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Thread: Solved: Converting Minutes Into Hours

  1. #1

    Solved: Converting Minutes Into Hours

    Morning All,

    I have a value in cell E7 that is based on minutes, for example 150.

    In cell F7 I am using the formula =TEXT(E7/60/24,"hh:mm") to show minutes in correct time format, i.e 02:30.

    This is fine and works well, apart from when the minutes exceed 24:00, excel will roll back to 00:00. for example 1695 minutes is shown as 04:15.

    Is there anyway to get round this problem? Is there a way for Excel to continue showing time format past 24:00?

    Any help would be appriecated.



  2. #2
    I have solved the problem, simply enclose square brackets around hour format, as per below:


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