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Thread: URGENT - Create Access database on the fly & import csv/txt file as table!

  1. #1

    URGENT - Create Access database on the fly & import csv/txt file as table!

    Hi Everybody

    I have a need to create an Access database on the fly from within Excel VBA. I have been able to do this - no problem. What I now need is to be able to import a table directly in to this database from a csv or txt file. Does anyone know how to do this with the first row containing row headings rather than create a new table, define each field and populate each row by first reading and splitting each row of data from the csv or txt file and splitting it by the delimiter and writing it in to the recordset and then batch updating the recordset? The reason is that the input dataset is a very large - between 2 and 7 million records and 10 fields.

    I have previously done this using the method detailed above - the only difference being that the data was read from a spreadsheet cell by cell, which in this case, is not feasible, given the number of records in the input table.

    This is kind of desperate situation. An early response from you all shall be hgihly valued. Thanks a zillion in advance.

    Best regards

    Deepak Agarwal

    The code that I had working for this methodology is shown below for your immediate reference :-


    'Please ignore variable declaration since this is a partial copy and paste from the original full code

    Sub CreateDatabaseAndTables()
    Dim Catalog As Object
    Dim cnt As ADODB.Connection
    Dim dbConnectStr As String, dbName As String

    'Creating database here!

    dbName = "D:\SourceDataDB.mdb"
    dbConnectStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & dbName & ";"
    Set Catalog = CreateObject("ADOX.Catalog")
    Catalog.Create dbConnectStr
    Set Catalog = Nothing

    Dim fd As FileDialog
    Dim adoxTable As ADOX.Table
    Dim spreadsheetRange As Range
    Dim adoCN As ADODB.Connection
    Dim adoxCatalog As ADOX.Catalog
    Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset, rsData As Recordset
    Dim tableName As String, sourceBookSheetName As String, msg1 As String

    Dim myArray() As Variant

    Set adoCN = New Connection
    With adoCN
    .Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0": .ConnectionString = dbName: .Open
    End With
    Set adoxCatalog = New ADOX.Catalog
    Set adoxCatalog.ActiveConnection = adoCN
    Set adoxTable = New ADOX.Table
    wrkg = start: finish1 = 3
    tableName = "SummaryCombinations"

    'Creating table here!

    With adoxTable
    .Name = tableName
    Do While wrkg < finish1
    .Columns.Append "Item" & (wrkg + 1)
    wrkg = wrkg + 1
    End With
    adoxCatalog.Tables.Append adoxTable
    Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
    rsSQL = "Select * from " & tableName
    rs.Open rsSQL, adoCN, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
    sourceBookSheetName = tableName
    Workbooks.Open selectedFilePathAndName

    'Populating table here by reading the worksheet data cell by cell rather than using ADO to read worksheet dataWorksheets(combinationSheetName).Activate
    startRow = 2: fieldCountStart = 0: recordCountStart = 0
    finalRow = Cells(startRow, startCol).End(xlDown).Row
    wrkgRow = startRow: wrkgCol = startCol
    recordCountWrkg = recordCountStart
    Do While wrkgRow <= finalRow
    fieldCountWrkg = fieldCountStart
    Do While wrkgCol <= finish1
    rs.Fields(fieldCountWrkg) = Cells(wrkgRow, wrkgCol).Value
    wrkgCol = wrkgCol + 1
    fieldCountWrkg = fieldCountWrkg + 1
    wrkgCol = startCol
    wrkgRow = wrkgRow + 1
    recordCountWrkg = recordCountWrkg + 1
    Set rs = Nothing
    Set adoCN = Nothing
    End Sub

  2. #2
    Moderator VBAX Master austenr's Avatar
    Sep 2004
    Maybe another way to do it is to create a .csv file from Excel and use a script to populate a table? Like this:

    Const adOpenStatic = 3Const
    adLockOptimistic = 3Const ForReading = 1Set
    objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")Set objRecordSet = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")objConnection.Open _
    "Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; " & _
    "Data Source = c:\scripts\test.mdb" objRecordSet.Open "SELECT * FROM Employees", _
    objConnection, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimisticSet objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("C:\Scripts\Test.txt")Do Until objFile.AtEndOfStream
    strEmployee = objFile.ReadLine arrEmployee = Split(strEmployee, ",")
    objRecordSet("EmployeeID") = arrEmployee(0)
    objRecordSet("EmployeeName") = arrEmployee(1)
    objRecordSet("Department") = arrEmployee(2)
    Peace of mind is found in some of the strangest places.

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