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Thread: Excel VBA to check if multiple worksheets exist

  1. #1
    VBAX Newbie
    Mar 2007

    Excel VBA to check if multiple worksheets exist

    Dear All,

    I am working to have excel VBA that checks if multiple worksheets exist before another macro is run. Problem is that this VBA can check 1 worksheet only. Is it possible to make mySheetName to check a range(A1:A80) from Sort Order worksheet tab?

    Function SheetExists(i_SheetName As String, _
                         Optional i_WorkbookName As String) As Boolean
    Dim myWorkbook As Workbook
      On Error Resume Next
      'set workbook that gets checked
      If i_WorkbookName = "" Then
        Set myWorkbook = ActiveWorkbook
        Set myWorkbook = Workbooks(i_WorkbookName)
        If myWorkbook Is Nothing Then Exit Function
      End If
      'now check if sheet exists
      SheetExists = Not myWorkbook.Sheets(i_SheetName) Is Nothing
    End Function
    Sub Test()
    Dim myWorkbookName As String
    Dim mySheetName As String
    myWorkbookName = "Test.xls"
      'now check for the worksheet
      mySheetName = "Sheet4"
      If SheetExists(mySheetName, myWorkbookName) = True Then
        'sheet exists
        Debug.Print mySheetName & " in " & myWorkbookName & " exists."
        'sheet doesn't exist
        MsgBox mySheetName & " in " & myWorkbookName & " doesn't exist."
      End If
    End Sub

  2. #2
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Guru GTO's Avatar
    Sep 2008
    Greetings Biz,

    Between one of the adds killing my poor lame IE6 multiple times and it being a lazy Sunday, not utterly sure about these, but I think either should work.

    I am presuming that if any sheet is missing, then you wouldn't want the code to continue. For a Boolean return, maybe:
    Sub Test2()
    Dim myWorkbookName As String
    Dim arySheetNames
    Dim aryMySheetNames
    Dim i As Long

    '// For testing, change to suit //
    myWorkbookName = ThisWorkbook.Name

    '// Grab and transpose the range of sheet names on 'Sort Order' or whatever //
    '// sheet name //
    arySheetNames = Application.WorksheetFunction _

    ReDim aryMySheetNames(1 To 1)

    '// Some of the cells (A1:A80) may have been blank, so build an array of names //
    '// only (skipping blanks). //
    For i = LBound(arySheetNames) To UBound(arySheetNames)
    If Not arySheetNames(i) = vbNullString Then
    aryMySheetNames(UBound(aryMySheetNames)) = arySheetNames(i)
    '// After adding a val to our new array, increase its size by one element //
    '// for the next loop. //
    ReDim Preserve aryMySheetNames(1 To (UBound(aryMySheetNames) + 1))
    End If

    '// After done building our array of sheet names, we'll have one empty element //
    '// left over from the last loop. Rid it. //
    ReDim Preserve aryMySheetNames(1 To (UBound(aryMySheetNames) - 1))

    '// Now for each sheetname in our "good" array, call the function. If any sheet //
    '// does not exist, tell user and bail out. //
    For i = LBound(aryMySheetNames) To UBound(aryMySheetNames)
    If Not SheetExists2(aryMySheetNames(i), myWorkbookName) = True Then
    MsgBox "Missing sheet", 0, ""
    Exit Sub
    End If

    '// No failures, then execute remaining code. //
    MsgBox "Other code here"

    End Sub

    Function SheetExists2(ByVal i_SheetName As String, _
    Optional i_WorkbookName As String) As Boolean
    Dim myWorkbook As Workbook
    Dim wksTemp As Worksheet
    Dim i As Long

    On Error Resume Next
    'set workbook that gets checked
    If i_WorkbookName = "" Then
    Set myWorkbook = ActiveWorkbook
    Set myWorkbook = Workbooks(i_WorkbookName)
    If myWorkbook Is Nothing Then Exit Function
    End If

    Set wksTemp = myWorkbook.Worksheets(i_SheetName)
    If Not wksTemp Is Nothing Then SheetExists2 = True
    End Function

    Now I was thinking that you might want to know what sheet was missing if such a case arises. I think the below works, but I admit that this is the first time I recall trying to pass an array arg to the function...

