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Thread: How to connect to SQL Server from VBA use ADO

  1. #1
    VBAX Regular levanduyet's Avatar
    Jul 2007

    How to connect to SQL Server from VBA use ADO

    I have written the code to help connect to *.mdb. It's OK. Now I have to convert to the function to connect to SQL Server. Anyone have any suggestion? Please see my code as following:

    Option Explicit

    Private Const mcsModName = "mDatabase" 'i.e Module Const String
    Private Const msFILE_ERROR_LOG As String = "Error.log"

    Public Enum eConnection
    eSuccess = 1 'Connect success
    eDefeat = 0 'Connect failure
    End Enum

    Public Enum eDeleteTable
    eSuccess = 1 'Delete success
    eDefeat = 0 'Delete failure
    End Enum

    'Store the status when checking the user in the table
    Public Enum eUserExist
    eUserDoesNotExist = 0 'The user does not exist
    eUserExist = 1 ' The user exist
    eCanNotConnect = -1 ' Can not connect to the database
    eOthersError = -2 'Others errors
    End Enum

    Public Enum CommandTypeEnum
    adCmdFile = 256 '(&H100)
    adCmdStoredProc = 4
    adCmdTable = 2
    adCmdTableDirect = 512 '(&H200)
    adCmdText = 1
    adCmdUnknown = 8
    End Enum

    ' Procedure : GetConStr
    ' DateTime : 11/07/2008
    ' Author : Le Van Duyet
    ' Purpose : To get the connection string
    ' _ If you use DSN, then you pass this Argument to this function
    ' and sUserName, sPass also
    ' Please take note that we suppost our database is *.mdb
    ' Result : vbNullString if there is any error
    ' otherwise return the Connection String
    Private Function GetConStr(Optional sDSNname As String = vbNullString, _
    Optional sUserName As String = vbNullString, _
    Optional sPass As String = vbNullString) As String

    Dim sConnect As String
    Dim sDBPath As String, sDBFileName As String
    Dim sSameFolder As String
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

    sDBFileName = GetIni("INF", "DATAFILENAME")

    'If the user does not set up in the ini file
    'Then get the constant in the mPublicConst module
    If sDBFileName = vbNullString Then
    sDBFileName = mcsDBFileName
    End If

    'Check, database is same folder with thisworkbook or not
    sSameFolder = GetIni("INF", "SAMEFOLDER")

    'Define the sDBPath
    If UCase$(sSameFolder) = "TRUE" Then
    sDBPath = ThisWbPath & sDBFileName
    'If sSameFolder = vbNullString then
    'sDBFileName must be the full path, i.e including the folder path also
    sDBPath = sDBFileName
    End If

    'According to sDNSName to create the connection string
    If Len(sUserName) = 0 Then
    sUserName = "Admin"
    End If

    If Len(sDSNname) = 0 Then
    'If the user call this funtion without sDSNname then
    'Mean that use the database file Ms Access in the same folder
    'with this Excel file
    sConnect = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; " & "Dbq=" & sDBPath & "; " & _
    "UID=" & sUserName & "; PWD=" & sPass & "; "
    sDSNname = GetIni("DSN", "DSN")
    'First we get the DSN from ini file
    'If DSN in ini file=vbNullString or the ini file does not exist
    'Then set DSN = mcsDSN the constant of DSN in the mPublicConst module
    If sDSNname = vbNullString Then
    sDBPath = mcsDSN
    sDBPath = sDSNname
    End If
    'The OLE DB provider for ODBC is called MSDASQL
    'MSDASQL i.e MircroSoft Data Access SQL
    sConnect = "Provider=MSDASQL; DSN=" & sDBPath & _
    "; UID=" & sUserName & "; PWD=" & sPass & ";"
    End If

    GetConStr = sConnect


    Exit Function

    'If there is an error, set sCreateConStr = vbnullstring
    GetConStr = vbNullString
    If bCentralErrorHandler(mcsModName, "sCreateConStr") Then
    Resume ErrorExit
    End If

    End Function

    ' Procedure : ConnectToDB
    ' DateTime : 10/07/2008 15:24
    ' Author : Le Van Duyet
    ' Purpose : To check the connection to the database
    Function ConnectToDB(Optional sDSNname As String = vbNullString, _
    Optional sDBUserName As String = vbNullString, _
    Optional sDBPass As String = vbNullString) As Long

    'This function will return:
    ' 1: Connect is successfull
    ' 0: Can not connect to database or error

