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Thread: access 2007 update query using CASE

  1. #1

    access 2007 update query using CASE


    I tried writing an sql update query for Access 2007 using a case statement. This is the format

    UPDATE titles
           SET price =
                       WHEN (price < 5.0 AND ytd_sales > 999.99)
                                       THEN price * 1.25
                       WHEN (price < 5.0 AND ytd_sales < 1000.00)
                                       THEN price * 1.15
                       WHEN (price > 4.99 AND ytd_sales > 999.99)
                                       THEN price * 1.2
                       ELSE price
    But I found that access does not support such queries. What would be an alternate way to write the query in access to achieve what I want.


  2. #2
    Use iff

    UPDATE titles
    SET price = IIF (price < 5.0 AND ytd_sales > 999.99, price * 1.25, IIF(price < 5.0 AND ytd_sales < 1000.00, price * 1.15, IIF(price > 4.99 AND ytd_sales > 999.99, price * 1.2, price)))


  3. #3
    Ok will try this.

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