    Sub Test()
    Dim myWorkbookName As String
    Dim aryShNames
    Dim aryShNamesRange
    Dim myReturn
    Dim i As Long

    myWorkbookName = ThisWorkbook.Name

    'now check for the worksheet
    aryShNamesRange = Application.WorksheetFunction _

    ReDim aryShNames(1 To 1)

    For i = LBound(aryShNamesRange) To UBound(aryShNamesRange)
    If Not aryShNamesRange(i) = vbNullString Then
    aryShNames(UBound(aryShNames)) = aryShNamesRange(i)
    ReDim Preserve aryShNames(1 To (UBound(aryShNames) + 1))
    End If

    ReDim Preserve aryShNames(1 To (UBound(aryShNames) - 1))

    '// Call the function supplying an array of sheetnames (see function) //
    myReturn = SheetExists(aryShNames, myWorkbookName)

    If Not myReturn = "True" Then
    MsgBox "Sheet: " & myReturn & " does not exist.", 0, ""
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "do stuff here", 0, ""
    End If

    End Sub

    '// I believe this is the first time I've tried passing an array arg to a function, so //
    '// ya may wish to stand a ways back and poke at F5 with a long twig... //
    Function SheetExists(ByVal i_SheetName As Variant, _
    Optional i_WorkbookName As String) As Variant
    Dim myWorkbook As Workbook
    Dim i As Long

    On Error Resume Next
    'set workbook that gets checked
    If i_WorkbookName = "" Then
    Set myWorkbook = ActiveWorkbook
    Set myWorkbook = Workbooks(i_WorkbookName)
    If myWorkbook Is Nothing Then Exit Function
    End If

    '// Initially set to True //
    SheetExists = True

    '// For ea name in the array we passed, if the sheetname is not found, we return //
    '// the string of which sheet was missing. Else, we return "True". //
    For i = LBound(i_SheetName) To UBound(i_SheetName)
    If myWorkbook.Sheets(i_SheetName(i)) Is Nothing Then
    SheetExists = i_SheetName(i)
    Exit For
    End If
    End Function

    Hope one of those work,


  3. #3
    VBAX Expert
    Feb 2005
    Nanaimo, British Columbia, Cananda
    Hi Biz,

    Here's an example to get you started. I assume you are using a function in conjunction with the Sub because you need to use it elsewhere as well? (it could all be done in one piece of code).

    Post back with questions.

    Option Explicit
    Function SheetExists(i_SheetName As String, Optional i_WorkbookName As String) As Boolean
    Dim myWorkbook As Workbook

    '//Probably better to handle errors
    On Error GoTo endo

    'set workbook that gets checked
    If i_WorkbookName = "" Then
    Set myWorkbook = ActiveWorkbook
    Set myWorkbook = Workbooks(i_WorkbookName)
    If myWorkbook Is Nothing Then Exit Function
    End If

    'now check if sheet exists
    SheetExists = Not myWorkbook.Sheets(i_SheetName) Is Nothing
    '//Cleanup and exit
    Set myWorkbook = Nothing
    End Function
    Sub Test()
    Dim cel As Range
    Dim rng As Range
    Dim LastRow As Long
    Dim mySheetName As String
    Dim myWorkbookName As String
    '//Could do multiples here too or put in Sub Arg
    myWorkbookName = "Test.xls"

    '//Get last row of data "Sort Order", Col A
    LastRow = Sheets("Sort Order").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
    '//Set up where to look
    Set rng = Sheets("Sort Order").Range("A1:A" & LastRow)

    For Each cel In rng
    '//Get cell value
    mySheetName = cel
    'now check for the worksheets
    If SheetExists(mySheetName, myWorkbookName) = True Then
    'sheet exists
    Debug.Print mySheetName & " in " & myWorkbookName & " exists."
    '//do something
    'sheet doesn't exist
    MsgBox mySheetName & " in " & myWorkbookName & " doesn't exist."
    '//do something else
    End If
    '//Check next
    Next cel

    '//Clean up and exit
    Set cel = Nothing
    Set rng = Nothing

    End Sub





    "Questions, help and advice for free, small projects by donation. large projects by quote"


  4. #4
    VBAX Newbie
    Mar 2007
    Hi Mark/rbrhodes,

    Thank you both for your VBA codes. Mark second code does not loop and pick other worksheet names which are in error Test2().

    Rbrhodes your code would like charm.

    Guys I have question where can I learn more about Excel VBA or any particular course?


  5. #5
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Guru GTO's Avatar
    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Biz
    ...Mark second code does not loop and pick other worksheet names which are in error Test2()...

    Rbrhodes your code would like charm.

    Guys I have question where can I learn more about Excel VBA or any particular course?
    Hi Biz,

    As Dr's sounds like the ticket, just to hopefully correct my previous...

