Is this possible in Excel 2003:
I have 1 workbook "NameList" of customer information, where each customer has 1 row with columns like name, address, etc like this:

Name ////Address ////DOB
Jane ///////123 Any St ////5-1-1962
John ////// 200 Elm Ave ///1-2-1953
(up to 100 customers)

Then I have another workbook "Forms" where the 1st sheet has Name, Address, etc. From this sheet I will populate the other sheets, which are different forms/releases the customer needs to fill out/sign. So customer's name/address goes the Financial sheet, Privacy Release sheet, etc.

I want to have the option - in something like a drop-down list - on Forms workbook to select 1 customer from the NameList workbook. Upon selection, I want that customer's name, address, and DOB to appear in the 1st sheet of Forms workbook. From there, I can easily populate the other forms in that workbook thru "=" commands.

If it was all one workbook, I know I could do a data validation or create a list...but I need to have the separate workbooks b/c the customer list is for the whole office, and different employees may need to access customers at different times. So every employee has a copy of Forms workbook, referencing NameList as a source file. How to???