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Thread: transfer text with wildcard

  1. #1

    transfer text with wildcard

    I am attempting to execute a transfertext statement to import a file. The file contains a time stamp. Is there anyway to have a wildcard character as a part of the file name without it being recognized as a literal character?

    The file name would be in the form of:


    with the red portion being a time stamp.

    if i use this lines of code to set the file path:
    [vba]filename = "x:\frankford\refrec\DECO_RECON_" & newdate & "*.txt"
    where newdate is set to an inputbox prompting the user for a date i get:


    which needs to look like this:


    the problem is the red text will be different from day to day.

    Any thoughts on how to do this?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    VBAX Guru
    Mar 2005
    Can I suggest that you use a Browser to let them select the file?
    The problem with a wild card is that it would work with any file starting with
    so if there was more than one you would have a conflict as Access wouldn't be able to open more than one.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by OBP
    Can I suggest that you use a Browser to let them select the file?
    The problem with a wild card is that it would work with any file starting with
    so if there was more than one you would have a conflict as Access wouldn't be able to open more than one.
    alright perhaps I give a little more detail. this is a small application that reads in 2 text files to 2 tables that on joined on a field. It then runs and unmatched query to find the differences between the two tables. those results are then exported to a text file for import into a larger database.

    so in choosing the two files the dates will be different and will not repeat. i could use a file browser to do this but the install of office is running on a vista machine and i get an error reading "run-time error '429' ActiveX component can't create object". the debugger points to this line:

    [VBA]Set objdialog = CreateObject("UserAccounts.CommonDialog")[/VBA]

    so that error is the main reason why i didnt choose a file browser to do this. how can i resolve that error. I do not get this error if running this on an XP machine.

  4. #4
    VBAX Guru
    Mar 2005
    There are a couple of versions of Browsers, I use this one
    Function dbc_OpenFile(Optional strFile As Variant = Null, Optional strFilter As String = "All Files (*.*)", Optional strDir As String = "", Optional strTitle As String = "", Optional strButton As String = "")
    'Use to choose a file to open
    Dim FSI As FileSelInfo

    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
    With FSI
    .lngFlags = 0
    .strFilter = RTrim(strFilter) & vbNullChar
    .lngIndex = CInt("0")
    If Not IsNull(strFile) Then
    .strFile = RTrim(strFile) & vbNullChar
    End If
    .strTitle = RTrim(strTitle) & vbNullChar
    .strButton = RTrim(strButton) & vbNullChar
    .strDir = RTrim(strDir) & vbNullChar
    End With

    If GetFileInfo(FSI, True) = 0 Then dbc_OpenFile = dbc_TrimNull(FSI.strFile)
    GoTo Done

    MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Description & " (" & Err.Number & ")"
    End Function[/VBA]

  5. #5
    How can i rename this file:




    the 080006 portion of the path is a time stamp and will be different day to day.

  6. #6
    VBAX Guru
    Mar 2005
    Name Statement
    Name oldpathname As newpathname
    From the help file
    Name Statement Example@import url(office.css);
    Dim OldName, NewName
    OldName = "OLDFILE": NewName = "NEWFILE"
    ' Define file names.
    Name OldName As NewName
    ' Rename file.
    OldName = "C:\MYDIR\OLDFILE": NewName = "C:\YOURDIR\NEWFILE" Name OldName As NewName
    ' Move and rename file. [/vba]

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