    'The ObjectStateEnum constants defined in ADO
    '.adStateClosed | 0 - Means the connection is closed
    '.adStateOpen | 1 - Means the connection is open
    '.adStateConnecting | 2 - Means the object is in the process of making a connection
    '.adStateExecuting | 4 - Means the connection is executing a command
    '.adStateFetching | 8

    Dim sConnect As String, sUseDNS As String
    Dim lAttempt As Long

    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

    'Check the gcnAcess before open
    'gcnAccess.State = ObjectStateEnum.adStateOpen is openning
    'Not gcnAccess Is Nothing, we have create the gcnAccess variable
    Set gcnAccess = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    'Suppose that can not connect to database
    'Gia su rang khong the ket noi voi CSDL
    ConnectToDB = eConnection.eDefeat

    'Get the data from setup file ini
    'If when calling this function the programmer does not pass the sDSNname

    If Len(sDSNname) = 0 Then
    sUseDNS = GetIni("DSN", "DSN")
    End If
    'Get user name to connect to database
    If Len(sDBUserName) = 0 Then
    sDBUserName = Decrypt(GetIni("INF", "USERDB"))
    End If
    'Get pass to connect to database
    If Len(sDBPass) = 0 Then
    sDBPass = Decrypt(GetIni("INF", "PASSDB"))
    End If

    'Get the connection string
    sConnect = GetConStr(sDSNname, sDBUserName, sDBPass)

    If Len(sConnect) = 0 Then
    'If sConnect = vbNullString, then can not connect to database
    GoTo ErrorExit
    End If

    With gcnAccess
    .Mode = 3 'i.e adModeReadWrite
    'Neu sau thoi gian nay ma khong ket noi duoc se bao loi
    'If after this time pass, the error come out
    .ConnectionTimeout = 30
    'adOpenDynamic = 2
    'adOpenForwardOnly = 0
    'adOpenKeySet = 1
    'adOpenStatic =3

    'The CursorLocationEnum:
    'adUseClient = 3
    'adUseServer = 2
    .CursorLocation = 3 'adUseClient
    .ConnectionString = sConnect
    End With

    ConnectToDB = eConnection.eSuccess
    'Close the connection to enable connection pooling


    Exit Function

    'We will try to make the connection 3 times before bailing out
    If lAttempt < 3 And gcnAccess.Errors.Count > 0 Then
    If gcnAccess.Errors(0).NativeError = 17 Then
    lAttempt = lAttempt + 1
    End If
    'If more than 3 times then
    ConnectToDB = eConnection.eDefeat 'i.e can not connect to Database
    End If
    If bCentralErrorHandler(mcsModName, "ConnectToDB", , False) Then
    Resume ErrorExit
    End If
    End Function

    Le Van Duyet

  2. #2
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Master Oorang's Avatar
    Jan 2007
    That is very neat, structured code. What piece of info are you missing, do you just need to know the correct connection string? If so you will need to post what version of SQL Server is being used (7.0, 2000, 2005, 2008) and also if it's the Full, Compact, or Express version.

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  3. #3
    VBAX Regular levanduyet's Avatar
    Jul 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Oorang
    That is very neat, structured code. What piece of info are you missing, do you just need to know the correct connection string? If so you will need to post what version of SQL Server is being used (7.0, 2000, 2005, 2008) and also if it's the Full, Compact, or Express version.
    Dear Oorang,
    Thanks for your reply.
    I would like to build another function to connect to SQL Server.
    Something like :
    Private Function GetConStr(Optional SQLVersion As enumSQLVersion=1, _
    Optional sDSNname As String = vbNullString, _
    Optional sUserName As String = vbNullString, _
    Optional sPass As String = vbNullString) As String[/VBA]
    Function ConnectToDB(Optional SQLVersion As enumSQLVersion=1, _
    Optional sDSNname As String = vbNullString, _
    Optional sDBUserName As String = vbNullString, _
    Optional sDBPass As String = vbNullString) As Long [/VBA]

    Le Van Duyet

  4. #4
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Master Oorang's Avatar
    Jan 2007
    Hi Duyet,
    In order to put something like that together, I would need the version information as requested please. Thanks!

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  5. #5
    VBAX Regular levanduyet's Avatar
    Jul 2007
    Dear Oorang,
    Thanks again.

    SQL Server is being used 2000, 2005 for Full, Compact, or Express version.

    I would like to buid a general function.


    Le Van Duyet

  6. #6
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Master Oorang's Avatar
    Jan 2007
    If you need to cover that many options then I think you are best pointed to this resource:
    It will give you the strings for all of the above.

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