properly.
    'Remove it, and you get bad results in Word97. It would be great
    'if someone could explain what happens when next line is commented
    .Start = iInitSelStart + 1
    .End = iInitSelStart + 1
    'this or next Instr will decide the Wending
    iCommaPos = InStr(iSavPos, sResp, ",")
    If iSavPos <= Len(sResp) Then
    sstr = Mid$(sResp, iSavPos) 'provisional
    End If
    If iCommaPos > 0 Then 'to restate sstr(if iCommaPos reveals DELIMITING comma)
    If iCommaPos <> 1 Then
    If Not Mid$(sResp, iCommaPos - 1, 1) = "\" Then
    Exit Do
    End If
    sResp = Left$(sResp, iCommaPos - 2) + Mid$(sResp, iCommaPos)
    sstr = Mid$(sResp, iSavPos) 'again provisionally in case no commas
    iCommaPos = InStr(iCommaPos, sResp, ",") 'not (iCommaPos+1,
    If iCommaPos = 0 Then
    Exit Do
    End If
    End If
    If iCommaPos > 0 Then
    sstr = Mid$(sResp, iSavPos, iCommaPos - iSavPos)
    End If
    iSavPos = iCommaPos + 1
    End If
    If Len(sstr) <> 0 Then
    With .Find
    .Forward = True
    .Wrap = wdFindStop
    .Execute FindText:=sstr
    End With
    End If

    If .Find.Found Then
    bFound = True
    iTrialPos = .Start
    If iNewPos = iInitSelStart Then 'trial's our very first hit - save it
    iNewPos = iTrialPos
    iNewPosLen = Len(sstr)
    Else 'else iNewPos DID have prior value; update if sooner in file
    If iTrialPos < iNewPos Then
    iNewPos = iTrialPos
    iNewPosLen = Len(sstr)
    End If
    End If
    End If
    .Start = iInitSelStart
    .End = iInitSelEnd
    If bFound Then
    .Start = iNewPos
    .End = iNewPos + iNewPosLen
    MsgBox "Solly, no, Cholly"
    End If
    End With
    End Sub

  4. #4
    VBAX Tutor TheAntiGates's Avatar
    Feb 2005
    Man, concentrating on this is tough while Buffy is on TV (actually BuffyBot in this arc)
    Thank you for the evaluation. I incorporated almost all your changes. Dohhhh - of course, you can't exit while but you can exit Do - thanks.

    Selection.Start = iInitSelStart + 1
    is a strange animal, having to do with how .Find.Execute operates. I would appreciate help testing this on other word versions.

    Make your document consist entirely of simply the 4 bytes aeae and put the cursor at start of the doc and run CompoundFind as is, answering a,e to the prompt. It finds everything, one by one. But use Selection.Start=iInitSelStart (no +1 ), and it only finds the letter e. Quite bizarre.

    If the +1 is instead removed from the line near the end of the while loop, then the last find occurrence fails. Brutal.

    AAR as I'm resigned to its necessity (and I've hoisted it for the next update).

    Not for war, but I added a thread "CompoundFind style" to explain "formatting differences."

    Second version. I'm still open to enhancements/cleanups before KBing it.
    'This is a nonwrapping FORWARD search for "OR" arguments, comma-separated.
    'It changes current selection when the search succeeds; otherwise
    'selection only affects the scope of CompoundFind (not CompoundFindNext)
    'Notice that it uses the static variable sResp$, defined atop this module
    'Dim sResp$
    'Usage examples:
    'Type(without the quotes)"a,e,i,o,u" in InputBox & it goes to next vowel
    'Type(without the quotes) "Bill,Billy,William" in InputBox & watch it work!
    Sub CompoundFind() 'you're nuts not to keyboard accel. these two...
    	CompoundFindCommonCode (True) 
    End Sub 
    Sub CompoundFindNext() 
    	CompoundFindCommonCode (False) 
    End Sub 
    Sub CompoundFindCommonCode(bPrompt As Boolean)
    Dim iInitSelStart&,iInitSelEnd&,iCommaPos&,iSavPos&,iTrialPos&,iNewPos&,iNewPosLen&
    Dim sStr$, bFound As Boolean
    'There's an underscore _ at end of next line in case you can't see it
    If bPrompt Then sResp=InputBox$("Type multiple ' Or ' Find items,comma separated " _
    & vbCr & "( Use \, for actual comma) ", "MultiFind", sResp)
    If sResp = "" Then Exit Sub
    iInitSelStart = Selection.Start: iInitSelEnd = Selection.End	'for ensuing Finds
    Selection.Start = iInitSelStart + 1		 'looks queer, but required in W97
    iNewPos = iInitSelStart			'our target - where we will go when done
    iNewPosLen = iInitSelEnd - iInitSelStart + 1
    iCommaPos = 1: iSavPos = 1: bFound = False
    While iCommaPos > 0				 'always do at least one Find
    	iCommaPos=InStr(iSavPos,sResp,",") 'this or next Instr'll decide the Wending
    	If iSavPos <= Len(sResp) Then sStr = Mid$(sResp, iSavPos) 'provisional
    	If iCommaPos>0 Then 'to restate sStr(if iCommaPos reveals DELIMITING comma)
    	 If iCommaPos <> 1 Then
    		If Not Mid$(sResp, iCommaPos - 1, 1) = "\" Then Exit Do
    		sResp = Left$(sResp, iCommaPos - 2) + Mid$(sResp, iCommaPos)
    		sStr = Mid$(sResp, iSavPos) 'again provisionally in case no commas
    		iCommaPos = InStr(iCommaPos, sResp, ",")	 'not (iCommaPos+1,
    		If iCommaPos = 0 Then Exit Do
    	 End If
    	 If iCommaPos > 0 Then sStr = Mid$(sResp, iSavPos, iCommaPos - iSavPos)
    	 iSavPos = iCommaPos + 1
    	End If
    	If sStr <> "" Then
    	 With Selection.Find
    		.Forward = True: .Wrap = wdFindStop: .Execute FindText:=sStr
    	 End With
    	End If
    	If Selection.Find.Found Then
    	 bFound = True: iTrialPos = Selection.Start
    	 If iNewPos = iInitSelStart Then 'trial's our very first hit - save it
    		iNewPos = iTrialPos: iNewPosLen = Len(sStr)
    	 Else	 'else iNewPos DID have prior value; update if sooner in file
    		If iTrialPos<iNewPos Then iNewPos=iTrialPos: iNewPosLen=Len(sStr)
    	 End If
    	End If
    	Selection.Start = iInitSelStart + 1: Selection.End = iInitSelEnd
    If bFound Then Selection.Start=iNewPos: Selection.End=iNewPos+iNewPosLen _
    Else MsgBox "Solly, no, Cholly"
    End Sub
    Forgive the indenting. I don't have control over the tag (do I?!). It looks fantastic on MY PC
    I just found a cool semi-advanced VBA page - dictionary, queue, etc.

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