Hi Everybody

This is my first post in the Outlook section.

I have created a program to send out a number of emails automatically using Excel VBA basically to electronically (by email using MS Outlook) convey general information/event news to family and friends on behalf of a friend - acquaintance as such. That I have done and tested. Seems to work perfectly - no problems.

What I am looking to add further is the functionality where I do not wish to receive any replies from those recipients. Hard as it might be, but believe me, this fellow does not have a computer and does not really want to have anything to do with it either and hence I am doing this for him.

Is there a way that I can send - what they call - a "Do Not Reply" email. This is not because I want to hide something or am sending something profane or indecent to the intended recipients - we, at work, also regularly, get the 'Last Night Database Update Successful' general information type emails - its just I couldn't be bothered deleting all those "Thank you" type emails from the recipients.

Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards

Deepak Agarwal