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Thread: Compile Error Variable not Defined

  1. #1
    VBAX Regular
    Apr 2009

    Compile Error Variable not Defined

    Hi there,

    I get a complie error, Variable not Defined.

    Ususallty this means thet one of my variables has not been declared.

    It seems to highlight nTsteps at the very point in the code where it is defined?

    very cofused??

    Sub SABRLMM()
    Dim fwds, correls, Bm, Cm, hParams, gParams, ffCorrels, vvCorrels, fvCorrels, exps, K, Beta As Variant
    Dim Fn As Object
    Dim nfwds, Nsims, numeraire, i, alpha, x As Integer
    Dim dt, t, temp, tau As Double
    Set Fn = Application.WorksheetFunction
    fwds = Range("fwds").Value
    nfwds = UBound(fwds)
    Dim mu() As Double
    ReDim mu(nfwds)
    Dim eta() As Double
    ReDim eta(nfwds)
    Dim s() As Double
    ReDim s(nfwds)
    Dim totFwds() As Double
    ReDim totFwds(nfwds)
    Dim Sumer() As Double
    ReDim Sumer(nfwds)
    Nsims = Range("Nsims").Value
    nTsteps = Range("nTsteps").Value
    Beta = Range("Beta").Value
    correls = Range("correls").Value
    nFactors = Range("correls").Columns.Count
    Bm = Range("Bm").Value
    Cm = Range("Cm").Value
    hParams = Range("hParams").Value
    gParams = Range("gParams").Value
    ffCorrels = Fn.MMult(Bm, Fn.Transpose(Bm))
    vvCorrels = Fn.MMult(Cm, Fn.Transpose(Cm))
    fvCorrels = Fn.MMult(Bm, Fn.Transpose(Cm))
    exps = Range("exps").Value
    dt = 1 / (nTsteps \ exps(nfwds, 1))
    correls = Range("correls").Value
    numeraire = Range("numeraire").Value
    K = Range("k").Value
    Dim strike As Double
    strike = 0.05601844
    For x = 1 To Nsims
        For i = 1 To nfwds
            totFwds(i) = fwds(i, 1)
        Next i
        For t = 0 To exps(nfwds, 1) Step dt
            For i = 1 To nfwds
                If i > numeraire Then
                    temp = 0
                        For alpha = numeraire + 1 To i
                            tau = exps(alpha, 1) - exps(alpha - 1, 1)
                            temp = temp + ffCorrels(i, alpha) * (fwds(alpha, 1) ^ Beta * g(exps(alpha, 1), t, gParams) * K(alpha, 1) * tau) / (1 + tau * fwds(alpha, 1) ^ Beta)
                     Next alpha
                    mu(i) = temp * (fwds(i, 1) ^ Beta * g(exps(i, 1), t, gParams) * K(i, 1))
                ElseIf i = numeraire Then
                        mu(numeraire) = 0
                ElseIf i < numeraire Then
                     temp = 0
                        For alpha = i + 1 To numeraire
                            tau = exps(alpha, 1) - exps(alpha - 1, 1)
                            temp = temp + ffCorrels(i, alpha) * (fwds(alpha, 1) ^ Beta * g(exps(alpha, 1), t, gParams) * K(alpha, 1) * tau) / (1 + tau * fwds(alpha, 1) ^ Beta)
                        Next alpha
                    mu(i) = temp * -(fwds(i, 1) ^ Beta * g(exps(i, 1), t, gParams) * K(i, 1))
                End If
            Next i
            For i = 1 To nfwds
                If i > numeraire Then
                    temp = 0
                        For alpha = numeraire + 1 To i
                            tau = exps(alpha, 1) - exps(alpha - 1, 1)
                            temp = temp + fvCorrels(i, alpha) * (fwds(alpha, 1) ^ Beta * g(exps(alpha, 1), t, gParams) * K(alpha, 1) * tau) / (1 + tau * fwds(alpha, 1) ^ Beta)
                        Next alpha
                    eta(i) = temp * h(exps(i, 1), t, hParams)
                ElseIf i = numeraire Then
                        eta(numeraire) = 0
                ElseIf i < numeraire Then
                temp = 0
                        For alpha = i + 1 To numeraire
                            tau = exps(alpha, 1) - exps(alpha - 1, 1)
                            temp = temp + fvCorrels(i, alpha) * (fwds(alpha, 1) ^ Beta * g(exps(alpha, 1), t, gParams) * K(alpha, 1) * tau) / (1 + tau * fwds(alpha, 1) ^ Beta)
                        Next alpha
                  eta(i) = -temp * h(exps(i, 1), t, hParams)
                End If
            Next i
            For i = 1 To nfwds
            If totFwds(i) <> 0 Then
                   s(i) = g(exps(i, 1), t, gParams) * K(i, 1)
                        For j = 1 To nFactors
                            difFwd = Sqr(dt) * correls(i, j) * Fn.NormInv(Rnd(), 0, 1)
                            difVvol = Sqr(dt) * correls(nfwds + i, j) * Fn.NormInv(Rnd(), 0, 1)
                        Next j
                    totFwds(i) = totFwds(i) + mu(i) * dt + totFwds(i) ^ Beta * s(i) * difFwd
                       If totFwds(i) <= 0 Then
                            totFwds(i) = 0
                        End If
                    K(i, 1) = K(i, 1) + eta(i) * dt + h(exps(i, 1), t, hParams) * difVvol
                End If
            Next i
    'mu = h(t, , t, a, b, c, d) *k(1,1)
            Next t
        For i = 1 To nfwds
            Sumer(i) = Sumer(i) + Fn.Max(totFwds(i) - strike, 0)
        Next i
    Next x
        For i = 1 To nfwds
            Sumer(i) = Sumer(i) / Nsims
        Next i
    End Sub

  2. #2
    Distinguished Lord of VBAX VBAX Grand Master Bob Phillips's Avatar
    Apr 2005
    I can't see it dim'ed anywhere in the code.
    Nihil simul inventum est et perfectum

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    Last night I dreamed of a small consolation enjoyed only by the blind: Nobody knows the trouble I've not seen!
    James Thurber

  3. #3
    VBAX Regular
    Apr 2009
    ah Ok found it!

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