
I hope someone can help me, the piece of code below is activated by clicking a button ins a spreadsheet. It copies 2 worksheets from the workbook into a new worksheet then emails it using groupwise.

I need a module to go with it as there is code in it that is needed in the copied version to forward it on again with another button.

Please can anyone suggest how I can achieve this. :

Code for the main emailing :

Sub STL1_ActiveWorkbook()
    Dim wb As Workbook
    Dim NewBook As Workbook
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim ws2 As Worksheet
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
    'Copy  worksheet
    Dim NewShtName1 As String
    Dim NewShtName2 As String
    NewShtName1 = "BAO4PCAH"
    NewShtName2 = "HC24"
    Sheets(Array("BA04PCAH", "HC24")).Copy
    Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
    wb.Sheets("BA04PCAH").Name = NewShtName1
    wb.Sheets("HC24").Name = NewShtName2
    Dim sTemp As String
    sTemp = Environ("TEMP")
    If Dir$(sTemp & "\BAO4PCAH.xls") <> "" Then
      Kill sTemp & "\BAO4PCAH.xls"
    End If
    'Save the new spreadsheet with password protection
    wb.SaveAs Filename:=sTemp & "\" & NewShtName1, FileFormat:= _
    xlNormal, Password:="XXX", ReadOnlyRecommended:= _
    True, CreateBackup:=False
    Call ExportAndImportOneModule
    ActiveWorkbook.Close False
    Dim Path As String
    Dim File As String
    Path = sTemp
    File = "BAO4PCAH"
    Call Email_Via_Groupwise("YourMailBoxIDGoesHere", _
        email@email.com, _
        "Please find attached the ", _
        "Please find attached the ", _
        sTemp & "\" & NewShtName1 & ".xls")
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
the code that I am trying to get working for the module copy :

Sub ExportAndImportOneModule()
Dim sTemp As String
    sTemp = Environ("TEMP")
    If Dir$(sTemp & "\code.bas") <> "" Then
      Kill sTemp & "\code.bas"
    End If
'export from Book2
Workbooks("BA03 Nov2008v1.3").VBProject.VBComponents("Module7").Export _
Workbooks("BA03 Nov2008v1.3").sTemp & "\code.bas"
'import to Book1
Workbooks("BA04PCAH").VBProject.VBComponents.Import _
Workbooks("BA04PCAH").sTemp & "\code.bas"
End Sub
the code that emails the workbook using groupwise :

Option Explicit
Private ogwApp As GroupwareTypeLibrary.Application
Private ogwRootAcct As GroupwareTypeLibrary.account
Public Sub Email_Via_Groupwise(sLoginName As String, _
        sEmailTo As String, _
        sSubject As String, _
        sBody As String, _
        Optional sAttachments As String, _
        Optional sEmailCC As String, _
        Optional sEmailBCC As String)
'Author       : Ken Puls (www.excelguru.ca)
'Macro purpose: To stand as a self contained procedure for creating and
'               sending an email via groupwise
'NOTE:          You can feed a comma separated string of address to all
'               address and attachment fields
    On Error GoTo EarlyExit
    'Required variable declarations
    Const NGW$ = "NGW"
    Dim ogwNewMessage As GroupwareTypeLibrary.Mail
    Dim aryTo() As String, _
            aryCC() As String, _
            aryBCC() As String, _
            aryAttach() As String
    Dim lAryElement As Long
    'Split the emails into an array if necessary
    aryTo = Split(sEmailTo, ",")
    aryCC = Split(sEmailCC, ",")
    aryBCC = Split(sEmailBCC, ",")
    aryAttach = Split(sAttachments, ",")
    'Set application object reference if needed
    Application.StatusBar = "Logging in to email account..."
    If ogwApp Is Nothing Then
        Set ogwApp = CreateObject("NovellGroupWareSession")
    End If
    'Login to root account if required
    If ogwRootAcct Is Nothing Then
        Set ogwRootAcct = ogwApp.Login(sLoginName, vbNullString, _
                , egwPromptIfNeeded)
    End If
    'Create new message
    Application.StatusBar = "Building email to " & sEmailTo & "..."
    Set ogwNewMessage = ogwRootAcct.WorkFolder.Messages.Add _
            ("GW.MESSAGE.MAIL", egwDraft)
    'Assign message properties
    With ogwNewMessage
        'To field
        For lAryElement = 0 To UBound(aryTo())
            .Recipients.Add aryTo(lAryElement), NGW, egwTo
        Next lAryElement
        'CC Field
        For lAryElement = 0 To UBound(aryCC())
            .Recipients.Add aryCC(lAryElement), NGW, egwCC
        Next lAryElement
        'BCC Field
        For lAryElement = 0 To UBound(aryBCC())
            .Recipients.Add aryBCC(lAryElement), NGW, egwBC
        Next lAryElement
        'Subject & body
        .Subject = sSubject
        .BodyText = sBody
        'Attachments (if any)
        For lAryElement = 0 To UBound(aryAttach())
            If Not aryAttach(lAryElement) = vbNullString Then _
                    .Attachments.Add aryAttach(lAryElement)
        Next lAryElement
        'Send the message (Sending may fail if recipients don't resolve)
        On Error Resume Next
        If Err.Number = 0 Then Application.StatusBar = "Message sent!" _
            Else: Application.StatusBar = "Email to " & sEmailTo & " failed!"
        On Error GoTo 0
    End With
    'Release all variables
    Set ogwNewMessage = Nothing
    Set ogwRootAcct = Nothing
    Set ogwApp = Nothing
    Application.StatusBar = False
End Sub
the error that appears when i run this varies from :

Run Time Error 438 - Object doesnt support this property or method

or I was getting - programmatic access to visual basic application

Please can someone help me sort this

Thanks for looking