    Option Explicit
    Dim ShtNames_Missing

    Sub Test()
    Dim myWorkbookName As String
    Dim aryShNames
    Dim aryShNamesRange
    Dim i As Long

    myWorkbookName = ThisWorkbook.Name '"test.xls"

    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sort Order")
    aryShNamesRange = Application.WorksheetFunction _
    .Transpose(.Range("A1:A" & .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row).Value)
    End With

    ReDim aryShNames(1 To 1)
    For i = LBound(aryShNamesRange) To UBound(aryShNamesRange)
    If Not aryShNamesRange(i) = vbNullString Then
    aryShNames(UBound(aryShNames)) = aryShNamesRange(i)
    ReDim Preserve aryShNames(1 To (UBound(aryShNames) + 1))
    End If
    ReDim Preserve aryShNames(1 To (UBound(aryShNames) - 1))

    If Not SheetExists(aryShNames, myWorkbookName) Then
    MsgBox "Missing Sheets:" & ShtNames_Missing
    ShtNames_Missing = vbNullString
    MsgBox "do stuff here"
    End If
    End Sub

    Function SheetExists(ByVal i_SheetName As Variant, _
    Optional i_WorkbookName As String) As Boolean
    Dim myWorkbook As Workbook
    Dim i As Long
    On Error Resume Next
    If i_WorkbookName = "" Then
    Set myWorkbook = ActiveWorkbook
    Set myWorkbook = Workbooks(i_WorkbookName)
    If myWorkbook Is Nothing Then Exit Function
    End If

    SheetExists = True

    For i = LBound(i_SheetName) To UBound(i_SheetName)
    If myWorkbook.Sheets(i_SheetName(i)) Is Nothing Then
    ShtNames_Missing = ShtNames_Missing & vbCrLf & i_SheetName(i)
    SheetExists = False
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    End Function

    I don't really have any suggestions as to books/courses. What I have been able to pick up is mostly through here, as well as a buddy who is awfully bright and of course searching the web. I find vbaexpress, or that is the folks here, just super helpful.

    Have a great day


  6. #6
    Moderator VBAX Wizard Aussiebear's Avatar
    Dec 2005
    Hi Biz, NO harm in undertaking the training here at VBA Express, just go to the main portal and select the training option.
    Remember To Do the Following....
    Use [Code].... [/Code] tags when posting code to the thread.
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  7. #7
    VBAX Newbie
    Mar 2007
    Thanks mark for your help.

    Quote Originally Posted by GTO
    Hi Biz,

    As Dr's sounds like the ticket, just to hopefully correct my previous...

    Option Explicit
    Dim ShtNames_Missing

    Sub Test()
    Dim myWorkbookName As String
    Dim aryShNames
    Dim aryShNamesRange
    Dim i As Long

    myWorkbookName = ThisWorkbook.Name '"test.xls"

    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sort Order")
    aryShNamesRange = Application.WorksheetFunction _
    .Transpose(.Range("A1:A" & .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row).Value)
    End With

    ReDim aryShNames(1 To 1)
    For i = LBound(aryShNamesRange) To UBound(aryShNamesRange)
    If Not aryShNamesRange(i) = vbNullString Then
    aryShNames(UBound(aryShNames)) = aryShNamesRange(i)
    ReDim Preserve aryShNames(1 To (UBound(aryShNames) + 1))
    End If
    ReDim Preserve aryShNames(1 To (UBound(aryShNames) - 1))

    If Not SheetExists(aryShNames, myWorkbookName) Then
    MsgBox "Missing Sheets:" & ShtNames_Missing
    ShtNames_Missing = vbNullString
    MsgBox "do stuff here"
    End If
    End Sub

    Function SheetExists(ByVal i_SheetName As Variant, _
    Optional i_WorkbookName As String) As Boolean
    Dim myWorkbook As Workbook
    Dim i As Long
    On Error Resume Next
    If i_WorkbookName = "" Then
    Set myWorkbook = ActiveWorkbook
    Set myWorkbook = Workbooks(i_WorkbookName)
    If myWorkbook Is Nothing Then Exit Function
    End If

    SheetExists = True

    For i = LBound(i_SheetName) To UBound(i_SheetName)
    If myWorkbook.Sheets(i_SheetName(i)) Is Nothing Then
    ShtNames_Missing = ShtNames_Missing & vbCrLf & i_SheetName(i)
    SheetExists = False
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    End Function

    I don't really have any suggestions as to books/courses. What I have been able to pick up is mostly through here, as well as a buddy who is awfully bright and of course searching the web. I find vbaexpress, or that is the folks here, just super helpful.

    Have a great day


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