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Thread: Solved: Excel ADODB worksheet

  1. #1

    Solved: Excel ADODB worksheet

    Hi everyone

    I have question on ADODB and VBA, was wondering whether there was a way to have a variable worksheet name using ADODB. I am quite new to using ADODB could not find the answer on the web

    sSQL = "SELECT * FROM [WORKSHEET$A1:gL1000]"

    So, for the code above WORKSHEET is a reference to another worksheet name. So WORKSHEET maybe "WS1" or "WS2" rather then grab data from sheet called "WORKSHEET" (i hope that makes sense)?



  2. #2
    Put the sheet name in a variable called sSheetName and use that:

    sSheetName = "Sheet29"
    sSQL = "SELECT * FROM [" & sSheetName & "!$A1:gL1000]"

    Note that I added an exclamation mark, but maybe it isn't needed in this SQL statement.

    Jan Karel Pieterse
    Excel MVP

  3. #3
    It works - thanks for quick reply

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