In range a1 to a500 (lastrow is variable , it could be A300 one day and A700 the next) I have text that looks similar to this

"aaaa, aaaa, aaaa, aaedwerr, dfsfdgf, afdgfdg, adgfdgf, adffgffg,"

I need to remove the duplicates so I would be left

"aaaa, aaedwerr, dfsfdgf, afdgfdg, adgfdgf, adffgffg,"

the split this out across the cells to the left

so if this was in a1 "aaaa, aaaa, aaaa, aaedwerr, dfsfdgf, afdgfdg, adgfdgf, adffgffg,"

b1 = aaaa
c1 = aaedwerr
d1 = afdgfdg
e1 = adgfdgf
f1 = adffgffg

can anyone help ?