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Thread: Please help me perfect my archive macro...

  1. #1

    Please help me perfect my archive macro...

    This is my first attempt at an Outlook macro... so be gentle!

    The purpose of this code is to take the selected message(s) and archive them into a deleted items archive or a sent items archive. There are folders for every year-month and the macro creates new folders if they do not exist. It works but not the way I hoped. Here is the code:

    [vba]Sub Archive()
    Dim Items As Selection
    Dim Msg As MailItem
    Dim NamSpace As NameSpace
    Dim Proceed As VbMsgBoxResult
    Dim moArchive, delArc, delArcMo, sentArc, sentArcMo As MAPIFolder
    Dim newExp As Explorer

    Set NamSpace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Set Items = ActiveExplorer.Selection

    If Items.Count = 0 Then
    Exit Sub
    End If

    For Each Msg In Items

    On Error Resume Next

    Set delArc = NamSpace.Folders("Mailbox - My Name") _
    .Folders("Archive - Deleted Items") _
    .Folders("Deleted " & Format(Msg.ReceivedTime, "YYYY"))

    Set sentArc = NamSpace.Folders("Mailbox - My Name") _
    .Folders("Archive - Sent Items") _
    .Folders("Sent " & Format(Msg.ReceivedTime, "YYYY"))

    If Msg.SenderName <> "My Name" Then
    Msg.UnRead = False
    Set moArchive = GetFolder("Mailbox - My Name\Archive - Deleted Items\Deleted " & Format(Msg.ReceivedTime, "YYYY") & "\Deleted " & Format(Msg.ReceivedTime, "YYYY-MM"))
    If moArchive Is Nothing Then
    delArc.Folders.Add ("Deleted " & Format(Msg.ReceivedTime, "YYYY-MM"))
    Set delArcMo = delArc.Folders("Deleted " & Format(Msg.ReceivedTime, "YYYY-MM"))
    Set newExp = delArcMo.GetExplorer
    newExp.ShowPane olPreview, False
    Set delArcMo = delArc.Folders("Deleted " & Format(Msg.ReceivedTime, "YYYY-MM"))
    End If
    Msg.Move delArcMo
    Msg.UnRead = False
    Set moArchive = GetFolder("Mailbox - My Name\Archive - Sent Items\Sent " & Format(Msg.SentOn, "YYYY") & "\Sent " & Format(Msg.SentOn, "YYYY-MM"))
    If moArchive Is Nothing Then
    sentArc.Folders.Add ("Sent " & Format(Msg.SentOn, "YYYY-MM"))
    Set sentArcMo = sentArc.Folders("Sent " & Format(Msg.SentOn, "YYYY-MM"))
    Set newExp = sentArcMo.GetExplorer
    newExp.ShowPane olPreview, False
    Set sentArcMo = sentArc.Folders("Sent " & Format(Msg.SentOn, "YYYY-MM"))
    End If
    Msg.Move sentArcMo
    End If

    End Sub
    Here is the sub function I found on another site that I put to use in the code above:

    [vba]Public Function GetFolder(strFolderPath As String) As MAPIFolder
    ' strFolderPath needs to be something like
    ' "Public Folders\All Public Folders\Company\Sales" or
    ' "Personal Folders\Inbox\My Folder"

    Dim objApp As Outlook.Application
    Dim objNS As Outlook.NameSpace
    Dim colFolders As Outlook.Folders
    Dim objFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
    Dim arrFolders() As String
    Dim I As Long
    On Error Resume Next

    strFolderPath = Replace(strFolderPath, "/", "\")
    arrFolders() = Split(strFolderPath, "\")
    Set objApp = Application
    Set objNS = objApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Set objFolder = objNS.Folders.Item(arrFolders(0))
    If Not objFolder Is Nothing Then
    For I = 1 To UBound(arrFolders)
    Set colFolders = objFolder.Folders
    Set objFolder = Nothing
    Set objFolder = colFolders.Item(arrFolders(I))
    If objFolder Is Nothing Then
    Exit For
    End If
    End If

    Set GetFolder = objFolder
    Set colFolders = Nothing
    Set objNS = Nothing
    Set objApp = Nothing
    End Function
    The macro works, but when I select a large number of messages it does not process all of them. When I comment out the "On Error" to see what the problem is, I get an error:

    Run-time Error '13':
    Type mismatch

    When I hit debug, the "Next" statement is indicated as the point of failure.

    Can anyone help me perfect this macro?

  2. #2
    Are you sure all the items you are selecting are mailitem types? The error may be coming on the "next" statement because the next item of your collection is not of type mailitem (it may be appointmentitem or meetingitem that someone sent you).

    If this is the problem you can declare Msg as type Object and the macro should be able to move the appointment/meeting items to the correct folders...

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by jfournier
    Are you sure all the items you are selecting are mailitem types? The error may be coming on the "next" statement because the next item of your collection is not of type mailitem (it may be appointmentitem or meetingitem that someone sent you).

    If this is the problem you can declare Msg as type Object and the macro should be able to move the appointment/meeting items to the correct folders...
    But since it is:
    For Each Msg in Itrems

    Shouldn't it ignore anything that is not a MailItem?

    I only want to archive messages.

    Also, if I run the macro again, or continue it from the editor after the debug, the macro will start running again and error again.

    I can do this over and over until all of the messages in the selection get moved.

  4. #4
    I had some problems when iterating through an items collection in Outlook when the collection didn't hold just mailitems. When I changed the msg declaration to object and checked the object's type for every item in the items collection that stopped throwing errors. It might be worth a shot.

    The problem with some items being left over may be with regards to the way to collection removes items (i.e. when you move them somewhere else). It may be that the one that was next drops to the current slot.

    You may want to try a while loop, something like:
    [VBA]While Not items.Item(1) Is Nothing
    If items.Item(1).SenderName = "whatever" Then
    items.Item(1).Move whateverfolder
    items.Item(1).Move whateverfolder2
    End If

    This way you're essentially just draining the selection collection, though you'd have to do something to make sure you don't keep looping if you encounter an error processing the first item...

  5. #5
    I put the While...Wend around the For...Next.

    Now I get an occasional error of this type:
    Run-time error '-555728891 (dee04005)':
    The operation failed.

    When I debug it goes to this line:
    Msg.Move delArcMo

    Again, I can step past it and run the macro until the next error occurs.
    When I un-comment the On Error Resume Next the macro keeps looping as you mentioned above.

  6. #6
    I'm not sure what that error code is, but you may want to have your code make sure delArcMo isn't Nothing before sending the move command, or when debugging make sure the delArcMo folder isn't nothing...

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