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Thread: Running a Function or macro of child file from a Master file

  1. #1

    Running a Function or macro of child file from a Master file

    Hi Guys
    I do need your help regarding one of my projects in which I ‘m trying out to run a function of a closed file from and active file In this case I do have 2 files Master and process
    In both there’s a combo box control which help me revolve the data on basis of month As the case when combo box of process file is changed data is being revolved according to month
    What I need to do is
    When I change the combo box of MASTER file the change should reflect in the process file As function runs updates the process files value and file saved and closed
    Here’s the code for master file which I’m using to run function MB of process file
    Sub RunMacro_WithArgs()
    'Macro purpose:  To demonstrate using the run method to execute
    'a function or macro (with arguments) from another workbook
       Dim wbTarget As String
       Dim rng As String
       Dim Num As Integer
       Dim CloseIt As Boolean
       Dim i As Integer
       Dim str As Variant
       Num = Sheets(2).Range("A14")
       'Attempt to set the target workbook to a variable.  If an error is
       'generated, then the workbook is not open, so open it
       On Error Resume Next
       wbTarget = "Process Wise Test1.xls"
       'rng   Range("b8") = ThisWorkbook.Path
     '  If Err.Number <> 0 Then
       'Open the workbook
      '    Err.Clear
        Workbooks.Open (ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & wbTarget)
          CloseIt = True
      ' End If
       'Check and make sure workbook was opened
       If Err.Number = 1004 Then
          MsgBox "Sorry, but the file you specified does not exist!" _
                        & vbNewLine & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & wbTarget
          Exit Sub
       End If
       On Error GoTo 0
       'Run the function, and give user the results
       str = Application.Run(wbTarget & "!" & "MB", Num)
       If CloseIt = True Then
       'If the target workbook was opened by the macro, close it
       '   wbTarget.Close savechanges:=True
          'If the target workbook was already open, reactivate this workbook
       End If
    End Sub
    Here’s da code for process file
    Option Explicit
    Sub MBmacro1()
    Dim str As String
    str = MB(0)
    MsgBox (str)
    End Sub
    Function MB(num As Integer) As String
       Dim myCol As Integer, c As Integer
       Dim myColLett As String
       Dim myRow As Long, r As Long
       Dim sourceSheetName As String
       Dim monthNumber As Integer
       Dim startRow As Long, endRow As Long
       Dim myFormula As String
       Dim myResult As Double
       Dim myMonthName As String
       Dim colCaption As String
       Dim found As Variant
       Dim i As Long
       Dim swOk As Boolean
       Application.ScreenUpdating = 0
       With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Summary")
       If num = 0 Then
       monthNumber = .Range("a14")
       monthNumber = num
       End If
         myMonthName = MonthName(monthNumber)
         For r = 6 To 8
             sourceSheetName = .Cells(r, "c")
             For c = 4 To 9
                colCaption = .Cells(5, c)
                swOk = True
                'find monthName in data
                With ThisWorkbook.Sheets(sourceSheetName)
                   Set found = .Range("a:a").Find(myMonthName, LookIn:=xlValues)
                   If Not found Is Nothing Then
                      'find start and end row for month data
                      startRow = found.Row
                      For i = startRow To startRow + 10
                         If .Cells(i + 1, "a") <> "" Or .Cells(i + 1, "b") = "" Then
                            endRow = i
                            Exit For
                         End If
                      Next i
                      swOk = False
                   End If
                   'find column caption
                   Set found = .Range("2:2").Find(colCaption, LookIn:=xlValues)
                   If Not found Is Nothing Then
                      myCol = found.Column
                      swOk = False
                   End If
                End With
                If swOk Then
                   'convert column number to letter:
                   myColLett = Split(Columns(myCol).Address(False, False), ":")(0)
                   myFormula = "average(" & sourceSheetName & "!" _
                            & myColLett & startRow & ":" _
                            & myColLett & endRow & ")" _
                   'if you want to put formula in sheet you can use code:
                   '.Cells(r, c).Formula = "=" & myFormula
                   'if you prefer to use macro you can do:
                   If Not IsError(Evaluate(myFormula)) Then
                      'calculate formula value
                      myResult = Evaluate(myFormula)
                      .Cells(r, c) = myResult
                      .Cells(r, c) = "  - -  "
                   End If
                   .Cells(r, c) = "  - -  "
                End If
             Next c
          Next r
          Application.ScreenUpdating = 1
       End With
       MB = "done"
    End Function
    When I run the master file code with different file and functions it runs fine but
    For this process file it generates an error Error no 1004 Macro couldn’t found “filename!function name”
    Plz help me with this debugging I’m really tired up trying to sort this issue
    I’d be really thankful
    Ravinder S

  2. #2
    i' had debugged the application and find out the problem when ever in master i suppy the file name as a string and if file name do hav spaces in between then it dosen't consider this as a [VBA]str = Application.Run(wbTarget & "!" & "MB", Num)[/VBA]

    if i initialize wbtarget as workbook it could be done but i don't know how to set wbtarget with that file name could u plz help me with this issue


    Ravinder S

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