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Thread: Tough VBA data pulling from IE to Excel coding question

  1. #1

    Tough VBA data pulling from IE to Excel coding question

    I am attempting to pull some variables from an IE webpage into excel and the variables are contained within an array. The code looks like this:

    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">

    var demo_mode = false;
    var onFocusExitsEnabled = false;
    var ns4 = (document.layers)? true:false;
    var ie4 = (document.all)? true:false;
    var promptUser = "[Prompt User for Value]";
    var errorFieldFocus=null;
    var bpoItems = new Array()
    bpoItems[0] = new BPO("23","REO Auto Val","null","Good ","N","53","20090312","null","125050.0000","125050.0000","null","1.0","1","O","NPL VGRP ","null","Mods, Repay, CO, TP")

    BpoItems is the array I am looking at and I need the 2 bolded variables from that array outputted to an excel spreadsheet.

    I have attempted all kinds of "getelementbyID/TagName/Name..etc" to no avail....

    Can anyone help me here?

  2. #2
    VBAX Guru Kenneth Hobs's Avatar
    Nov 2005
    Tecumseh, OK
    I gather you are using the IE object model. Iterate through the All collection.

    You could use the winhttp object and get the source code and parse it.
    Here is an example showing late and early binding methods. Once it found the right text using InsStr() you can use Split() and then get the elements from the array that you need.
    [VBA]Sub tDividendDate()
    [a1] = DividendDate
    End Sub

    'late binding
    Public Function DividendDate() As Date
    Dim Request As Object, s As String, p As Long, sLen As Integer

    On Error Resume Next
    Set Request = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
    If Request Is Nothing Then
    Set Request = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5")
    End If

    Request.Open "GET", "", False

    s = Request.ResponseText
    p = InStr(s, "Dividend Date")
    Debug.Print s, p
    p = InStr(p, s, "yfnc_tabledata1") + 17
    DividendDate = CDate(Mid(s, p, InStr(p, s, "<") - p))
    End Function

    'early binding
    Public Function DividendDate2() As Date
    'requires reference to winhttp.dll in Microsoft WinHTTP Services, version 5.1
    Dim Request As New WinHttpRequest, s As String, p As Long, sLen As Integer

    Request.Open "GET", "", False

    s = Request.ResponseText
    p = InStr(s, "Dividend Date")
    p = InStr(p, s, "yfnc_tabledata1") + 17
    DividendDate2 = CDate(Mid(s, p, InStr(p, s, "<") - p))
    End Function[/VBA]

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