Hi Experts

How would i amend the following VBA in MSP to add the following names to pages 1- 3

page 1 = Argentina
page 2 = Australia
page 3 = Austria


and save the file to my documents with file extension .pdf

[VBA]Sub PrintToPDF()
' Macro Macro11
' Macro Recorded Thu 16/10/08 by NLKELP.
FilePrint FromPage:=1, ToPage:=1, FromDate:="01/07/08 08:00", ToDate:="31/03/12 17:00"
SelectTaskField Row:=-4, Column:="Baseline Finish"
SelectTaskField Row:=-1, Column:="Name"

FilePrint FromPage:=2, ToPage:=2, FromDate:="01/07/08 08:00", ToDate:="31/03/12 17:00"
SelectTaskField Row:=-4, Column:="Baseline Finish"
SelectTaskField Row:=-1, Column:="Name"

End Sub[/VBA]