Help, I'm trying to accomplish the following.
- Read data from cell A2 to C9.
- Write the data to a .txt document on my c drive.

So far the code below simply writes the second row of data 8x, I can't get it to loop through the rest of the rows. Please help if you can.

Thanks you

[VBA]Sub writetext()
Dim outfile As String, Num As Integer, Code1 As String, Code2 As String
outfile = "c:\samplefile.txt"
Open outfile For Output As #1
Num = Worksheets("text file").Range("A2")
Code1 = Worksheets("text file").Range("A3")
Code2 = Worksheets("text file").Range("A4")

For x = 2 To 9
Write #1, Num, Code1, Code2
Next x

Close #1
End Sub[/VBA]