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Thread: Cell value unseen on first open

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  1. #1
    VBAX Regular
    Sep 2008

    Cell value unseen on first open

    Hi, firstly great site, really helpful.

    I have a problem and would be very grateful for any help as it's an awkward error on an otherwise fully functioning project. I am using Excel 2007 but saving as .xls for compatability with previous versions.

    Background: I wrote this code to take the input of a supplier or list of suppliers (and brands) and two dates and to retrieve the sales for that brand over the given dates from a different workbook (by opening the source file, filtering on the input and transferring the data).

    The input of the supplier(s) and/or brand(s) is by a dropdown list. The code builds an array from the input to use as the filter (and also a filename to save the data retrieved).

    Problem: When I first open the spreadsheet, the code seems not to recognise the input cell's value - the reference to it is correct, and on any further runs it works fine, it is just the first time the file is opened.

    The file is too big too attach so I've just included the first part of the relevant subroutine, if more is required please just let me know and I can email the file or post more code. Sorry there is so much, the offending line is actually near the bottom of the code section, marked with a ***** comment ******, I thought I should include enough to explain the different variables.

    Also apologies if my coding is ugly, I've taught myself in a rush!

    Many thanks in advance for any help.

    Sub GetNewData()
     'Copies sales and units data from master sales sheet for the Suppliers, Brands and dates specified 
    With Application .Calculate .ScreenUpdating = False 
    End With 
    ' Define Input Sheets 
    Dim wsInput As Worksheet 
    Dim wsNewSales As Worksheet 
    Dim wsNewUnits As Worksheet 
    Set wsInput = Workbooks("SalesSheetCreator.xls").Worksheets("UserInput") 
    Set wsNewSales = Workbooks("SalesSheetCreator.xls").Worksheets("SalesData") 
    Set wsNewUnits = Workbooks("SalesSheetCreator.xls").Worksheets("UnitsData") 
    Dim myFileName As String 
    Dim myFileFull As String 
    Dim fromYear As Integer 
    Dim toYear As Integer 
    Dim fromDate As Date 
    Dim toDate As Date 
    If IsEmpty(fromDate) And IsEmpty(toDate) Then 
       MsgBox "Please enter dates" 
    End If 
    fromYear = wsInput.Cells(14, 5).Value 
    toYear = wsInput.Cells(15, 5).Value 
    fromDate = wsInput.Cells(14, 4).Value 
    toDate = wsInput.Cells(15, 4).Value 
    ' Input Validation 
    If fromYear <> toYear Then 
       MsgBox "Please enter dates in the same sales year" 
       Exit Sub 
    End If 
    If toDate < fromDate Then 
       MsgBox "From Date must be before To Date" 
       Exit Sub 
    End If 
    myFileName = fromYear & " Sales Sheet - DO NOT DELETE.xls" 'myFileFull = "\\Buyingfs\buying\Ocado Total Sales Sheets\" _
     & myFileName myFileFull = "C:\Documents and Settings\craig.haynes\Desktop\SuppSelling\" & myFileName 
    ' Open Master Sales Sheet 
    If Not IsWorkbookOpen(myFileName) Then 
       Workbooks.Open fileName:=myFileFull, Notify:=False, UpdateLinks:=2, Password:="monkey", ReadOnly:=True 
    End If 
    Dim wsMasterSales As Worksheet 
    Dim wsMasterUnits As Worksheet 
    Set wsMasterSales = Workbooks(myFileName).Worksheets("Cash Sales") 
    Set wsMasterUnits = Workbooks(myFileName).Worksheets("Unit Sales") 
    Dim inputSuppliers As Range 
    Dim inputBrands As Range 
    Dim numSuppliers As Integer 
    Dim numBrands As Integer 
    Dim arrayCounter As Integer 
    ' Delete old data and formatting 
    Call ClearSheet(wsNewSales) 
    Call ClearSheet(wsNewUnits) 
    ' Define ranges 
    Set inputSuppliers = wsInput.Range("B3:B12") 
    Set inputBrands = wsInput.Range("C3:C12") 
    ' Check for correct input 
    numSuppliers = Application.CountA(inputSuppliers) 
    numBrands = Application.CountA(inputBrands) 
    If numSuppliers = 0 And numBrands = 0 Then 
       MsgBox ("You must enter at least one supplier or at least one brand") 
       Exit Sub 
    End If 
    Dim i As Integer 
    Dim j As Integer 
    Dim aSuppliers() As String 
    Dim aBrands() As String 
    Dim fileName As String fileName = "" 
    ' Loop through input lists and build an array, ignoring empty cells 
    With wsInput 
       j = .Range("inputSupps").Column 
       arrayCounter = 1 
       If numSuppliers > 0 Then 
          ReDim aSuppliers(1 To numSuppliers) 
          For i = 3 To 12 
             If (Not IsEmpty(Cells(i, j))) And arrayCounter <= numSuppliers Then 
                ' ****** The next line is the problem ****** 
                aSuppliers(arraycounter) = .Cells(i, j).Value 
                ' Build file name for later use 
                If fileName = "" Then 
                   fileName = .Cells(i, j).Value 
                   fileName = fileName & "-" & .Cells(i, j).Value 
                End If 
                arrayCounter = arrayCounter + 1 
             End If 
         Next i 
          End If 
          'Reset and do the same for Brands 
          j = .Range("inputBrnds").Column 
          arrayCounter = 1 
          If numBrands > 0 Then 
       ReDim aBrands(1 To numBrands) 
       For i = 3 To 12 Step 1 
          If (Not IsEmpty(Cells(i, j))) And arrayCounter <= numBrands Then 
             If fileName = "" Then 
                fileName = .Cells(i, j).Value 
                fileName = fileName & "-" & .Cells(i, j).Value 
             End If 
             arrayCounter = arrayCounter + 1 
          End If 
       Next i 
       End If
    Last edited by Aussiebear; 04-02-2023 at 05:28 PM. Reason: Unsplit the code and adjust the code tags

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