I am running Outlook 2003 and WinXP/SP3.

Per http://www.howto-outlook.com/howto/icons.htm there are three icons used in Contacts:
  1. contact item
  2. contact item with journaling enabled
  3. distribution list
All icons look like address cards

I hardly ever use any Contacts view other than address cards. I recently used the Company view and noticed that there is a fourth icon in the Icon column. It looks like a note with a push pin through it which according to the web page above is an email icon for Post. I probably would not care except I noticed that the FullName field display is different for an item with the normal contact icon (Last, First) vs the "post" icon (First Last).

What property of the ContactItem object controls the icon and how FullName is displayed? I have looked at the obvious ones, e.g., Class and MessageClass, but they show no differences between the two types.
