I need to create a private function called compare that does the following:

1.Create a private function called Compare that has two arguments: The random number and the average. The function will return an integer. The function will test three conditions:
1. Number is greater than average, return a 1
2. Number is equal to average, return a 2
3. Number is less than the average, return a 3
2.Since each number must be passed to Compare, a While/Wend loop should be constructed first
3.With in the body of the loop, an If/Then/ElseIf statement will be required to invoke the function; pass random number and pass average; determine if a 1, 2, or 3 was returned from Compare function.
4.If the result is a 1, a label stating the number is greater than the average should be written to the sheet. If the result is 2, a label stating the number is equal to the average should be written to the sheet. If the result is 3, a label stating the number is less than the average should be written to the sheet