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Thread: Save all attachements in Sent Items Folder

  1. #1
    VBAX Newbie
    Nov 2008

    Save all attachements in Sent Items Folder

    Dear All;

    Saeasons Greetings;

    I am using Outlook 2003 and want to save all attachements files from my Sent Items Folder on my Local Hard Drive. Please Help me accordingly.


    Asim Ibrahim

  2. #2
    VBAX Expert
    Aug 2004
    Try this
    Option Explicit

    Sub SaveAllEmails_ProcessAllSubFolders()

    Dim i As Long
    Dim j As Long
    Dim n As Long
    Dim StrSubject As String
    Dim strName As String
    Dim StrFile As String
    Dim StrReceived As String
    Dim StrSavePath As String
    Dim StrFolder As String
    Dim StrFolderPath As String
    Dim StrSaveFolder As String
    Dim Prompt As String
    Dim Title As String
    Dim iNameSpace As NameSpace
    Dim myOlApp As Outlook.Application
    Dim SubFolder As MAPIFolder
    Dim mItem As Object
    Dim FSO As Object
    Dim ChosenFolder As Object
    Dim Folders As New Collection
    Dim EntryID As New Collection
    Dim StoreID As New Collection

    Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set myOlApp = Outlook.Application
    Set iNameSpace = myOlApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Set ChosenFolder = iNameSpace.PickFolder
    If ChosenFolder = "" Then
    GoTo ExitSub:
    End If

    Prompt = "Please enter the path to save all the emails to."
    Title = "Folder Specification"
    StrSavePath = BrowseForFolder
    If StrSavePath = "" Then
    GoTo ExitSub:
    End If
    If Not Right(StrSavePath, 1) = "\" Then
    StrSavePath = StrSavePath & "\"
    End If

    Call GetFolder(Folders, EntryID, StoreID, ChosenFolder)
    ' If Not FSO.FolderExists("C:\Data\") Then
    ' FSO.CreateFolder ("C:\Data\")
    ' End If
    If Not FSO.FolderExists(StrSavePath & "Mail") Then
    StrSavePath = StrSavePath & "Mail\"
    FSO.CreateFolder (StrSavePath)
    End If

    For i = 1 To Folders.Count
    StrFolder = StripIllegalChar(Folders(i))
    n = InStr(3, StrFolder, "\") + 1
    StrFolder = Mid(StrFolder, n, 256)
    StrFolderPath = StrSavePath & StrFolder & "\"
    StrSaveFolder = Left(StrFolderPath, Len(StrFolderPath) - 1) & "\"
    If Not FSO.FolderExists(StrFolderPath) Then
    FSO.CreateFolder (StrFolderPath)
    End If

    Set SubFolder = myOlApp.Session.GetFolderFromID(EntryID(i), StoreID(i))
    On Error Resume Next
    For j = 1 To SubFolder.Items.Count
    Set mItem = SubFolder.Items(j)
    StrReceived = ArrangedDate(mItem.ReceivedTime)
    StrSubject = mItem.Subject
    strName = StripIllegalChar(StrSubject)
    StrFile = StrSaveFolder & StrReceived & "_" & strName & ".msg"
    StrFile = Left(StrFile, 256)
    mItem.SaveAs StrFile, 3
    Next j
    On Error GoTo 0
    Next i


    End Sub

    Function StripIllegalChar(StrInput)

    Dim RegX As Object

    Set RegX = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
    RegX.Pattern = "[\" & Chr(34) & "\!\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\(\)\=\+\|\[\]\{\}\`\'\;\:\<\>\?\/\,]"
    RegX.IgnoreCase = True
    RegX.Global = True
    StripIllegalChar = RegX.Replace(StrInput, "")


    Set RegX = Nothing

    End Function

    Function ArrangedDate(StrDateInput)

    Dim StrFullDate As String
    Dim StrFullTime As String
    Dim StrAMPM As String
    Dim StrTime As String
    Dim StrYear As String
    Dim StrMonthDay As String
    Dim StrMonth As String
    Dim StrDay As String
    Dim StrDate As String
    Dim StrDateTime As String
    Dim RegX As Object

    Set RegX = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")

    If Not Left(StrDateInput, 2) = "10" And _
    Not Left(StrDateInput, 2) = "11" And _
    Not Left(StrDateInput, 2) = "12" Then
    StrDateInput = "0" & StrDateInput
    End If

    StrFullDate = Left(StrDateInput, 10)

    If Right(StrFullDate, 1) = " " Then
    StrFullDate = Left(StrDateInput, 9)
    End If

    StrFullTime = Replace(StrDateInput, StrFullDate & " ", "")

    If Len(StrFullTime) = 10 Then
    StrFullTime = "0" & StrFullTime
    End If

    StrAMPM = Right(StrFullTime, 2)
    StrTime = StrAMPM & "-" & Left(StrFullTime, 8)
    StrYear = Right(StrFullDate, 4)
    StrMonthDay = Replace(StrFullDate, "/" & StrYear, "")
    StrMonth = Left(StrMonthDay, 2)
    StrDay = Right(StrMonthDay, Len(StrMonthDay) - 3)
    If Len(StrDay) = 1 Then
    StrDay = "0" & StrDay
    End If
    StrDate = StrYear & "-" & StrMonth & "-" & StrDay
    StrDateTime = StrDate & "_" & StrTime
    RegX.Pattern = "[\:\/\ ]"
    RegX.IgnoreCase = True
    RegX.Global = True

    ArrangedDate = RegX.Replace(StrDateTime, "-")


    Set RegX = Nothing

    End Function

    Sub GetFolder(Folders As Collection, _
    EntryID As Collection, _
    StoreID As Collection, _
    Fld As MAPIFolder)

    Dim SubFolder As MAPIFolder

    Folders.Add Fld.FolderPath
    EntryID.Add Fld.EntryID
    StoreID.Add Fld.StoreID
    For Each SubFolder In Fld.Folders
    GetFolder Folders, EntryID, StoreID, SubFolder
    Next SubFolder


    Set SubFolder = Nothing

    End Sub

    Function BrowseForFolder(Optional OpenAt As String) As String

    Dim ShellApp As Object

    Set ShellApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application"). _
    BrowseForFolder(0, "Please choose a folder", 0, OpenAt)

    On Error Resume Next
    BrowseForFolder = ShellApp.self.Path
    On Error GoTo 0

    Select Case Mid(BrowseForFolder, 2, 1)
    Case Is = ":"
    If Left(BrowseForFolder, 1) = ":" Then
    BrowseForFolder = ""
    End If
    Case Is = "\"
    If Not Left(BrowseForFolder, 1) = "\" Then
    BrowseForFolder = ""
    End If
    Case Else
    BrowseForFolder = ""
    End Select


    Set ShellApp = Nothing

    End Function


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