
Im trying to get a file from a folder in a sharepoint.
file name will be like this: "powertools v1.1" version will change if new version is out.

my excel file need to validate if there is a new version on the sharepoint and copy it localy on the pc to make sure the user run the right version.
folder on sharepoint only have the lastest release of the tool.

here what i did so far but dont seam to be working:

[VBA]Dim filename
Dim filepath
Dim wbworking
wbworking = ThisWorkbook.Name

filepath = "ht**tp://internalwebsite.com/personal/username/Shared Documents/Sales Tools/"
filename = Dir("ht**tp://internalwebsite.com/personal/username/Shared Documents/Sales Tools/powertools*.xls")

If filename > wbworking Then[/VBA]


any suggestion.
