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Thread: Help With Formula

  1. #1

    Help With Formula

    Good Morning All,

    I am using the below formula to assign a letter based on value of assigned within the formula:


    I want the formula not to populate a letter if the value in E5 is 0, so far I have had no joy developing this.

    Any help would be appriecated.



  2. #2
    VBAX Tutor
    Nov 2006
    North East Pennsylvania, USA

    =IF(E5=0,"",IF(E5="","",IF(E5<A$3,"C",IF(E5<C$3,"B",IF(E5<E$3,"A",IF(E5>E$3 ,"A"))))))

  3. #3
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Wizard p45cal's Avatar
    Oct 2005
    Surrey UK
    I notice in the formula that if the value in E5 < E3 it returns "A"; it also returns "A" if E5 > E3, and returns FALSE if E5 = E3. Could this be intended? I suspect not.
    The following might be an answer:
    =IF(OR(E5="",E5=0),"",IF(E5>=$E$3,"A*",IF(E5>=$C$3,"A",IF(E5>=$A$3,"B","C") )))
    Here I've assumed that you're aiming to give a grading letter to values, like grading examination results, where the letters are in sequence with the marks - A for the higher marks, B,C,D,E etc. for progressively lower marks.
    I've taken it that E5 also contains a threshhold and have assigned A* to values equal and above it.
    If I've guessed right, then there could be more grades than just 3, in which case we could soon run into the limit of 7 nested Ifs. Another solution is to use Vlookup with a table:
    0 C
    60 B
    70 A
    80 A*
    this is in K1:L4 for the formula below, and pay particular attention to the order in the left column above and the '2' in red below:
    Now you are no longer limited by the number of categories that you want to ascribe letters to.
    Everyone: If I've helped and you can't be bothered to acknowledge it, I can't be bothered to look at further posts from you.

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