Hi guys,

I need some help with option boxes and VB. I would like to offer 3 choices. Lets say;

Opt1) Dairy Milk

Opt2) Chocolate Orange

Opt3) Fudge

So I put them on the userform. Now I would like the user to be able to select any combination of the 3 including all of them. Once they select their choice I would like the output to be linked to a bookmark.

Therefore if someone selects Opt1 & Opt3 the output would be;

Dairy Milk


I think I need something like

[VBA] Dim aText As String
aText = ""
For i = 1 To 3
If frmStandardLetter("Text" & i).Text <> "" Then
aText = aText & frmStandardLetter("Textbox" & i).Text & Chr(13)
End If
aText = Left(aText, Len(aText) - 1)
Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:="Choice"
Selection.TypeText Text:=aText[/VBA]

But with optionboxes and I don't have a clue how to add the text (ie Dairy Milk)