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Thread: Solved: how to check if a desktop shortcut exists

  1. #1

    Solved: how to check if a desktop shortcut exists

    i am trying to figure out how to test if a desktop short cut exits.
    [VBA]Sub CreateDesktopShortcut()
    ' =================================================================
    ' Create a custom icon shortcut on the users desktop
    ' =================================================================

    ' Msgbox string variables
    Dim szMsg As String
    Dim szStyle As String
    Dim szTitle As String
    Dim a As String

    ' Change here for the icon's name
    Const szIconName As String = "\Folder-A3-1.ico"

    ' Constant string values, you can replace "Desktop"
    ' with any Special Folders name to create the shortcut there
    Const szlocation As String = "Desktop"
    Const szLinkExt As String = ".lnk"

    ' Object variables
    Dim oWsh As Object
    Dim oShortcut As Object
    ' Dim oargs As Object

    ' String variables
    Dim szSep As String
    Dim szBookName As String
    Dim szBookFullName As String
    Dim szPath As String
    Dim szDesktopPath As String
    Dim szShortcut As String

    ' Initialize variables
    szSep = Application.PathSeparator
    szBookName = szSep &
    szBookFullName = ActiveWorkbook.FullName
    szPath = ActiveWorkbook.path
    a = "C:\Documents and Settings\ERIK\My Documents\job files"
    ' szSep = Application.PathSeparator
    ' szBookName = szSep &
    ' szBookFullName = ThisWorkbook.FullName
    ' szPath = ThisWorkbook.path

    On Error GoTo ErrHandle
    ' The WScript.Shell object provides functions to read system
    ' information and environment variables, work with the registry
    ' and manage shortcuts
    Set oWsh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

    szDesktopPath = oWsh.SpecialFolders(szlocation)

    Set objFileSys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    If objFileSys.fileexists(szlocation) Then
    MsgBox "shortcut exists"
    MsgBox "shortcut does not exist"
    End If

    ' Get the path where the shortcut will be located
    szShortcut = szDesktopPath & szBookName & szLinkExt
    ' If Not oWsh.(szShortcut) Then Exit Sub

    ' Make it happen
    Set oShortcut = oWsh.CreateShortcut(szShortcut)

    ' Link it to this file
    With oShortcut
    .TargetPath = szBookFullName
    .IconLocation = a & szIconName
    ' .IconLocation = szPath & szIconName
    End With

    ' Explicitly clear memory

    ' Let the user know it was created ok
    szMsg = "Shortcut was created successfully"
    szStyle = 0
    szTitle = "Success!"
    MsgBox szMsg, szStyle, szTitle

    Set oWsh = Nothing
    Set oShortcut = Nothing
    Set oargs = Nothing
    Exit Sub

    ' or if it wasn't
    szMsg = "Shortcut could not be created"
    szStyle = 48
    szTitle = "Error!"

    MsgBox szMsg, szStyle, szTitle
    End Sub
    thank you.

  2. #2
    this is what i came up with and seems to work.[VBA]
    '//check if shortcut exists
    Set objFileSys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    If objFileSys.fileexists(szShortcut) Then
    MsgBox "shortcut exists"
    MsgBox "shortcut does not exist"
    ' Make it happen
    Set oShortcut = oWsh.CreateShortcut(szShortcut)

    ' Link it to this file
    With oShortcut
    .TargetPath = szBookFullName
    .IconLocation = a & szIconName
    ' .IconLocation = szPath & szIconName
    End With

    End If[/VBA]

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