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Thread: Converting XLS file into CSV file

  1. #1

    Converting XLS file into CSV file


    I am very new to VBA and i have no clue where i am wrong.
    Actually i want my macro to select a .xl file form its folder and convert it into a .csv file. The select should be automatic. It should search for the file in foulder for excample in Test which is at C:\ There will only one file name LTCChanges*.xls. The * is date and it keeps on changing. It have to select this file and convert it into .CSV and save it in same Test folder. I wrote code for selecting and converting but its not working...
    here is the code

    Private Sub xltocsv()
    Dim XlFlName As String
    Dim CnvFlName As String
    Dim fso As FileSystemObject
    Dim fso_fol
    Dim der As Folder
    Dim txt As String
    Dim fso_file As File
    Dim i As Long
    Dim file_name As String
    Dim RequiredFileName As String
    ' Make a new File System object.
    Set fso = New FileSystemObject
    dir_path = "C:\Test"

    ' Get the FSO Folder (directory) object.
    Set fso_folder = fso.GetFolder(dir_path)

    RequiredFileName = ""
    For Each fso_file In fso_folder.Files

    file_name = fso_file.Name
    If (Left$(file_name, 10) = "LTCChanges") Then
    RequiredFileName = file_name
    Exit For
    End If

    i = i + 1
    Next fso_file
    CnvFlName = Mid(GetFileName(RequiredFileName), 1, 18)
    ChDir "C:\Test"
    MsgBox "Conversion of .xls spreadsheet to .csv tab format"

    'FileExists -- Check to see if the file exists or not
    If FileExists(RequiredFileName) Then

    Workbooks.Open Filename:=RequiredFileName
    CsvFlName = CnvFlName + ".csv"
    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="C:\Test\" + CsvFlName, _
    FileFormat:=xlText, CreateBackup:=False
    ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False
    MsgBox CsvFlName

    MsgBox "File is not selected " & RequiredFileName
    End If
    End Sub


    There is something wrong in this code everthing works fine till
    If FileExists(RequiredFileName) Then
    where it goes to the else part and give file not found....

    Can anyone say me where i am wrong and what should i do to get it right


  2. #2
    VBAX Mentor
    Dec 2008
    [VBA]If fso.FileExists("C:\Test\" & RequiredFileName) Then[/VBA]

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