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Thread: Passing variable to UserForm textbox effort

  1. #1

    Passing variable to UserForm textbox effort

    I have a button on my spreadsheet. Behind that button I have a variable "I". I is set as a variant.
    "I" is set to capture a specific row number on the spreadsheet. So let's say "I" = 20 . I have a userform
    named "lstBox" and on that form I have a textbox named "txtRow". I want txtRow to be populated with
    the value of "I" when I call it. The code below works fine until I initialize "lstBox".
    If there is no code on "lstBox" UserForm_Initialize(), then [txtRow] is populated with 20 but as soon as I put code on UserForm_Initialize() the code below returns a "type mismatch" error on the first line of my code "lstBox![txtRow].Value = I".

    Can someone please explain why?

    [vba]For I = 20 To lastrow
    lstBox![txtRow].Value = I
    Here is the code I have on the UserForm_Initialize()
    [vba]Dim wrkJet As Workspace
    Dim dbsContractor As Database
    Dim rst As Recordset
    Dim sql As String
    Dim rcArray As Variant
    Dim fstName, lstName, myDOB, mySSN, myVendor, midName As String
    Dim wktype, wkstatus, recCreated, recCreatedBy, dstore As String
    Dim pkey As Variant
    Dim lstRow As String
    Dim qdfBIrec As String
    Dim f As Field
    Dim myCounter As Long: myCounter = 0
    Dim myArray(999, 999)
    Dim myrow As Variant
    myrow = txtRow.Text
    fstName = Cells(myrow, "b").Value
    lstName = Cells(myrow, "f").Value
    mySSN = Cells(myrow, "i").Value
    myDOB = Cells(myrow, "j").Value
    myVendor = Cells(myrow, "k").Value
    midName = Cells(myrow, "e").Value
    wktype = "N/A"
    wkstatus = "Active"
    recCreated = Date
    recCreatedBy = Application.UserName
    dstore = "CSO"
    pkey = Right(mySSN, 3) & Format(myDOB, "mmdd") & Left(lstName, 2)

    Set wrkJet = CreateWorkspace("", "admin", "", dbUseJet)
    Set dbsContractor = wrkJet.OpenDatabase("M:\TODAYS_SERVER\Contractor_BE.mdb")

    sql = "SELECT tblContractorDataOnly.Id, tblContractorDataOnly.FName, tblContractorDataOnly.LName, _
    tblContractorDataOnly.DOB, Right([tblContractorDataOnly].[Social Security],4) AS SSN, _
    tblContractorDataOnly.[Company], tblContractorDataOnly.[Data_Store], _
    tblContractorDataOnly.[Status],Format([tblContractorDataOnly].[Restricted], _
    'Yes/No') AS Restricted, tblBackgoundReview.BIStatus, tblBackgoundReview.BICompleted, _
    tblBackgoundReview.ExceptionStatus " & "FROM tblContractorDataOnly INNER JOIN tblBackgoundReview _
    ON tblContractorDataOnly.Id = tblBackgoundReview.Data_ID WHERE (((tblContractorDataOnly.FName) _
    ='" & fstName & "') AND ((tblContractorDataOnly.LName)='" & lstName & "')) OR _
    (((tblContractorDataOnly.DOB)=#" & myDOB & "#) AND ((Right([tblContractorDataOnly].[Social Security],4)) _
    =" & mySSN & ")) ORDER BY tblBackgoundReview.BICompleted DESC;"

    Set rst = dbsContractor.OpenRecordset(sql, dbOpenDynaset)
    ListBox1.ColumnCount = rst.Fields.Count
    For Each f In rst.Fields
    MsgBox f.Name
    myArray(0, myCounter) = f.Name
    myCounter = myCounter + 1

    myCounter = 1
    myArray(myCounter, 0) = rst![ID]
    myArray(myCounter, 1) = rst![FName]
    myArray(myCounter, 2) = rst![LName]
    myArray(myCounter, 3) = rst![DOB]
    myArray(myCounter, 4) = rst![SSN]
    myArray(myCounter, 5) = rst![Company]
    myArray(myCounter, 6) = rst![Data_Store]
    myArray(myCounter, 7) = rst![Status]
    myArray(myCounter, 7) = rst![Restricted]
    myArray(myCounter, 8) = rst![BIStatus]
    myArray(myCounter, 9) = rst![bicompleted]
    myArray(myCounter, 10) = rst![ExceptionStatus]
    myCounter = myCounter + 1
    Loop Until rst.EOF = True
    ListBox1.List() = myArray

    Set rst = Nothing
    Set dbsContractor = Nothing

  2. #2
    VBAX Guru Kenneth Hobs's Avatar
    Nov 2005
    Tecumseh, OK
    At top of a Module:
    [VBA]Public i as Long[/VBA]

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